Guinea Pigs in D&D
Our home has recently become home to a Guinea Pig. He (at least we think it is a "he" - I respect his privacy too much to confirm this) is named Gimli (and Fred before that but my father-in-law and I both refer to it as "the Rat"). I walked past the Rat this morning as it was chewing on some hay and started thinking about ways to include the varmint in a game. This is the result... AD&D 2nd ed Climate/Terrain: Any Temperate to Subtropical Organization: as above Activity Cycle: Day (Crespucular) Diet: Herbivore Intelligence: Animal (1) Treasure: Nil No. Appearing: 1, 2, or 4-40 THAC0: 20 No. of Attacks: 1 Dmg/Att: 1 SA: Nil SD: Nil MR: Nil Size: T (8" long) Morale: Unreliable (2-4) Xp Value: 7 Guinea Pig (3.5e) CR: 1/8 Tiny Animal HD: 1/4d8 Hp: 2 Init: +2 Spd: 15' AC: 14 (+2 size, +...