Day Five of the Odinsleep (Bound for Loki's Tower)
Day Five of the Odinsleep (6 am, 1 hour until sunrise) Shadow breathes a sigh of relief when the Valkyrie stops him from plunging the dagger into his eye. "Great. I really like both of my eyes - not sure which is my favorite but I hope to keep both until I die." The drow then winks at her, first with his left and then his right eye. Grotto nearly vomits as he watches Shadow press the tip of the dagger against his eye. The terror bubbling up inside of him and the sudden relief as the cruel test comes to a merciful end leaves him feeling weak. Shame burns in the pit of his stomach with the sure knowledge that he himself could not bear another disfigurement. He fishes for his pipe and packs the bowl, lamenting, "I fail myself, I fail Hanseath. But you, you never fail me." He lights the bowl and inhales deeply. Gradually, the shame of his cowardice fades replaced once more by comfortable numbness and the scarred dwarf stumbles back to rejoin the party. ...