
Showing posts from 2022

Murder at the Manor

I found myself in a Walgreens the other day and while waiting in line for a prescription, I noticed a game on one of the end caps (actually, I noticed two but the other one will be a story for another day). I grabbed both, paid, and left. The one I want to tell you about is called "Murder at the Manor". It is, as its name implies, a murder mystery. Players split into two teams, red and blue. They shuffle and select the opposing team's cards that answer the who, with what, and where's that are needed to solve the case and put them in the answer envelope. The suspects have amusing pun names based on their listed occupations - Sarah Nader, a singer; Upton O. Goode, the dinner host; Dr. Yul B. Allwright, a doctor; Rhoda Camel, an explorer; and Sue Flay, a chef. Once the cards are selected, the rest are then (per the written instructions) HIDDEN the either in the HOUSE or the BACKYARD. ((This is where my only real contention with the game begins. Even if the teams are pl...

Odds and Ends (Part 2)

Mask of the Shadowling This minor magical item was inspired by the Shadows in the Forest board game. In the game, one player controls a lantern while the rest contol the Shadowlings. The lantern must locate the Shadowlings before they can all make it to a single hiding place. Any Shadowling caught in the light from the lantern becomes frozen amd their mask is removed. When a Shadowling is frozen, they may be unfrozen by another Shadowling. This white mask grants its wearer invisible and muffles the sound of their footsteps, rendering them silent as well. Exposure to any light brighter than or equal to a lantern draws the wearer into the mask itself and remain there until released by another creature wearing a Mask of the Shadowling. Moderate Illusion; CL9; Craft Wondrous Item; Control Sound, Greater Invisibility Control Sound Illusion (Figment) Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Trickery 2 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal or Touch Duration: 1 min/le...

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 5)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Evening) The party gathers their gear and journeys with Idunn through the streets of Asgard, bound for the mead hall, Valhalla. As the sun sinks towards the far horizon, the weather shifts, becoming cooler, the wind carrying the crisp scent of autumn. Leaves, already having transitioned to their red and gold shades, blow past on the street, crackling and crinkling with every bounce they make along the golden streets. The people, the common folk of the city, not just the Æsir or the Vanir who rule over it, seem more relaxed, joyful, and high-spirited. The sounds of children playing can be heard for the first time since the party's arrival, no longer drowned out by the hammering of the smithy forges needed for the war effort against Loki's army. The biggest change is the music. It rings out over the city, from the common room of every home and tavern, from singers in the street, flutes, harps, bells, tagelharpa, and horns blend with lyrics evoking the s...

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 4)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Mid-morning thru late afternoon) Most of the day is spent in Idunn’s Grove. The group continues to eat and rest, trading stories of the events that transpired while they were apart . Cedron asks how Romulus was able to return from the dead, causing the archmage-druid to launch into  dissertation on magical cloning, the spells that can be used to accomplish the feat, and the benefits and drawbacks of each. Ra'ziir asks Romulus where he has been amd what he remembers from when last they met. The halfling pauses, thinking back and reveals that the last memory he has before waking up in this body is packing his gear for the journey to Mt. Uungau. Upon awakening, he sought out comrades who remained in the city. He, Cain Blackstone, and Stelothek were contracted by the city to investigate missing caravans. That led to a battle with trolls and another contract with Arthur's lawyer-turned-Overlord, Marr. The city's wererat population has blown up a grain...

The Arboretum

I haven't even finished my current campaign and I am already putting ideas together for a sequel . Presented below is a ship I based on what my household blender would look like with wings.  Raven is the ship's intended captain  and pilot but really any party member who can be expected to survive another 300 years or so could fill the role. I am strongly considering a robotic engineer and a pair of Artificial Intelligences who serve as the Sensor and Communications operators respectively.  The Arboretum Type: Ultralight Size: Colossal Subtype: Scout Ship Tactical Speed: 3500' Defense: 7 Length: 80'; Wingspan:  75' Flat-footed: 2 Weight: 275,000 pounds Autopilot Def: 5 Targeting System Bonus: +3 Hardness: 30 Crew: 4 HD: 10d20 (200 hp) Passenger Capacity: 4 Initiative Modifier: +9 Cargo Capacity: 10,000 pounds Pilot Class Bonus: +0 Grap Modifier: +16 Pilot Dex Bonus: +5 Base Purchase ...

This is Halloween!

Not counting Groundhog's Day , Halloween is my favorite holiday. I have made quite a few Halloween-themed posts over the years and thought I would compile them in one place for DMs who might want to mine ideas for a Halloween-inspired session. • Bessie the Hellcow   •  Brain-Eating Geese • Breath-Stealing Cat • Bloody Mary  • Carrion Pigeon   • Curse of the Pumpkin People   • Dr. Strange and the Ghostbusters   • Ghostbusters Equipment   • The Great Pumpkin   • Head in a Freezer   • Jack-O-Lanterns • King Diamond's Abigail •  The Thing That Lives Under the Stairs and Eats Children 

Carrion Pigeon

What do you get if you cross a pigeon with a zombie? A Carrion Pigeon! Carrion Pigeon (3.5e) CR: ¼     Tiny Undead     HD: ½d12 (3 hp) Spd: 10', fly 40' (clumsy) AC: 13 (+2 size, +1 Dex), t: 13, ff: 12 Attacks : (BAB+0, Grap -12) ; +3 Claws: 1d2-4 or +3 Slam: 1d3-4 SA: Disease SQ: Darkvision 60', DR5/Slashing, Low-Light Vision, Single Action Only,  Undead Traits Align: NE     Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Str: 3, Dex: 13, Con: - -, Int: - -, Wis: 10, Cha: 1 Skills: - - Feats: Weapon Finesse (b) Environment: Any land (especially cities) Organization: Pair, Flight (2d4), Flock (5d10) • Disease (Ex): The rotting bodies of Carrion Pigeons are infested with a wide-range of bacteria that can cause diseases in the living. Any creature that comes into contact with a Carrion Pigeon must make a Fortitude save (DC11) to avoid contracting an illness of the DM's choice. - OR - Zombie Virus (Ex): A target injured by a Carrion Pi...

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 3)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Shortly after Sunrise) Ra’ziir perks up upon noticing Romulus… he puts his grimoire away and smiles as he makes his way toward the halfling. “It seems like a lifetime since we’ve seen you, old friend."  Raven embraces his returning comrades , stunned that Romulus has once again cheated death. The halfling smiles, "I've been back for a couple of months. It's... hard to deal with the fact that I was killed, otherwise this body wouldn't have awakened. I also don't know what happened in between its creation and its activation. And, I have been trying to replace literally everything I owned. Aaaaand, on top of all of that, I've been waiting around in Lankhmar for the next seed to be planted so the portal would activate, not knowing if any of you were still alive."  Before the portal can close, Romulus turns and whistles. At his call, a heavily muscled, spotted white cat that resembles a cross between a lynx and a leopard trots thr...

Grotto's Siblings

In the Grimmlands , most dwarves are carved from stone in sets of seven. Entire villages devote themselves to the creation of their next generation. As such, they are "born" fully grown and with an adult's knowledge of their history and chosen craft, whether it be smithing, masonry, tinkering, or brewing. Male and female dwarves can reproduce in the same manner as other races but this is uncommon as it is considered highly inefficient. Grotto's "batch" of dwarves, and their current fates are as follows: Candor (1 of 7), Candor was considered to be the bravest and most noble of the seven. He was killed by Delve during a goblin raid on their village. Delve (2 of 7), Delve was jealous of all of his brothers, vengeful and petty. He murdered Candor when goblins attacked their village. He served as Chief Executioner for Humpty Dumpty the Rotten King and Queen Cinderella. He was killed by Grotto in the battle at Jack and Jill's castle that restored Jack to th...

Cobblestone Courtyard

The seeds that Cedron plants on each world the party travels to quickly grow into full-sized trees native to the region they are passing through.   These trees can be used to open portals that lead to an inter-dimensional nexus between worlds.   This nexus appears to be a courtyard paved with cobblestones surrounded by fog.   Stone archways lead out of this area and into the worlds where the trees have been planted. The nexus is accessed by casting any spell from the Teleportation sub-school on the tree.   This causes a gate to appear that remains open for one round/spell level of the spell that was used.   Any number of people may pass through the portal and into the courtyard, which never seems to fill although, paradoxically, there is no room for any structures to be built within. Once inside the Courtyard, ongoing spell effects are suspended, although their durations continue to expire as normal.   Leaving the nexus allows the spell effects...

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 2)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Shortly after Sunrise) Grotto's eyes grow wide at the bounty laid before him. "Are these fruits born from your life-giving trees?" Idunn just smiles and motions for the scarred dwarf to approach the table. Grotto partakes in all the food and drink before him. Noticing the pitcher of cider seems ever full, he empties his mug many times! Grotto's strong tolerance to intoxicating substances help to keep him steady on his feet, or so thinks the dwarf. It is early in the day, the pipeweed and cider have his vision blurred and his tongue loose. Grotto, still in a celebratory victorious mood, stands before the group. "Let us meet the great All-Father! He has slept thru the best parts of the battles, not to mention the celebrations! We have to catch him up! Surely he will want to toast this great victory! Let's get him some lamb and cider!!" Grotto says looking at all. "After such a long sleep, he must be famished!" Idunn nod...

Jack in the Box

This image has led to me spending entirely too much time delving into the history of Jack in the Box and its mascot-related history. Jack in the Box is a popular chain of fast-food restaurants. Its founder, Jack returned to lead his company in 1995 after being ousted in 1980. Unlike McDonald's , Jack's restaurants exist solely in the physical plane. Jack I. Box: N Human male Charismatic Hero 5  CR: 5     Medium Humanoid (Human) HD: 5d6+5     Hp: 22 Init +1     Spd: 30' AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10 Attack: (BAB +2, Grap +2); +2 Unarmed Strike: 1d3 nonlethal Align: N     Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3 SA: Class Abilities SQ: Slow Aging, Starting Occupation Str: 11, Dex: 12, Con: 12, Int: 16, Wis: 10, Cha: 16 Skills: Computer Use +7, Craft (Writing) +9, Diplomacy +9, Gamble +6, Gather Information +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Business) +14, Knowledge (Civics) +12, Knowledge (Current Events) +...