
Showing posts from November, 2022

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 5)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Evening) The party gathers their gear and journeys with Idunn through the streets of Asgard, bound for the mead hall, Valhalla. As the sun sinks towards the far horizon, the weather shifts, becoming cooler, the wind carrying the crisp scent of autumn. Leaves, already having transitioned to their red and gold shades, blow past on the street, crackling and crinkling with every bounce they make along the golden streets. The people, the common folk of the city, not just the Æsir or the Vanir who rule over it, seem more relaxed, joyful, and high-spirited. The sounds of children playing can be heard for the first time since the party's arrival, no longer drowned out by the hammering of the smithy forges needed for the war effort against Loki's army. The biggest change is the music. It rings out over the city, from the common room of every home and tavern, from singers in the street, flutes, harps, bells, tagelharpa, and horns blend with lyrics evoking the s...

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 4)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Mid-morning thru late afternoon) Most of the day is spent in Idunn’s Grove. The group continues to eat and rest, trading stories of the events that transpired while they were apart . Cedron asks how Romulus was able to return from the dead, causing the archmage-druid to launch into  dissertation on magical cloning, the spells that can be used to accomplish the feat, and the benefits and drawbacks of each. Ra'ziir asks Romulus where he has been amd what he remembers from when last they met. The halfling pauses, thinking back and reveals that the last memory he has before waking up in this body is packing his gear for the journey to Mt. Uungau. Upon awakening, he sought out comrades who remained in the city. He, Cain Blackstone, and Stelothek were contracted by the city to investigate missing caravans. That led to a battle with trolls and another contract with Arthur's lawyer-turned-Overlord, Marr. The city's wererat population has blown up a grain...