Elasmosaurus Bay Lumberyard and Training Facility - Chult

Located on the Chultean Peninsula, the Elasmosaurus Bay Lumberyard was originally established to provide building materials for the Banshee’s Point Lighthouse. By the end if the first expedition, it was decided that the complex would also serve as an ideal location for a Marine Training Camp and Facility Construction School much in the same manner that the Baldur's Gate Facility was used to train crew and officers for Gregor's growing fleet of ships.

The Seafarer's Marine Training Camp, based in Chult, provides instruction in the arts of sea-based warfare on a practical level.  Use of weapons and armor, physical training, techniques used in boarding and repelling boarders, use of artillery and shipboard life are key topics.

The Facility Construction School teaches its students how to build a wide variety of land-based structures, from simple homes to bridges to piers and towers.  Students learn to work with a variety of material used in normal construction processes.  Many students who graduate from the program become direct hires of the company.

All structures are made of wood (except for the steel rails the crane rides on).  The perimeter walls are 20' high, the ballistae towers rise to a height of 30' and all other structures are about 12' tall (except for the guest lodging, which is a two-story structure).

Perimeter Walls: Wood 6" thick; Hardness 5; Hp: 120, Break DC 28

Exterier Walls (Buildings): Wood 6" thick; Hardness: 5; Hp: 50; Break DC25
Interior Walls (Buildings): Wood 3" thick; Hardness: 5; Hp: 30; Break DC 23
Strong Wooden Doors: Hardness: 5; Hp: 20; Break DC23

1. Dock: The dock provides mooring for up to two of Gregor's sailing ships at once.  The planking forms a 10' wide walkway with ground tackle (mooring cleats and bollards) spaced roughly 20' apart.

2. Swimming Area: A specially designed section of dock encloses an area that has been made safe for swimming lessons.  Fine mesh nets hang along the inside of the area to keep piranhas and other small carnivorous fish out.

3. Crane System: A pair of steel rails bolted to the ground provides a track for the crane to ride upon.  The track runs north to south along the length of the dock.  The design for the crane and its railway system is the same utilized at the Velen Peninsula Lighthouse.  The boom of the crane has a maximum reach of 30', a cable length of 450' and can lift or lower a maximum of 10,000 lbs.

4. Crane/Rope Shop: The rope and crane shop is located at the southern end of the crane's steel rails.  This building is used to store cargo handling equipment and spare mooring lines for the ships that moor here.  Extra equipment stored within the building is used to keep cargo barges in good working order.

5. Staging Area/Training Yard: A large area near the center of the compound has been kept clear.  The school uses the area as a training field for hand-to-hand combat and training with missile weapons.  This training field also serves as a staging area for cargo going on or coming off of the ships berthed here.

6. Storage: The galley storeroom is a 20' x 20' chamber that contains dried meats, flour for making hard biscuits, fruits and vegetables, and replacement cookware and flatware.

7. Classroom: This classroom is used to provide instruction to the students enrolled in both the marine and construction programs.  Small desks and chairs fill the south end of the room.  The east wall contains a blackboard that is used to illustrate the procedures being discussed.  The door located in the north wall leads out onto the grounds of the compound between the baracks, boiler room, and metalworking shop.

8. Boiler Room: The boiler room provides drinking water for the compound and cooling water for the forge next door.  Two buried pipes pass beneath the crane tracks and dock into the enclosed harbor beyond.  The door to this 20' x 20' building is reinforced and secured with a high quality lock to prevent tampering with the equipment inside.

9. Metalworking Shop: The metalworking ship is equipped with everything a smith might need to perform a wide variety of daily tasks.  An anvil, bellows, coal bin, hammers and chisels, molds, and water buckets line the walls, ready for use.  The students in the facility construction school learn about the physical properties of the metals they will work with (tensile strength, flexibility, ductility, magnetic, etc) and put their knowledge to work here, crafting simple items for use within the compound or aboard ships and repairing damaged weapons and armor.

10. Woodworking Shop: This shop is equipped with lathes, drills, sanders, awls, and other woodworking tools.  The students in the facility construction school who have chosen to focus on carpentry work here from sunrise to sundown.  The heat, humidity, and insects that infest the Chultean Peninsula drastically shorten the lifespan of any wooden object and the fast decay rate means the woodworkers are are constantly putting their skills to use.

11. Mess Hall: The galley and mess hall share a building located near the center of the compound.  Three doors lead into the mess decks, one on each side of the building except the west.  Meals are served at the same times as they are at the Baldur's Gate Training Facility, from 0600-0700 (Morningfeast), 1100-1230 (Highsun meal), 1530-1630 (Eveningfeast) and 2330-0030 (Midnight rations a.k.a Mid-Rats).

The galley has a baking oven, a large fireplace, several tables and cabinets and a wide variety of pots and pans.  Tables for food preparation, cupboards for storign flatware and eating utensils line the walls.  A deep sink is located near the southeast corner of the room.  Fare is identical to that served aboard ships at sea (supplemented by local game) and Mid-Rats consists of the day's leftovers that are reheated by one of the assistant cooks.  Long tables run lengthwise with the mess decks.  The northeast corner of the room is taken up by the scullery where three members of th vocational school wash dishes, pots, and pans in preparation for the next meal.

12. Barracks: 1 30' wide x 60' long open bay barracks runs from west to east within the compound.  There is a jake located on both sides of this barracks, both complete with bathing facilities.  Bunk beds, stacked only two high, line the outer walls of the open bay.  Lockers, placed at the foot of each bed provide a place for students to keep their personal belongings.  Long tables and benches run along the centerline of the building.  This dormitory is used by the students enrolled in the compound's two training programs.

13. Office/Lodging: This two story building is the tallest in the camp, excluding the watchtowers. A full 20' x 30', the first floor serves as living quarters and the office for the commander of this installation.

a. Commander's Quarters: Located at the south end of the building, the commander's living quarters are 10' wide x 15' long.  Furnished with a bed, small table and a locker for clothing, this is the only private room in the compound.  A dressing mirror hangs on the wall next to the door leading into the jake.

b. The jake is a 5' wide x 10' long closet with nothing in the way of amenities.  The jake itself and a wooden tub comprise the most important of the facilities within.

c. Storage: This closet is heavily reinforced (Iron Door: Hardness: 10, Hp: 60; Break DC28) and locked (Open Lock DC35).  In times of emergency, it can serve as a brig but more commonly it sees use as a liquor locker.

d. Office: The office is located at the north end of the building, right at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the second floor.  A pair of filing cabinets stand in the southwest corner of the room and contain students' records, galley inventories, and orders for the lumberyard.  A desk sits in front of the filing cabinets with a battered, but comfortable, chair.  Two smaller chairs sit on the other side of the desk.

e. Uniform Locker: The uniform locker holds a great number of spare uniforms for the students in the two training programs.  While two full working and one dress uniform are issued upon enrollment (cost included in tuition), replacement uniforms must be paid for (1 cp/working pants, shirt or sash, 1 sp/dress pants or shirt, 2 sp/dress jacket).

f. Linen Closer: This closet contains fresh linens and cleaning gear for the guest quarters on this floor.

g thru i. Guest Quarters: Each of the three rooms set aside for use as guest quarters is furnished with a canopy bed (complete with mosquito net), a pair of nightstands, a small writing desk and chest-of-drawers.

14. Armory: A cache of weapons is stored here to include longswords, cutlasses, daggers, crossbows, and literally hundreds of crossbow bolts.  Spare suits of leather armor are kept here as well.

15. Herb Drying Shop/Medical: Nonmagical healing herbs, bandages, purified water, and bowls for mixing poultices are stored in a large cabinet against the north wall.  Four single beds line the walls of this chamber for patients with more serious injuries.  The room is also set aside for growing of small plants that have medicinal uses as either painkillers or anti-inflammatory medicines.  Herbs that find their way into the compound's meals are also grown here.

16. Ballista Towers: The first floor of the two inland towers has a doorway that opens onto the compound's inner courtyard.  A stairway is located against the wall to the right hand side of the door and leads up to the second floor.

The river towers are accessed by catwalks that run along the length of the perimeter wall and have no "first" floor.  The ballista bolts the compound uses in siege defense are stored here on large racks, three per tower.  These tacks are each 15' long and run the length of the towers' walls (excluding the stairway's wall).  Each rack can hold 45 of the spear-like missiles.

The turntables that are used to rotate the ballista are located on this level of the watertower.  A bin of spare parts is stored against the wall (varies per tower).  Two doorways open out from this level of the tower to provide access tot he archers' galleries.  Crenellations run the length of the gallery and provide cover to defenders against attacks.  A final stairway leads up to the towers' roof and the ballista mounted there.  Each ballista is mounted on a turntable (180 degrees of rotation) and rests atop a pivot (45 degree tilt up or down).  

17. Perimeter Wall: The perimeter wall is 30' tall and made of sharpened wooden poles driven deeply into the ground.  Even the section of the wall that extends into the water reach to the bottom of the river.  A catwalk runs along the interior of the wall from the dock to the second level of the two watchtowers standing in the river.  The catwalk is about 5' above the surface of the water and 5' lower than the top of the wall.

18. Sliding Gates: These gates are the normal means of accessing the compound.  There is one gate that opens into the river and another that opens onto land.  The gates can be locked from the inside to bar entry into the camp.

19. Barge Refurbishment: Located just tot he north of the camp is an area of flattened ground where the lumberyard's massive cargo barges can be dragged from the river for repair as needed.


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