
Showing posts from October, 2024

Weapon Kosher

I first discovered the Magic Pickle at my oldest son's school book fair years ago. I bought the book for myself and quickly picked up the rest of the series. Now my youngest son is obsessed with the character and the Pickle's books are, by far, his most requested bedtime stories. He can identify every character, especially the villains (the Egg Poacher is his favorite), and does a fake echo of "produce... produce... produce..." every time I read him the origin of the " BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL PRODUCE ." With the August release of Magic Pickle and the Roots of Doom by Scott Morse, I thought it was about time I finally got around to finishing the d20 version of the titular gherkin. Like all of the other superheroes appearing in my campaign , Weapon Kosher (his official government code name) exists on Earth-218 .  Weapon Kosher (a.k.a. Magic Pickle a.k.a MP) CR: 5     Diminutive Plant (Mutant) Class: Metahuman 3     HD: 3d8+6 (22 hp) Energy: 19 Init: +4 

Cattle Mutilations & Crop Circles

Bear with me for a moment. I'd like to run a game title past you just to get some feedback. Classic Tabletop Role-Playing Games, and fictional works referencing them often fall under the alliterative convention pioneered by Dungeons & Dragons. For example, Castles & Crusades, Bunnies & Burrows, Trolls & Tunnels, Mazes & Monsters, Houses & Humans, amd the list goes on and on appearing in everything from "Bob's Burgers" to "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" and "Borderlands 2". So.... what about "Cattle Mutilations & Crop Circles?" The characters are Martians or Wookies or whatever species E.T.'s race was and their goal is to carry out the aforementioned activities, abductions, probes, and so on while evading the government, UFOlogists, the staff of the National Enquirer, and other interested parties. (I think we all know what happens next - credit to original artist, whoever they may be) Update #1: This morning, one o