
Showing posts from September, 2024

Obvious Octopus

I hereby present two versions of Obvious Octopus for use in your campaigns. The first was made using Steve Jackson's TOON and other is a d20 Modern version of the D&D 3.5e Toon race. Obvious Octopus Description: Obvious is a orange octopus with blue eyes. He normally uses four of his arms for walking and the other four to manipulate objects. Beliefs & Goals: Obvious is always hungry and his favorite food is hamburgers. He is outgoing, friendly, and loves being the center of attention. Hit Points: 9 ATTRIBUTE MUSCLE: 3 ZIP: 3 SMARTS: 4 CHUTZPAH: 4 SKILLS Fast Talk: +9 Hide/Spot Hidden: +9 Resist Fast Talk: +9 Sneak: +7 Swim: +7 SHTICKS: Quick Change/Disguise: +5 Quick Change/Disguise You can change nearly instantly into a convincing costume of just about anyone or anything — with a few limitations. You can change any aspect of your personal appearance, but not your basic size or weight. A canary could disguise itself as a parakeet, or a mouse, or per

Milton Sidney - d20 Modern NPC

Milton Sidney : Human male (late middle-age) Smart Ordinary 5/Charismatic Ordinary 5 CR: 9     Medium Humanoid (Human)     HD: 5d6-1 plus 5d6-1     Hp: 27     MAS: 8 Init: +1     Spd: 30'     Defense: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 class); t: 15, ff: 14 Attacks: (BAB +4, Grap +3) ; +3 Unarmed Strike: 1d3-1 nonlethal (20/×2) AL: Milton Sidney Studios (LN alignment) Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6 AP: 0     Rep +8     Wealth +25 Str: 9, Dex: 12, Con: 9, Int: 14, Wis: 15, Cha: 16 Occupation:  Creative  Skills: Computer Use +10, Craft (Electronics) +10, Craft (Visual Art) +17, Craft (Writing) +17, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (Art) +12, Knowledge (Business) +17, Knowledge (Civics) +12, Knowledge (History) +10, Knowledge (Technology) +10, Perform (Act) +8, Perform (Singing) +8, Profession (Graphic Artist) +15, Read/Write and Speak English Feats: Creative (Craft - Visual Art and Craft - Writing); Educated (Knowledge - Art and Knowledge - Business); Renown; Simple Weapons Proficiency; Windfall