Alternate Rules for Spellcasters

In this article, I touch on a couple of tropes that have been applied to wizards in several series that I have enjoyed over the years and apply them to Dungeons and Dragons although they could easily adapted to fit any fantasy-themed campaign.  I touched on Familiars before but I thought I would share some other “House Rules” that I use in my campaigns.

These rules apply only to Primary Spellcasters (those who receive spells beginning at first level).  Secondary casters like Rangers and Paladins do not gain these abilities.

Great longevity is a trait that spellcasters in general and wizards in particular are known for.

GAME RULE: Beginning at 10th level in a Spellcasting Class, the spellcaster adds his caster level to his normal middle age, old and venerable age categories.  For example, a 10th level Druid would reach middle age at 45 years (instead of 35), old age at 63 years (instead of 53) and venerable at 80 instead of 70.  This ability doesn’t lower his current age category (for instance, a 38 year-old druid who achieves 10th level doesn’t revert to adulthood).  Beginning at 20th level, the spellcaster adds double his caster level to each age category.  This ability stacks with the epic feat Extended Lifespan.
Wizard Senses (a.k.a. "A Disturbance in the Force")
Spellcasters can sense when magic is used in their vicinity.  This ability is dependent on the amount of energy channeled and the skill of the magic user casting the spell.  Most wizards sense this channeling through hearing although some “sense” a mental pressure or a strange “taste” or scent in the air.  Ongoing effects and magical items cannot be detected in this way, just the active casting of a spell.  The caster’s level of control can make this disturbance harder to sense.
GAME RULE: The range a spell can be sensed at is equal to the level of the spell being cast multiplied by the caster’s level x 100’.  (Ex. A 1st level Wizard casting a 1st level spell creates a disturbance that can be sensed 100’ away.  A 20th level Druid casting a 9th level spell can be sensed up to 18,000’ away).
                This disturbance can be detected with a successful Wisdom check (DC10 + spell level – caster level).  Normal modifiers for Listen checks (excluding range) apply.
A power that all primary spellcasters can learn is The Sight, or the Third Eye. Using this power is one of the earmarks of wizardry. It allows a wizard to see the world as it truly is, on a magical and spiritual level, bypassing all veils and illusions and showing people and things as they truly are.  Anything that is witnessed under the Third Eye is remembered perfectly, forever, which leads to reluctance to employ it, as it is often called on in situations to reveal evil, horrible supernatural harm, and the like, and the weight of such memories can cause significant mental stress over time.
GAME RULE: New Feat:
Third Eye [General]

You can see the world as it truly is.

Prerequisites: At least one level in Spellcasting class, Wis 13, Will save +7

Benefit: You can see through illusions and magical disguises. You can see the spirits that inhabit the world around you and retain a perfect memory of them for all time.  This can be very hazardous if used on any innately magical being (dragons, fey, elementals, outsider).  A Will save (DC10 + ½ the subject’s HD) must be made or you suffer 2d6 Wisdom damage.  If used against a creature with the Evil subtype, a second saving throw must be attempted 24 hours after the first saving throw is attempted or half of this loss is permanent.
Another ability that all spellcasters share is the soulgaze, a meeting of the eyes that transforms into a highly personalized and revealing look at the other person's psyche and soul, and one of the reasons why people instinctively don't look deep into another's eyes. It is an immediate way to identify someone or something flawlessly.
GAME RULE: New Feat:

Soulgaze [General]

You can through a person’s eyes into their soul, the truest reflections of person's heart.

Prerequisites: At least one level in an Arcane Spellcasting class (Cleric, Druid, Wizard), Wis 13

Benefit: By meeting and holding the gaze of a sentient creature who has a soul (not animals, constructs, elementals, fey, non-sentient magical beasts, oozes, outsiders, plants, undead or vermin), you receive a metaphorical vision of the subject’s true nature.  In exchange, they can see your true nature as well.  This reveals one-half of their alignment and a glimpse into major events that shaped their life.  A Soulgaze can only be done once in a lifetime with any creature.


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