
Now Departing Silvanost

Lorraine's House of Healing   10 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR) Ra’ziir accepts the potion and tucks it into the folds of his robes “Very generous of you…” he offers before shifting then conversation back to Ladonna and the Order. “I am curious how the three Orders interact, and what, if anything specific motivates them. What can you tell me of the Order I’ve chosen and its leader that I did not learn at Wayreth?” The muscular, dark-haired elf replies, "Were I to come into conflict with a wizard from I rival Order out in the world, be we competing for some lost relic in a ruin or on opposite sides during a war, we would most likely try to kill each other. But on neutral ground, such as the Tower at Wayerth, I could find myself in a lively and perhaps productive debate. That same mage and I would likely at least be on good terms, if not friends. As for Ladonna, there are rumors that she and Par-Salian are on rather more intimate terms than their positions may otherwise suggest....

Silvanost - A Conversation with Feal-Thas

10 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR) Cedron leans in to the party members closest to him and whispers “I have the feeling we should follow him. I am not sure who he is exactly but there is something suspicious about that guy.” He looks to the wizards for a response. Ornforithalas and Alara both frown at the sight of Feal-Thas. The black-haired elf looks at our escort and asks, "What is a dark elf doing here?" The guard captain shakes his head, "I know not. Last I heard, he was still banished to the Icewall." Raven looks at the elf as he walks away. "What do you mean by 'dark elf'?" He motions to Shadow. "They exist on our world but he looks nothing like them." Agnes gasps, "Oh! Not like that! 'Dark' elf does not indicate race. It means an elf who has committed a terrible crime or who turned from the Gods of Light." Raven, still watching, asks, "What did he do, then? Alara shakes her head, "He murdered his lover....

Silvanost - Reunion

10 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR) The sun is barely above the horizon when Shadow, Ra’ziir, and Romulus return from their Tests of High Sorcery. Ra'ziir is missing several patches of skin, revealing crystalline muscle beneath. While the Bladesinger and Eldritch Knight bears the most obvious physical change, there is a difference in the bearing of all three mages. The rest of the party brings them up to speed on what Ornforitalas has told them about the war, the goblins, and the other enemies that have been sighted in the Silvanesti woods. Cedron says to the group, “Goblins are rarely smart enough to coordinate anything more complicated than opportunistic raids. I’m sure they will lead us to something or someone much more nefarious. I’d like to know a bit more about this pact.” He pauses to select his words carefully, “So that we honor King Lorac’s word, of course.” Arthurs asks Lady Agnes, "Yes, what is this pact in which they speak of?" The elven girl takes a moment, obv...

The Test of High Sorcery- Denouement

7th Day of Hiddumont 348 AC Evening falls upon the Wayerth Forest and the Tower of High Sorcery. Of the close to one hundred Aspirants who came to take their Test, only a dozen or so successfully completed their Trial. The three party mages, all newly minted members of the Order of High Sorcery, reunite in the Grand Hall of the Towers of Wayerth. Shadow's and Romulus's red robes are draped casually across the back of their seats. Ra’ziir's black robes seem to drink in the wane light of the hall and although conversation is lively amongst the other fledgling wizards, it feels muted and distant as if the Masters of the Order have chosen to elect a semblance of silence to allow quiet reflection on the events of the past few days. Romulus toys with a small gray mouse that runs about on the table, moving his hands back and forth to keep it from escaping. His spotted leopard, Macula, sits beside the chair, eyes following the rodent as it scurries around. The halfling motions to...

Yateveo - the Man-Eating Tree

The Yateveo, more commonly known as the Man- Eating Tree, is roughly the size of a willow tree, standing between 30' and 40' long. They attack using their long tendrils, either striking with branches or sending roots through the ground to strike at targets from below. These Man-Eating Trees migrate slowly throughout their domain, devouring small mammals, birds, lizards, and whatever humanoids wander within reach. Yateveo Tree CR: 8     Huge Plant      HD: 12d8+60 plus 6 (115 hp) Init: -4     Spd: 5'     AC: 24 (-4 Dex, -2 size, +20 Natural), t: 4, ff: 24 Attacks: (BAB +8; Grap +30) ; +16 8 Tendrils: 1d8+10 (19-20/×2) plus Improved Grab (15' reach) SA: Constrict, Improved Grab SQ: Plant Traits, Tremorsense 60' Align: N     Saves: Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +8 Str: 30, Dex: 2, Con: 20, Int: 2, Wis: 10, Cha: 6 Skills: Hide +5*, Move Silently +6 Feats: Improved Critica...

Cat Síth

     Cat Síth is a fairy in the form of a cat that is the size of a large dog. It is all black except for a patch of white in the center of its chest. It is said that it can steal the souls of the recently departed and has a fondness for music and riddles.      While it typically goes on all fours, if one is careful and quiet, they may be able to catch it standing on its hind legs, dancing and singing to itself. While malicious, it is rarely actively malevolent and a home that makes the proper signs of respect may find that its fields are blessed by the fey creature. Cat Síth CR: 4     Medium Fey     HD: 6d6+12 (33 Hp) Init: +4     Spd: 40', Climb 20' AC: 16 (+4 Dex, +2 Natural), t: 14, ff: 12 Attacks: (BAB +3; Grap +6) ; +7 2 Claws: 1d3+1 plus Improved Grab and +5 Bite: 1d6+3 SA: Improved Grab, Pounce, Soul-Stealer, Rake (1d3+1) SQ: DR5/Cold Iron, Evasion, Low-Light Vision, S...

Silvanost - Will There be a Goblin Hunt or Not?

09 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR) The ever brave and heroic Grotto is stymied by the beautiful elf's offered hand! Grotto knows no fear. He has in his life both sought death and cheated it! He looks to the sky and stands straight and tall. "Give me courage Hanseath!" He says to himself. His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy He lifts his hand towards Alara arm. "There are many stories such a fair elf should not be told" Grotto says slyly as he looks away. With that he walks with her to the others. Telling her stories of the worlds he has seen. Grotto forgets about the goblins the entire walk. Kysek listens to what Ornforitalas has to offer the party for information. He turns to the party in attendance, “Well; shall we go hunting? Perhaps we may succeed where others have failed?” Grotto, Knives, and Alara finally reach the clearing and hear the end of Ornforithalas' "briefing". The dwarf brightens instantly, ad Kysek’s recommendation falls...