Turbo Teen

"It was a stormy night when a bolt of lightning forced me off the road.  My car skidded into a government laboratory where a top secret experiment was underway.  I swerved into the path of Dr. Chase's Molecular Transfer Ray, causing me and my car to become one...the Incredible Turbo Teen!"

For the past few days I have been thinking off-and-on about this old cartoon from the 80's and, after a little bit of poking around on the internet for details that had escaped my memory over the course of the last 34 years, I put together what I feel is a fair representation of Turbo Teen. I am presenting him as closely as I can, adjusted for age in a version that may appear as an NPC in my campaign when the group finally makes it to Earth.

Turbo Teen (a.k.a. Brett Matthews) – circa 2012

CR: 5
Male middle-aged Human (Mutant) Metahuman 3

NG Medium Humanoid
Init: +2, Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English

AC: 13 (+3 Dex); t: 13, ff: 10
Hp: 22 (3HD)
Energy: 20
Immune: - -

Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3

Spd: 30’ (6 squares – also see below)

Melee +3 Unarmed: 1d3+1 nonlethalCombat Gear: None

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 11 
SA: Mutant Abilities
SQ: Mutant Abilities

Feats: Athletic (b), Drive-By Attack, Inner Strength (b), Skill Focus (Profession –Accountant)
Skills: Balance +9, Climb +2, Drive +5, Jump +7, Profession (Accountant) +5, Swim +2, Tumble +9

Possessions: Mortgaged home and 2 Used Sedans co-owned with his wife, Pattie

Height: 5’10”     Weight: 215 lbs.     Hair: Brown     Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Brett is a tall, 46 year old male with medium length brown hair interspersed with gray and broad shoulders.  He has gained some weight since high school but overall, is still fairly fit.

• Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); +4 bonus on their initial Energy scores, LA +1; Metahuman is preferred class for multiclass purposes
• Metahuman Class abilities: Proficient with Simple Weapons and Light Armor; Chosen Metahuman Class Skills (Balance, Jump, Tumble); 1 bonus Power or Metapower feats; 1 Power Enhancement


• Ultra Shapeshifting – Energy Cost: 3, Duration: Instantaneous; Brett is able to transform into a Red 1984 Pontiac Trans Am.  His clothing changes with him but carried items are dropped and left behind.  While transformed he is treated as an object (immune to any effect that requires a Fort save unless it affects objects, Hardness 10, most materials divide damage from electricity/fire by 2 and cold damage by 4 before Hardness is applied, immune to nonlethal damage and is not subject to critical hits; not affected by suffocation, drowning or inhaled gases).  Brett may use Balance, Jump, or Tumble checks instead of Drive checks to avoid hazards or perform special maneuvers while transformed allowing him to perform physically improbable feats such as holding onto the landing skid of a helicopter with his hood, driving on only one tire, or ramping from rooftop to rooftop without injury.
                Amplifier – Persistent Change; Brett remains in car-form until he decides to or is forced to change back into his human shape.  Changing forms restores hit points as if Brett had rested for a night (but does provide the benefits of resting, and changing back again does not heal him further). Additionally, food/water and fuel levels carry over from one form to another; e.g. Brett eats a large meal and then transforms into Turbo with a correspondingly full gas tank whereas Turbo transforms into Brett with an empty tank of gas, leaving Brett hungry.
                Reducer – One alternate shape only
                Reducer – Susceptible to temperature extremes; extreme heat (over 100 degrees F) can trigger the change into his car form (Will save DC14 to resist) and extreme cold (below 10 degrees F) can cause him to revert back to his human form.  Also, see weaknesses below.
                Amplifier – “Turbo Boost”; as Standard Hyperspeed with one round duration, Energy Cost: 1; Brett can double his speed while transformed into a car, doubling the maximum distance of his jumps and gaining a +2 Haste bonus to Initiative checks and +1 Haste bonus to Reflex saves. 
While transformed into a car, Brett has the following statistics:  Crew: 0, Pass: 4, Cargo: 200 lbs., Int: +1, Maneuver: +4, Top Speed: 275 (27), AC: 11 (-2 Size, +3 Dex)

• Susceptible to Temperature Extremes – this is partially psychosomatic as even small amounts of moderately hot/cold substances can cause the transformation to occur (e.g. squirt gun filled with water, contact with hot pizza).  A successful Will save (DCs as above) negates.


For the last 28 years, Brett has tried to leave his Turbo Teen days behind him.  He had attempted to go “full time” as a superhero after graduation but his friends, Pattie and Alex were badly injured during a high speed chase.  While both eventually recovered, Brett quit and never looked back.  He attended classes at the local community college with a major in accounting and took a job with a small local firm.  He married Pattie and they have a son, Brett Jr.  Neither Brett nor Pattie are particularly happy and both are secretly bored, longing for the excitement of the “good old days” when they were crime fighters.

Brett’s life suddenly changes when his firm takes on a new client.  While going over the books, Brett notices some financial irregularities and discovers that his company is laundering money for an organized crime operation.  Brett reports this to the senior partners who say they will take care of it.  They however, already knew about the laundering and were “on the take” as it were and decide to eliminate Brett before he can go the authorities.  A botched attempt will send Brett, Pattie, and their son running for Alex.  Fortunately for them, Alex went to work as an automotive engineer and has been working on a number of side projects in an effort to keep his own glory days alive.  These include custom airbags for Brett’s car-form and special “weapons” like an oil slick sprayer, smokescreen, and caltrops.  Brett takes up the mantle of hero once more and, no longer being a teenager, takes on the name "Turbo".


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