
Ünderland is located on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, straddling the Porcupine Mountains. It was the location of a battle fought between Colonel Venture and Nikola Tesla for control of a device known as the Orb in 1896. The entire area was scarred and left nearly barren so a wall was built around the ruined land with the losers trapped inside.

Following the arrest and subsequent exile of Baron Werner Ünderbheit, Girl Hitler, a former advisor and resistance, became the small nation's first democratically elected president.


Capital: Ünderland Castle
Population: Unrevealed, although due to its long-standing policy of forced euthanasia at age 38, the population is small, estimated to be around 29,000 people.
Government: former Dictatorship, currently Democracy led by Girl Hitler
Religion: No state sanctioned religions
Imports: Unrevealed but foodstuffs are likely given the sere, blasted landscape) 
Exports: Mined Ores (until recently gathered via slave labor)
Alignment: N, NE

Notable Residents: Baron Werner Ünderbheit (exiled), Girl Hitler, Cat-Clops, Manic 8-Ball, Manservant (deceased)

Cat-Clops and Girl Hitler 

Manic 8-Ball 

Source: Information concerning the location of Ünderland is based on this Reddit post.


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