
Showing posts from May, 2022

Day Five of the Odinsleep (Return to Valhalla)

Day Five of the Odinsleep (12:06 pm)  Ra’ziir nods to Raven, “I could never forget Longschnozz” for a moment Ra’ziir is transported back to a different place and time, but his reverue is brief given the company he finds himself in.  Sheathing Grumbar’s Razor, the Elf-emental slaps Drax on the back cordially, checking to make sure the assassin is whole and hale.  Drax takes a second to process everything. To him, he stabbed Loki and in the blink of an eye everyone has moved,  a new diety has arrived,  Raz is seemingly congratulating him, and yet Loki is still alive. Drax stays very still, nodding at Raz carefully but trying to figure out if this is yet another of Loki's tricks.  Raven asks what will happen to Loki now.  Ra’ziir finally turns to survey the rest of the scene, giving the ponies a reassuring glance. He then waits to hear what the deities have to say.  Thor produces a pair of manacles and claps them shut around Loki's wrists. The restra...

Things I Wish I'd Remembered Before Posting the End of the Fight with Loki

There were two things I wanted to be sure I included in the fight with Loki. I wrote them down so I wouldn't forget. I wrote them down in a notebook. But I wrote the post from my phone. So, I forgot. The first thing was that I knew Loki was going to turn someone to stone. But, as a nod to Discord Discord , I planned on having the draconequus help that victim avoid that fate so that character could then attack from an unexpected quarter. The second thing was that Hildr the Valkyrie was supposed to arrive a couple of rounds Before Thor. She has an ability (usable once per day) that confers great combat prowess upon its recipient by channeling the power of Odin. Bonuses to attack, damage, and so on for ten rounds. At the end of that time, the power causes the blessed warrior to "burn out", killing them and guaranteeing their place in Valhalla. The rest of the party would be able to intervene to prevent that part but I think it would have been pretty cool. 

A Horse By Any Other Name (Restoration)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB) / Day Five of the Odinsleep (12:06 pm)  The arrival of Thor and Hildr and the threat levied by the Thunder God are enough to make Loki back off.  Niklas, not entirely believing the sudden reversal of fortune, stares intently at the newcomers and at Loki, searching for out-of-place details that may indicate some sort of illusion or trickery.  Raven scowls, annoyed by the rescue but sheaths his swords and walks over to Drax. He looks at Ra’ziir and mutters, "Just like Algar back in the Sunless City after we defeated the Great Shaboath.  The bladesinger nods curtly before using one of his most potent spells to restore Drax to flesh and bone.   Shadow beams at the Valkyrie before turning to Spewer , "I think I am in love."  “By the gods…” Ced says in awe as a gasp of words escapes. The divinity is nearly overwhelming for man who has surrendered his life and devotion to a god. “The path of progress has...

DM Notes for "A Horse by Any Other Name"

"Perhaps the most powerful lesson I learned from comics was that if you kept a straight face, you could do anything. The wildest stories were possible if you invited the readers to come along on the journey without breaking faith with them. No nudges in the ribs or sly winks to let them know we were all in on the joke, that we were too hip for our own good. The essence of a good story is to bind the reader with a spell broken only at the story's conclusion and perhaps not even then."  - Walt Simonson  I think a good Dungeon Master should be able to write an adventure for any setting. While working on notes for the campaign, I learned that three of my players were "Bronies". I had heard some fairly derogatory things about that particular Fandom so I asked what the deal was and they walked me through the points of view on both sides and it got me thinking.  I ended up writing an adventure that's a...bit out there but I took it's crafting as seriously as I ...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 28 - Finale)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB) / Day Five of the Odinsleep (12:06 pm)  Raven looks around at everyone, "We jump him right after the he says 'begone' and thinks that he got rid of us." He shifts his footing to be better prepared to launch himself at the god. Cedron lays a hand upon the elf's shoulder, "“Oh, grand Purveyor of Progress, protect my friend from the evil we are soon to face.” An aura of energy settles around the fighter, one that will ward away evilly-empowered creatures and spells. Raven nods his thanks.  Cedron clears his throat, takes a breath, and works his way through a quick scale of notes in preparation of an inspirational song as he draws his harmonic blade from its sheath.  Hearing Raven’s plan, Nik steps out of direct line of attack and moves toward a flanking position before drawing his bow and waiting for the right time.  Grotto gets into range of all allies and enemies. "Oh great Hanseath, I pray to yo...