
Showing posts from September, 2019

Tommy Marks - Old West Avenger

After reading the post about the MCU being set in the Old West with Captain America as a US Marshall, Tony as a railroad tycoon and inventor, Black Widow as a Pinkerton Detective and so, I changed the names slightly and started working on this. I maintain no illusions about the world I am running the game in being a pure western since I am including plenty of fantasy, sci-fi , and horror so I am definitely going to be including this character in my Western Campaign . I spent a good hour searching the internet for images and found this version of Bumblebee from the " Transformers - Hearts of Steel " mini-series. This is more-or-less what I am picturing when I think of this character. Tommy Marks is a Pennsylvania native who traveled out west to make his fortune. He graduated with honors from Pennsylvania State University with degrees in Business and Engineering. He has made several innovations to railroad technology, particularly in the fields of metal...

Western Heroes Card Game

I found this at an Antique Shop while working today. The directions on the back of the box give me the impression that this game is basically "Go Fish" but you need four cards instead of two and different heroes have different point values. Included in the deck are: Annie Oakley (1 point) Calamity Jane (1 point) Wild Bill Hickok (1 point) Bat Masterson (2 points) Clay Hollister (2 points) Jim Bowie (2 points) Pat Garret (2 points) Kit Carson (3 points) Matt Wayne (3 points) Wyatt Earp (4 points) Buffalo Bill (5 points) The fact that both both female characters are each only worth one point is probably a sign of the times (game is from the 1950s) What bothered me was that I didn't recognize two of the name (Clay Hollister and Matt Wayne). I Googled - repeatedly and with a couple different variations on my search terms and have come to the conclusion that Clay was a fictional character and the ...

The Man With No Name (for Boot Hill)

The Man With No Name Bio: Nothing is known about this drifter before he arrived in the town of San Miguel. There are rumors that he had been a ranch hand who shot an older hand who turned out to be a wanted criminal. After collecting the reward, he left the ranch to become a bounty hunter. Spd: 96      Greased Lightning, +18 Spd Mod GAC: 96     Crack Shot , +18 Acc Mod TAC: 70*     Good, +7 Acc Mod Str: 76       Hardy , 16 hp BRA: 94    Fearless, +4 Spd Mod, +15 Acc Mod Exp: 00     12 Gunfights, +10 Acc Mod Age: 33 Height: 6'4" Weight: 182 lbs. Handedness: Right Weapon           BSP/BAC      Range            RF/RR FDR6       ...

🎶 🎶 He's a Were-House 🎶 🎶 (to the tune of "Brick House")

One of my players recently tagged me in this picture, more or less daring me to see what I could come up with. There are already other versions of this concept out there (I really like this one ). I know that larger versions of Mimics exist and I could convert them to whatever edition of the game we are playing but that would be cheating and doesn't fit the "spirit" of the post. This is what I came up with... Faizard Skitterbrook the Were-House CR: 3     Medium Humanoid (Human/Shapechanger) HD: 3d4    Hp: 8 Init: +1     Spd: 30' AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10 or 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Mage Armor spell) Attacks: (BAB+1/Grap +1) ; +1 Staff: 1d6 (20/x2) or +2 Light Crossbow: 1d8 (19-20/×2, 80') SA: Arcane Spells (CL3; DC12 + spell level; 4/3/2); Improvised Weapons SQ: Transformation Align: CN    Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4 Str: 11, Dex: 13, Con: 11, Int: 15, Wi...

Flyders - A Gamma World and D&D Monster

I came across this article the other night on a Gamma World Facebook page and have been thinking about how I would make these creatures in a game. For "normal-sized" Flyder bites (AD&D) Flyders are a magical crossbreed of a spider and a wasp. They escaped from their creator and quickly spread, driving out mundane version of its parent species. • If a Medium-sized creature receives a number of bites in a 24-hour period equal to or greater than his level and fail a saving throw vs. Poison, they suffer from the effects of a Type A poison (10-30 minute onset, damage 15/0). Small creatures need only be bitten a number of times equal to 3/4 of their level and large creatures can suffer a number of bites equal to 1.5 x their level. And for Gamma World... • As above but as an Intensity III Debilitative Poison. Flyders are a laboratory-created hybrid that combines the genetic traits of the Brown Recluse Spider and the European Hor...

"Oh No, Not Goblins!"

"Oh no! Not goblins," one of my players sarcastically exclaimed (possibly with eye-rolling) when his 12th level Fighter, accompanied by an 8th-ish level Evoker and 8th-ish level Ranger, stumbled across a pack of blue-skinned goblins in the Jungles of Chult. That was before the goblin began combat by stunning the Evoker and Ranger with a mind blast. As the fighter scrambled to protect his unconscious allies from the goblin warriors, the player began to regret the hasty conclusion that the little monsters wouldn't prove to be a challenge at all. (Credit to original artist, whoever they may be). Just goes to show that a Devious Dungeon Master can surprise even the most veteran players.

Hanzo "the Edo Kid" Suzuki

Hanzo "the Edo Kid" Suzuki - Wandering Japanese Swordsman Hanzo is a ronin who has traveled from Japan to America after the Samurai class was outlawed. He left home rather than surrender to the Meiji officials. He spent some time in San Francisco but disliked being mistaken for a Chinaman so he headed east into the American West to make a name for himself. In addition to his katana amd wakizashi, he carries a pair of Colt Revolvers and dresses in a combination of eastern and western attire. Spd: 65    Very Quick, +6 Spd Mod GAC: 84    Very Good, +10 Acc Mod TAC: 54    Fair, +5 Acc Mod Str: 70      Sturdy, 15 hp BRA:  95    Fearless, +4 Spd Mod, +15 Acc Mod Exp: 94    6 Gunfights, +2 Acc Mod Age: 23 Height: 5'6" Weight: 145 lbs. Handedness: Ambidextrous Weapon     BSP/BAC     Range             RF/RR DAR6    ...

🐦 Government Spy Drone Program (Birds Aren't Real) 🐦

On Earth-218 , S.H.I.E.L.D. has been exterminating birds and replacing them with highly sophisticated robots for decades . These robots are nearly indistinguishable from actual birds and are used to secretly conduct surveillance on the country's citizens. These drones are modelled after the most prevalent bird found in the area where they are to be deployed - most often pigeons in urban areas. Government Spy Drone (a.k.a. Pigeon-bot) CR: 1/2     Tiny Construct     HD: 1d10     Hp: 5 Init +2     Spd: 10', fly 40' (ave)     AC: 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex), t: 14, ff: 12 BAB +0/Grap -13; +4 Claws: 1d2-5 SA: - - SQ: Construct traits, Self-Destruct Align: N     Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2 Str: 1, Dex: 15, Con: - -, Int: - -, Wis: 14, Cha: 6 Skills: Disguise +8 (to appear as a normal bird), Listen +6, Spot...

The Goodfeathers

A pair of pigeons had built a nest for themselves on the ductwork above the back door at my new job. Something (or maybe someone) had dragged the nest out and destroyed the eggs within. The pigeons were understandably upset by this turn of events and took to divebombing passersby in an ultimately futile act of defiance and/or revenge. This reminded me of this dude I used to work with. He was Obsessed with pigeons...well, maybe not Obsessed but he certainly spent a lot of time talking about them and would, on occasion, wax philosophical about them and posit that perhaps pigeons were secretly super-intelligent and only pretend to be dumb to further whatever incomprehensible yet nefarious schemes they have in motion. And all of THAT got me to thinking about Bobby, Pesto, and Squit - the Goodfeathers and the topic of today's post. (Bobby, Squit, and Pesto; left to right) Pigeon (3.5e) Neutral Tiny Animal HD: 1/4d8 (1 hp) Spd: 10', fly 40...


RoboCop is yet another NPC that I am considering introducing into my campaign once the party makes it to Earth . While my version of Detroit may not be quite as dystopian as the version presented in the movies, it will still be a hotbed of criminal activity with Omni Consumer Products (OCP) serving the same role Roxxon Energy Corporation does on Earth-616. RoboCop (real name: Alex Murphy) Male Human Cyborg Expert 1/Warrior 6 CR: 9     Medium Humanoid HD: 1d8+7 plus 5d12+35     Hp: 80 Init: +1     Spd: 30' (can't run)     AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +12 Integrated Heavy Armor), t: 11, ff: 22; -6 ACP BAB +6/Grap +14; +9 Auto-9 Handgun: 2d6 (20/×2, 40', semi) or +7 Unarmed: 1d4+8 (nonlethal or lethal) SA: - - SQ: DR11 vs physical attacks, DR9 vs all non-mental attacks Align: LG    Saves: Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +5 Str: 26 (+8), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 24 (+7...