
Showing posts from January, 2020

Malazzarr's Temple in Lankhmar

While adventuring in Lankhmar , the party completed a job for the local Overlord and were granted possession of an abandoned temple dedicated to Tyaa , goddess of birds. Her worshipers had been driven from the city several years prior following a scandal and the building had stood vacant ever since. While most of the party was away tending to other matters, the group's primary wizard remained behind to prepare their new home for habitation. Note #1: At this point, the party's spellcasters were suffering from debilitating pain every time they tried using their magic. This was related to the creature that would serve as this portion of the campaign's Big Bad. Romulus rises early, knowing he has an important meeting to attend. He takes a carriage over to Marr’s office to review the paperwork transferring the abandoned temple of Tyaa from the City of Lankhmar to the party. With that completed, the halfling makes a trip back to the River District and then to the tem...

Mr. Peanut

After 104 years, Planters killed off Mr Peanut.  I am more bothered by this than I probably should be.  Maybe it's a nostalgia factor.  Maybe I can't help but think it's some kind of cheap ploy. I don't know.  I have given the matter some thought and have decided to turn the sentient legume into a D&D character (3.5e in keeping with my home campaign). Bartholomew Richard “Mr Peanut” Fitzgerald-Smythe Anthropomorphic Peanut Aristocrat 12 CR: 11 Medium Plant HD: 12d8 Hp: 52 Init: +0 Spd: 30' AC: 13 (+0 Dex, +3 Natural) Attacks: (BAB +9; Grap +8); +8/+3 Cane/Walking Stick: 1d6-1 or Trip (20/x2) SA: - - SQ: Class Abilities, Plant Traits Align: NG Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +8 Str: 8, Dex: 10, Con: 12, Int: 14, Wis: 13, Cha: 15 Skills: Diplomacy +17; Drive +3; Knowledge (Current Events) +19; Knowledge (History) +19; Perform (Acting) +19; Perform (Dancing) +12; Perform (Oratory) +9; Profession (Actor/Spokesperson) +13...


F amiliars are spirits that assist in all forms of magery, from research to potion brewing to spellcasting and the creation of powerfully enchanted items.   A familiar most commonly takes the form of an animal although experienced wizards can acquire more powerful creatures as servitors.   But, if you look at the Player’s Handbook, this is not what familars actually do and it has bothered me for a long time.   As presented, the familiar is a poor combatant (in 3e and 3.5e with a staggering number of hip points) that provides bonuses to non-magical skills, saving throws, or maybe some bonus health for its master.   With that in mind, I sat down and began working on something that I felt was a little more in keeping with the lore associated with the mythological version of the familiar. ”Familiar” is an acquired template that can be added to any Small or smaller Animal or Vermin with 1 HD or less (hereafter referred to as the base creature).   A familiar us...