Norman Babcock : Human male Child* CR: 1/2 Medium Humanoid (Human) HD: 1d4 Hp: 4 Init: +1 Spd: 30' AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10 Attacks: (BAB +0, Grap -1); -1 Unarmed Strike: 1d3-1 (nonlethal) SA: - - SQ: Spirit Sense Str: 8, Dex: 12, Con: 10, Int: 12, Wis: 13, Cha: 10 Align: NG Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1 Skills: Read/Write and Speak English; Diplomacy +2; Investigate +5; Knowledge (Local - Blithe Hollow, Massachusetts) +5; Knowledge (Popular Culture) +5; Listen +3, Sense Motive +5; Spot +3 Feats: None Gear: Casual Clothing, Backpack, Horror-themed movie posters and action figures Height: 4'8" Weight: 77 lbs. Hair: Brown (stands upright) Eyes: Blue Age: 11 * Children (newborns to age 11) are handled differently from other characters. They do not have classes or levels. They have no skills or feats. When a child...