
Weapon Kosher

I first discovered the Magic Pickle at my oldest son's school book fair years ago. I bought the book for myself and quickly picked up the rest of the series. Now my youngest son is obsessed with the character and the Pickle's books are, by far, his most requested bedtime stories. He can identify every character, especially the villains (the Egg Poacher is his favorite), and does a fake echo of "produce... produce... produce..." every time I read him the origin of the " BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL PRODUCE ." With the August release of Magic Pickle and the Roots of Doom by Scott Morse, I thought it was about time I finally got around to finishing the d20 version of the titular gherkin. Like all of the other superheroes appearing in my campaign , Weapon Kosher (his official government code name) exists on Earth-218 .  Weapon Kosher (a.k.a. Magic Pickle a.k.a MP) CR: 5     Diminutive Plant (Mutant) Class: Metahuman 3     HD: 3d8+6 (22 hp) Energy: 19 Init: +4 

Cattle Mutilations & Crop Circles

Bear with me for a moment. I'd like to run a game title past you just to get some feedback. Classic Tabletop Role-Playing Games, and fictional works referencing them often fall under the alliterative convention pioneered by Dungeons & Dragons. For example, Castles & Crusades, Bunnies & Burrows, Trolls & Tunnels, Mazes & Monsters, Houses & Humans, amd the list goes on and on appearing in everything from "Bob's Burgers" to "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" and "Borderlands 2". So.... what about "Cattle Mutilations & Crop Circles?" The characters are Martians or Wookies or whatever species E.T.'s race was and their goal is to carry out the aforementioned activities, abductions, probes, and so on while evading the government, UFOlogists, the staff of the National Enquirer, and other interested parties. (I think we all know what happens next - credit to original artist, whoever they may be) Update #1: This morning, one o

Obvious Octopus

I hereby present two versions of Obvious Octopus for use in your campaigns. The first was made using Steve Jackson's TOON and other is a d20 Modern version of the D&D 3.5e Toon race. Obvious Octopus Description: Obvious is a orange octopus with blue eyes. He normally uses four of his arms for walking and the other four to manipulate objects. Beliefs & Goals: Obvious is always hungry and his favorite food is hamburgers. He is outgoing, friendly, and loves being the center of attention. Hit Points: 9 ATTRIBUTE MUSCLE: 3 ZIP: 3 SMARTS: 4 CHUTZPAH: 4 SKILLS Fast Talk: +9 Hide/Spot Hidden: +9 Resist Fast Talk: +9 Sneak: +7 Swim: +7 SHTICKS: Quick Change/Disguise: +5 Quick Change/Disguise You can change nearly instantly into a convincing costume of just about anyone or anything — with a few limitations. You can change any aspect of your personal appearance, but not your basic size or weight. A canary could disguise itself as a parakeet, or a mouse, or per

Milton Sidney - d20 Modern NPC

Milton Sidney : Human male (late middle-age) Smart Ordinary 5/Charismatic Ordinary 5 CR: 9     Medium Humanoid (Human)     HD: 5d6-1 plus 5d6-1     Hp: 27     MAS: 8 Init: +1     Spd: 30'     Defense: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 class); t: 15, ff: 14 Attacks: (BAB +4, Grap +3) ; +3 Unarmed Strike: 1d3-1 nonlethal (20/×2) AL: Milton Sidney Studios (LN alignment) Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6 AP: 0     Rep +8     Wealth +25 Str: 9, Dex: 12, Con: 9, Int: 14, Wis: 15, Cha: 16 Occupation:  Creative  Skills: Computer Use +10, Craft (Electronics) +10, Craft (Visual Art) +17, Craft (Writing) +17, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (Art) +12, Knowledge (Business) +17, Knowledge (Civics) +12, Knowledge (History) +10, Knowledge (Technology) +10, Perform (Act) +8, Perform (Singing) +8, Profession (Graphic Artist) +15, Read/Write and Speak English Feats: Creative (Craft - Visual Art and Craft - Writing); Educated (Knowledge - Art and Knowledge - Business); Renown; Simple Weapons Proficiency; Windfall

A Playlist of D&D-inspired Songs

Sometimes, I will pop in my CD of these and sing along, waiting for ... I don't know, inspiration or at least a sense of escape. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, more but these are some of my go-to tracks. Enjoy! Never Split the Party - I always enjoy the El Dorado, Last Airbender, and Mummy clips... So many versions of this on YouTube, decided to go with the one from the album... My four year old son lives this. He obviously doesn't get the double entendre but he keeps asking for the "loud song". Grim but upbeat! No real commentary here but I like the clip from Dorkness Rising at the end. I feel the pain here... so many dead PCs over the years... Yeeaahhh!!! If you think your group doesn't have a "George", you may be him...

Gisaku Fujita - Ninja Chef

Gisaku Fujita Original Concept Drawing Job Title: Ninja Chef Qualities               Average [+0] Ninja Good [+2] Chef Good [+2] Karaoke Singer Good [+2] Food Safety Poor [-2] Money Mgmt Background: Gisaku Fujita is a chef, like Gisaku Fujita's father before Gisaku Fujita. Gisaku Fujita likes to sing and has terrible impulse control when it comes to spending money. Element: Fire Clan: Five-Fingered Foot Matter of Honor: Gisaku Fujita will always speak of Gisaku Fujita in the third person. Honor Score: 10 Gear Ninja Burger Uniform (bullet-resistant, fire-retardant, and stain resistant – includes ninja mask, tabi boots, and fingerless gloves) Pocket GPS (with screen that displays team member location) Wireless Headset (with built-in camera and microphone) Frying Pan, Spatula, Assorted Spices Gisaku Fujita : Human (male) Ninja 1 CR: 1     Medium Humanoid (Human)     HD: 1d6+1     Hp: 7 Init: +3     Spd: 30'     AC: 13 (+3 Dex, Ninja Burger Uniform*) Attacks: (BAB +0, Grap +0)

Ra'ziir's Test of High Sorcery - Day One

05 Hiddumont 348 AC (05 Elient 1342 DR) Menathradon   of House Magus arrives to take Shadow, Romulus, and Ra'ziir to their respective Tests of High Sorcery. Menathradon nods to Ra’ziir and motions for him to join Romulus and Shadow. He asks the group to join hands in a ring. A moment later, each individual member of the group finds themselves alone at the edge of a forest. The autumn air is damp and smells of rain. No leaves remain on the skeletal branches of the dead trees as they reach for the sky. A low fog curls around the adventurers' feet and boughs. The smell of decay is thick in the air, leaving a greasy feel inside of your noses and a foul taste in your mouths. Despite over a decade spent on the road, facing dangers of every sort, a chill runs down your spine and goosebumps rise along your arms. In the far distance, a pair of black towers, illuminated from within by a sickly blue light stands, looming over the treetops. A narrow, rutted road leads into the dark forest.