Day Five of the Odinsleep (He Has Us Surrounded!)
Day Five of the Odinsleep; (12:06 pm) Ra'ziir recoils in surprise at being hit by this Malekith. The bladesinger continues to hold Grumbar's Razor in one hand as he rapidly gesticulates with the fingers of the other, “Festinare” he whispers, pointing to each of his companions as his spell takes hold. Suddenly, he, Grotto, and Cedron are all imbued with great speed. He tightens his grip on his sword once more and bounds in, blade flashing. Once again, his aggressive action temporarily suppresses his spell. The Svartaelf takes full advantage to jab with his spear when the opportunity presents itself. The weapon pierces the bladesinger's magically hardened flesh as easily as tissue paper, punching through the lower right side of the abdomen and bursting clean through. Ra'ziir's smoking obsidian blade slashes back and forth, leaving a trail of ash that serves to obscure him from view. The sharpened volcanic stone hits and hits again before Malekith manages to ...