
Showing posts from February, 2020

Day Five of the Odinsleep (Bound for Loki's Tower)

Day Five of the Odinsleep (6 am, 1 hour until sunrise) Shadow breathes a sigh of relief when the Valkyrie stops him from plunging the dagger into his eye. "Great. I really like both of my eyes - not sure which is my favorite but I hope to keep both until I die." The drow then winks at her, first with his left and then his right eye. Grotto nearly vomits as he watches Shadow press the tip of the dagger against his eye. The terror bubbling up inside of him and the sudden relief as the cruel test comes to a merciful end leaves him feeling weak. Shame burns in the pit of his stomach with the sure knowledge that he himself could not bear another disfigurement. He fishes for his pipe and packs the bowl, lamenting, "I fail myself, I fail Hanseath. But you, you never fail me." He lights the bowl and inhales deeply. Gradually, the shame of his cowardice fades replaced once more by comfortable numbness and the scarred dwarf stumbles back to rejoin the party. ...

Turbo Teen - A Continuation

When I first converted Turbo Teen into a character for my campaign , I started wondering about the kind of adventures he would go. The type that most often came to mind were of the "Reluctant Hero crossed with The Fast and the Furious or Baby Driver" variety. Brett remains the central protagonist of the story with Pattie serving as his team's primary investigator, Alex being their Tech Guy, and Brett Jr being the audience stand-in who ends up on the receiving end of the exposition. Possible plot lines include the Return of Turbo's nemesis Dark Rider, Dark Rider (or Alex Jr) gaining powers similar to Brett's, and other adventures based on (or paying homage to) any movie centered around car chases or races. There are a couple of scenes that keep coming to mind: The first is the arrival at Alex's house after Brett, Pattie, and Brett Jr give their initial pursuers the slip. Bunch of wrecked Trans Ams along both sides of Alex's driveway, a cras...

Road Gator

Road Gators appear to be bits of Tire Treads that have separated from the tires on heavy trucks . These steel-reinforced pieces, which look like an alligator's back can the 8 to 10 feet long and weigh more than 70 lbs. Most often, these creatures can be found lurking on the shoulders of haunted or cursed highways . Road Gator CR: 4     Medium Construct     HD: 3d10 plus 20     Hp: 40 Init: +3    Spd: 20' (can't run) Def: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 Natural), t: 12, ff: 13 BAB +1/Grap +4); +3 Slam: 1d6+3 plus Improved Grab SA: Constrict, Improved Grab SQ: Construct traits, Darkvision 60', Immune to Bludgeoning and Piercing damage, Low-Light Vision AL: None     Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1 AP: 0     Rep +0 Str: 17, Dex 17, Con - -, Int - -, Wis: 12, Cha: 2 Skills: None Feats:  None Possessions: None (incidental tr...

Ship Templates

I was just starting a new chapter of my long-running campaign - a chapter that would mostly focus on maritime adventures. One of the characters owned a ship and the majority of his party would be the officers and some veteran characters from earlier portions of the campaign. Knowing that ship to ship combat and hand-to-hand fighting during boarding actions would play an important role in the game, I spent the afternoon laying on the floor with pencils, Sharpies, scissors, and poster board drawing deckplans for various ships. A Caravel - this was the primary type of vessel in the campaign. Foremost among them was the Blazing Cutlass with the Siren's Reach , Ethereal Blaze , and Wayfarer serving alongside the flagship. (Left to right: fore and aft cabins, main deck, passenger deck, cargo deck) The group eventually established a lumber camp on the Chultean Peninsula to support a shipyard they had built in Tethyr . They constructed massive barges to haul ...

Buzz Bee for D&D

Earth-218 is home to many unusual inhabitants . While the vast majority of the population is human , there are a number of outliers of different ancestral origins - most of whom find work in the advertising industry. Buzz's origins are shrouded in mystery but he has been a long-time employee of the General Mills Corporation. In addition to his role as a advertising mascot, he is also a spokesperson for Heart Health and environmental issues, moat notably in support of bee restoration to combat Colony Collapse Disorder. Buzz Bee  male Anthropomorphic Honeybee Commoner 1 CR: ¹/²    Fine Monstrous Humanoid HD: 1d4-1    Hp: 3 Init +2     Spd: 10', fly 30' (poor) AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 size), t: 20, ff: 18 Attacks: (BAB +0; Grap -21) ; +10 Honeydipper (treat as Fine Club): 1-5 (min damage 1)(20/×2) SA: - - SQ: Darkvision 60' Str: 1, Dex: 14, Con: 8, Int: 12, Wis: 10, Cha: 12 Align: LG...