
Showing posts from October, 2019

Guinea Pigs in D&D

Our home has recently become home to a Guinea Pig. He (at least we think it is a "he" - I respect his privacy too much to confirm this) is named Gimli (and Fred before that but my father-in-law and I both refer to it as "the Rat"). I walked past the Rat this morning as it was chewing on some hay and started thinking about ways to include the varmint in a game. This is the result... AD&D 2nd ed Climate/Terrain: Any Temperate to Subtropical Organization: as above Activity Cycle: Day (Crespucular) Diet: Herbivore Intelligence: Animal (1) Treasure: Nil No. Appearing: 1, 2, or 4-40 THAC0: 20 No. of Attacks: 1 Dmg/Att: 1 SA: Nil SD: Nil MR: Nil Size: T (8" long) Morale: Unreliable (2-4) Xp Value: 7 Guinea Pig (3.5e) CR: 1/8     Tiny Animal     HD: 1/4d8     Hp: 2 Init: +2     Spd: 15' AC: 14 (+2 size, +...


I have long known what a "Karen" is because of the abundant memes to be found on the internet but I have never seen one in action until tonight. My wife and I were at "Once Upon A Child" (a children's clothing store). We were waiting in the checkout line with three other sets of customers and a woman at the front counter was arguing with the cashier over the return/exchange of a pair of pants. After several minutes, this Karen demanded to speak with manager. The manager came over, listened to the Karen's complaint, politely informed her "Yes, these are a different price" (which turned out to be a difference of 41 cents), but sensing that Karen was too dense and/or belligerent to understand just said "don't worry about it", traded her the pants and sent the Karen on her way. The whole exchange ended up taking close to 20 minutes, during which time, the Karen simply refused to listen to anything the cashier had to say...

Crunchatize Me Captain!

Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch male Human Expert 12 CR: 11     Medium Humanoid (Human) HD: 12d6+12     Hp: 58 Init: +1 (+2 aboard ships)     Spd: 30' AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11; ff: 10 Attacks: (BAB +9/Grap +9); +9 Cutlass: 1d6 (19-20/x2) SA: - - SQ: Crunchatize, Skill Versatility Align: NG     Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +10 Str: 11, Dex: 12, Con: 13, Int: 16, Wis: 14, Cha: 14 Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common Skills: Balance +12 (additional +2 on ships, additional +5 on deck/in rigging of ships, additional +5 while wearing Coat ); Climb +10; Craft (Sailmaking) +12;  Diplomacy +12; Gaming (Chess) +10; Knowledge (Geography) +12; Profession (Sailor) +18 (additional+5 while wearing Coat ; can also use skill to predict weather); Spot +12; Survival +11; Swim +10; Tumble +1 (additional +2 on ships); Use Rope +12; Feats : Great Captain; Leadership; M...