Crunchatize Me Captain!

Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch
male Human Expert 12

CR: 11     Medium Humanoid (Human)
HD: 12d6+12     Hp: 58
Init: +1 (+2 aboard ships)     Spd: 30'
AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11; ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +9/Grap +9); +9 Cutlass: 1d6 (19-20/x2)
SA: - -
SQ: Crunchatize, Skill Versatility
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +10
Str: 11, Dex: 12, Con: 13, Int: 16, Wis: 14, Cha: 14
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common
Skills: Balance +12 (additional +2 on ships, additional +5 on deck/in rigging of ships, additional +5 while wearing Coat); Climb +10; Craft (Sailmaking) +12;  Diplomacy +12; Gaming (Chess) +10; Knowledge (Geography) +12; Profession (Sailor) +18 (additional+5 while wearing Coat; can also use skill to predict weather); Spot +12; Survival +11; Swim +10; Tumble +1 (additional +2 on ships); Use Rope +12;
Feats: Great Captain; Leadership; Martial Weapon Proficiency (Cutlass); Old Salt; Sailor's Balance; Sea Legs
Gear: Uniform (includes Magnificent Captain's Coat), Cutlass, S.S. Guppy (see below)

Height: 4'10"     Weight: 103 lbs.
Eyes: Blue     Hair: White
Appearance: Horatio Crunch is a short man in his early 60's. He has a thick white moustache but is bald beneath his bicorne hat. He always wears his full dress uniform.

Crunchatize (Su): The Captain's most powerful ability allows him to "crunchatize" up to five adolescent or younger humanoids. This causes the target creatures to first disintegrate into individual pieces of sweetened corn and oats cereal and then fly through the air to the Cap'n's ship where they are reconstituted. This transformation has a duration of 5 rounds but the Cap'n can dismiss the effect at will which reverses it completely and returns the targets to their starting position. It is unknown whether this is ability of the captain or his ship.

Leadership: Score 14; Cap'n Crunch's leadership abilities grant him a 10th level cohort, 15-1st level followers, and 1-2nd level follower. He currently has Seadog (a shaggy brown canine and capable sailor that walks around on his hind legs and plays the Concertina Accordion) and four children ranging in age from about 6 to 14 years old. These are Alfie the Tall, Carlyle the Small and Silent, Dave the Untidy, and Brunhilde the Girl.

Skill Versatility (Ex): Experts can choose any 10 skills to be their Class Skills. Cap'n Crunch's skills are Balance, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Geography), Profession, Spot, Survival, Use Rope, and Swim.

S.S. Guppy - this ship, which Horatio inherited from his father, Admiral Horatio Crunch Sr, can sail on land at speeds up to 45 mph. This leaves a 10' deep "V"-shaped trench of destruction in its wake. The Guppy is capable of this travel regardless of wind speed or direction. Additionally, Cap'n Crunch can operate the ship without any crewmembers as the vessel responds to his mental commands as long as he is aboard.

Incorporating the Captain in Your Campaign:

Cap'n Crunch's official history states that he was born March 11th, 1943 on Crunch Island in the Sea of Milk. His parents were killed during U.S. bombing in the Pacific but young Horatio was rescued by John F. Kennedy who saw to his education.

In my campaign, the Captain will be from a much earlier era, serving as an NPC for a Colonial Gothic-based chapter that will help fill in some backstory for my Western and its world.

Colonial Gothic stats

Might: 7, Nimble 8, Vigor 9, Reason 11, Resolution 10
Sanity 50, Vitality 40

Skills: Defend [+8], Melee [+8], Shoot [+9]*, Study - Astronomy [+11], Tactics [+12]*, Trade - Sailor [+9]
* bonus from Background (Military - Navy)

Gear: Naval Uniform, Cutlass (damage value 5, max 65, +1 bonus to Defend), S.S. Guppy

1. Horatio is friends with Ponce de Leon, having met him while the latter was searching for the Fountain of Youth.
2. He is being pursued by a woman named Magnolia "Maggy" Bulkhead who wishes to marry him.
3. One of his archnemesises is Jean LaFoote, a French pirate.
4. Horatio has inherited the S.S.Guppy from his father and is trying to unlock its rumored magical abilities.
5. He was born on Crunch Island, a magical land on the "Sea of Milk", home to strange and mysterious beasts like Chocle the Blog and the Crunchberry Beast.


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