Morningmist Hall - Dagger Falls, Daggerdale

Morningmist Hall is a temple dedicated to the worship of Lathander. Built by adventurers from Raven Keep on the site of a previous temple dedicated to the Morninglord in Dagger Falls, Morningmist Hall is a large domed building made of pink marble. The base of the building forms a circle 280’ across. Four smaller alcoves extend outward 40’ from the base. These alcoves serve as living quarters or meditation chambers for the clergy. The front of the building faces east, the direction of the rising sun.

There are about twenty lay worshippers of Lathander in Dagger Falls but this number is climbing due to Morningmist Hall being the only center of worship in the city.
The exterior walls of Morningmist Hall are 5’ thick, ceilings are of the alcoves are 20’ high, the grand walkway’s ceiling is 25’ high, and the remainder of the temple’s roof rises into a dome that reaches 50’ into the air. All interior spaces are lit by Continual Faerie Fire spells.

Normal Exterior Walls: Hewn Stone: 5’ thick: Hardness: 8, Hp: 900; Burst DC50; Climb DC20
Strong Wooden Doors: Hardwood: 10” thick: Hardness: 5, Hp: 100; Burst DC23
Interior Walls: Masonry Stone: 1’ thick: Hardness: 8; Hp: 90; Burst DC35

1. Statue: A 10’ tall statue of Brannen Morningmist stands 30’ in front of the steps that lead into the temple. The statue shows Brannen clad in his dragonscale armor holding aloft a sword standing triumphant over the slain body of a red dragon.

2. Grand Walkway: The grand walkway forms a 30’ wide ring that encircles the interior of the temple. Numerous doors open into various chambers located throughout the temple’s interior. A pair of double doors are located at the easternmost point of the ring and provide access to the interior of the building with a second set of double doors located on the inner wall leading into the chapel itself. A bronze plaque (reproduced below) embedded in the wall next to the chapel doors lists the name of people who donated funds that led to the construction of the temple. The plaque also dedicates the temple to the memory of slain paladin Brannen Morningmist.

Dedicated in Memory to Our Honored Comrade-in-Arms
Brannen Morningmist, Wyrmslayer in service to Lathander
Nightal 1, 1337 DR - Ches 21, 1359 DR

The Dawn is a little dimmer without you.”

Funds for the construction of this temple donated by
Raven Straightbow                                 Legolas Elbereth
Romulus Bramblefoot                          Algar Longschnozz
Maurith Slindearyl                                 S’nietha Windleaf
Kysek Creepingshadow                         Tina Morningmist

3. Chapel: The chapel obviously serves as the center of day-to-day life in Morningmist Hall. The top of the domed ceiling rises 50’ above the floor of this massive cathedral. The center of the chapel hall’s west wall is dominated by a huge tapestry that shows a scene of a rising sun over a mountain stream. A secret door (Search DC20) is concealed behind the tapestry. A low stage fills the floor in front of the tapestry. A low altar stands in the center of the stage. The altar is made of pink marble like the rest of the temple and is rumored to have magical powers. The stage and its steps are carpeted as follows: stage (yellow), top step (pink), bottom step (red) and a 10’ wide x 15’ long rug has been laid at the bottom of the steps. The rug is white with a pink circle that represents the holy symbol of Lathander. A total of 15 pews are arranged in three rows of five. Six additional pews flank the center of stage at the west end of the chamber.

4. Meditation Chamber: This 40’ x 40’ chamber is located in the northeast alcove of the temple. Completely unfurnished, it is a large open room where the clergy or lay worshippers of the deity can come to sit, think or pray undisturbed by others. It has become customary to not speak aloud when in this chamber. The floor is covered with several inches of gravel, which can be smoothed or arranged, into patterns similar to the fabled rock gardens of Kara-Tur.

5. Fountain Chamber: The original temple of Lathander on this site was once known for its pure bubbling fountain, used by families throughout the town for drinking and cooking. When Morningmist Hall was built, Algar labored for many long hours to restore the original fountain. The basin in the center of the room runs with fresh water again, a testament to the gnome’s prowess.

A Nixie named Mara is the guardian of the fountain and the pool that feeds it. A secret tunnel is located beneath the fountain chamber. Carved pillars stand in each corner of this room. Each pillar is engraved with images of creatures that have come to drink at a still pool in a forest clearing. The westernmost pillar is a representation of Mara and her hidden pool beneath the temple.

“Shaking hands” with the carved nixie causes a secret trapdoor (Search DC30) in the floor to open revealing the pool chamber beneath. (Mara’s pool is detailed in the Forgotten Realms adventure “Doom of Daggerdale” pg. 23.)

Lady Mara: Nixie
CR: 1 Small Fey HD: 1d6 Hp: 3
Init: +7 Spd: 20’, swim 30’ AC: 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex); touch: 14; flat-footed: 11
Attacks: +4 Dagger: 1d4-2 (19-20/x2, 10’) or +4 Light Crossbow: 1d8 (19-20/x2, 80’)
SA: Waterbreathing; Charm Person
SQ: SR16
Align: N Saves: Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +5
Str: 7 (-2) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 11 Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 13 (+1) Cha: 18 (+4)
Skills: Animal Empathy +7; Bluff +8; Craft (Weaving) +5; Escape Artist +6; Handle Animal +8; Hide +10*; Listen +7; Perform (Dance, Melody, Singing) +7; Search +3; Sense Motive +5; Spot +7
Feats: Dodge; Improved Initiative; Weapon Finesse (Dagger)

  • Charm Person (Sp): 3/day, as spell cast by a Sor 4 (Will save DC15) or be charmed for 24 hours.
  • Waterbreathing (Sp): 1/day; use the Waterbreathing spell as a Sor 6 (usually on people they have charmed).
  • Skills: *A Nixie receives a +5 racial bonus to Hide checks when in water.

6. High Dawnlord’s Chambers: High Dawnlord Thomas Edward Redshaw is a fit, middle-aged man whose light brown hair is graying at the temples is a dependable, serious fellow with excellent administrative abilities but little practical field experience. The Dawnlord oversees the temple’s day-to-day activities and ceremonial functions; supervises and instructs the Dawngreeters.

His chambers are located in the southwestern alcove of the temple. His room is opulently furnished as befits the senior member of a wealthy church. A large, canopied bed with a stuffed feather mattress is located in the southernmost corner of the room. The bed linens are made of pastel yellow, red, and white silk. An imported teak dresser stands to the right of the bed. The floor is carpeted in the same colors as the bed linens. A writing desk stands in the center of the wall opposite the dresser. A pair of comfortable leather chairs stand in the center of the room with a small end table located between them. The Dawnlord stores potions manufactured by the clergy in a locked chest (Open Lock DC30) at the foot of his bed.

7. Dawngreeters’ Quarters: The three under priests of the temple share these austere quarters. Three single beds line the southwestern wall. A long oak table surrounded by six matching chairs stands near the northwestern wall. Small chests that contain the priests’ personal gear stand at the foot of each bed.

8. Library: Many of the temple’s books were purchased from Malice Wyrmshadow when the invoker returned from a successful adventure in the Vilhon Reach. The books cover various topics, from romantic fiction to historical accounts of the elves that once lived in the surrounding woodlands. Genealogical records abound and can be used to trace the family trees of many of Dagger Falls’ citizens, as well as important figures in the surrounding dales. The chamber also contains hundreds of tomes on the history and societies of Cormyr, the Dalelands and Sembia. Maps, brass models of the movement of the universe hang from the walls and ceiling.

9. Order of the Aster’s Quarters: This chamber is set aside for use by members of the knightly order the church of Lathander sponsors. Members of this order protect temples and shrines, serve to lead large military groups levied as needed to serve the church, and roam the land seeking to do good in Lathander’s name and promote his worship. Morningmist Hall does not maintain a standing force due to the costs incurred by housing and feeding such soldiers (and the protection offered by the Freedom Riders of Dagger Falls, nearby Raven Keep, and Wyrmshadow Company). However, the temple often serves as a way stop for units of the Order as they patrol the Dalelands. As such, there are several cots set aside for use by the traveling knights. Up to 25 knights can comfortably share these quarters. The room itself is otherwise bare.

10. Arts & Crafts Shop: One of Lathander’s areas of influence is creativity. As such, this room has been established for his followers to use to express themselves through various mediums. Painting supplies to include paints, canvas, and easels; pottery clay, stone and woodworking tools are stored here. The very best works (usually woven baskets) are sold in the local market to generate revenue for the temple.

11. Kitchen/Mess Hall: Each of the Dawngreeters takes turns preparing meals for the rest of the temple clergy. The kitchen area is small but opens up to provide room for a decent sized dining room table that can seat up to 12 people. The kitchen has a large fireplace that fills all but five feet of the northeast wall. Tables for food preparation, cupboards for storing flatware and eating utensils line the walls. A deep sink is located in near the southeast corner of the room.

12. Sacristy: High Dawnlord Redshaw and the Dawngreeters keep their sun robes and other religious items used during ceremonies of worship to Lathander in this chamber.

13. Confessional: The high priest of the temple, High Dawnlord Redshaw sits in this partitioned chamber on the first day of every tenday. This is where the local lay worshippers of the god of the dawn come to confess their sins and receive penance for their transgressions. More commonly, they come to seek advice at the beginning of a new endeavor or encouragement in their daily lives. The Dawnlord dispenses advice to his faithful with their best interests in mind as he seeks to guide them on a path to self-fulfillment.

14. Administration Office: This room is where the business transactions of the church are conducted. Offerings are accounted for, social events are planned, and other mundane tasks are tended to. Official correspondence with other temples dedicated to Lathander is penned here. Additionally, Dawngreeter Asher has been working on a journal regarding the strange events that have transpired of late around the ruins of the High Constable’s tower.

15. High Dawnlord’s Office: The High Dawnlord greets important guests within this office. It adjoins with the chapel, the administrative office and the confessional. Thomas rarely performs any actual work in this chamber as he prefers the solitude of the meditation chamber or his personal quarters, finding the office cramped and uncomfortable. Still, the room is furnished as many other offices throughout the realms and has desk and chair (the desk contains parchment, ink wells, quills, sealing wax, etc.), a cabinet for important papers, and a small coat rack for hanging the traveling cloaks of visitors.

The Clergy of Morningmist Hall

1. High Dawnlord Thomas Edward Redshaw; NG Human male Cleric of Lathander 8 - A fit, middle-aged man whose light brown hair is graying at the temples is a dependable, serious fellow with excellent administrative abilities but little practical field experience.
Duties - Oversees the temple’s day-to-day activities and ceremonial functions; supervises and instructs the Dawngreeters

2. Dawngreeter James Asher; CG Human male Cleric of Lathander 4 - Rail thin and wiry, this man is exceptionally fidgety and has the habit of chewing the nails of his left hand when nervous. Very excitable and friendly always has time to share a joke or story and is extremely popular with the younger members of the church.
Duties - Currently assigned as the temple’s Library Custodian

3. Dawngreeter David of Lathander; LG Human male Cleric of Lathander 3 - Tall, athletic, handsome enough to be a Sunite; an accomplished singer and musician who can often be found in the Red Rock Tavern entertaining the masses.
Duties - Currently assigned as Temple Artisan

4. Dawngreeter Christopher Coats; NG Human male Cleric of Lathander 2 - Tall and gangly youth, has hair that stands out straight in all directions; is fairly outgoing but tends to be shy around women his own age; is enamored of Melanie but avoids her as much as possible because he’s afraid of embarrassing himself. Has more field experience than David, but his current preoccupation with Melanie is slowing his climb in the church.
Duties - Currently assigned as the Order of the Aster liaison, assists as Temple Artisan

All Dawngreeters are responsible for the cleanliness of the Temple, appearance of its grounds, take turns preparing meals, doing the laundry, etc. Assigned duties rotate on a quarterly basis to spread experience and knowledge of the various facets of the Temple’s operation.


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