Mr. Peanut

After 104 years, Planters killed off Mr Peanut.  I am more bothered by this than I probably should be.  Maybe it's a nostalgia factor.  Maybe I can't help but think it's some kind of cheap ploy. I don't know.  I have given the matter some thought and have decided to turn the sentient legume into a D&D character (3.5e in keeping with my home campaign).

Bartholomew Richard “Mr Peanut” Fitzgerald-Smythe

Anthropomorphic Peanut Aristocrat 12
CR: 11 Medium Plant HD: 12d8 Hp: 52
Init: +0 Spd: 30' AC: 13 (+0 Dex, +3 Natural)
Attacks: (BAB +9; Grap +8); +8/+3 Cane/Walking Stick: 1d6-1 or Trip (20/x2)
SA: - -
SQ: Class Abilities, Plant Traits
Align: NG Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +8
Str: 8, Dex: 10, Con: 12, Int: 14, Wis: 13, Cha: 15
Skills: Diplomacy +17; Drive +3; Knowledge (Current Events) +19; Knowledge (History) +19; Perform (Acting) +19; Perform (Dancing) +12; Perform (Oratory) +9; Profession (Actor/Spokesperson) +13
Feats: Combat Expertise; Creative (Perform – Acting and Perform – Oratory); Educated (Knowledge – Current Events and Knowledge – History ); Improved Trip; Personal Firearms Proficiency*;
Gear: Formal Attire (Black Top Hat, Monocle, White Gloves and Spats, Cane), Nutmobile (Converted 2014 Isuzu)

Appearance: Mr Peanut is an anthropomorphic legume. He is always clad in formal attire and never seen without his walking stick, top hat, or monocle.

Height: 5' Weight: 127 lbs.
Hair: None Eyes: Brown
Age: 104

Class Abilities: Proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons and with all types of armor and shields
Plant Traits: (Ex): Low-Light Vision; Immunity to Poison, Sleep Effects, paralysis, Polymorph, and Stunning; Not Subject to Critical Hits; Unlike other plants, Mr. Peanut is not immune to mind-affecting effects like Charms, Compulsions, Phantasms, Patterns, and morale effects

* Mr Peanut gained this ability back during the war.


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