Shar's Comforting Embrace

This is a new drug I created for my campaign. An agent of the House of Hidden Darkness had infiltrated the party shortly after the group fought off a pirate raid in the city streets.  I wanted a sympathetic villain so the NPC in question had been a happily married boatwright with a loving husband and son who had died tragically. In an effort to forget, she turned to Shar's clergy for help and soon found herself addicted to the Comforting Embrace.

Shar’s Comforting Embrace

Description: This bitter draught is made from a secret blend of herbs known only to high-ranking members of Shar’s clergy. It is often given to lay worshipers who seek to dull painful memories.

Type: Ingested DC10

Initial Effect: -2 to Int and Wis for the next 2d4 hours

Secondary Effect: User gains a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves to resist pain and may take normal actions even if disabled or dying.

Price: 50 gp/dose

Side Effects: User cannot make use of any Knowledge skills while under the effects of the drug.

Overdose: If additional doses are taken before the first has worn off causes a permanent loss of 1d2 points of Int (Fort DC10 +2/additional dose negates).

Addiction: Medium


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