Puss 'N Boots (a.k.a. The Cat with the Fiddle)

I would like to take a moment to let everyone know that I haven’t been spending my days sitting around and making game stats for Disney movie characters.  The last several posts have been for NPCs the party encountered (or were supposed to encounter) during their time in the world of Grimm.

The adventurers in my current campaign first met Puss 'N Boots (a.k.a. The Cat with the Fiddle) when they were on their way to the farm where they had planned to get the Cow (Who Jumped Over the Moon) to give them a lift to that Heavenly Body so they could speak with the Man in the Moon in an attempt to gain information they needed so they could escape the demiplane of the Grimmlands.  Puss had stolen the Cow because he wanted fresh cream for his breakfast everyday but the group managed to convince him to agree to a hostage exchange (the Cow for a party member).  This was one of the few meetings that didn't end in death for the NPC.   

Puss 'N Boots (a.k.a. The Cat with the Fiddle)
Male Upright Cat Rogue 8/Duelist 8
N Tiny Animal
Init: +7, Senses: Listen +17, Spot +17; Low-Light Vision, Scent
Languages: Read/Write Common
AC: 22 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 Canny Defense; Bracers of Armor +4; Ring of Protection +3); t: 22; ff: 22 (never flat-footed, cannot be flanked by Rogue of less than 12th level; does not include +2 discretionary points from Defending Rapier)
Hp: 79 (16HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +4, Ref +17, Will +5

Spd: 30’ (6 squares), 40’ (8 squares) w/ boots
Melee +19 Claws: 1d2-4 (20/x2)
Melee +19/+14/+9 Tiny Defending Rapier: 1d3-4 (18-20/x2; does not include +2 discretionary points)

Combat Gear: Tiny Defending Rapier +2, Boots of Striding and Springing, Bracers of Armor +4, Ring of Protection +3
Str 3, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
SA: Acrobatic Charge, Precise Strike +1d6, Sneak Attack +4d6
SQ: Canny Defense; Elaborate Parry; Enhanced Mobility; Evasion; Grace; Improved Reaction +4; Improved Uncanny Dodge; Low-Light Vision; Scent; Trap Sense +2; Trapfinding; Uncanny Dodge; Fairy Tale Immortality

Feats: Combat Expertise; Dodge; Improved Disarm; Improved Feint; Mobility; Weapon Finesse

Skills: Balance +25, Bluff +14, Climb +19, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +4 to act in character, Hide +27 (additional +4 in areas of tall grass), Intimidate +4, Jump +29 (additional +5 w/ Boots), Listen +17, Move Silently +19, Perform (Stringed Instruments) +18, Sleight of Hand +5, Spot +17, Tumble +21

Possessions: Tiny Defending Rapier +2; Boots of Striding and Springing; Bracers of Armor +4; Ring of Protection +3; Feathered Hat (treat as Bag of Holding Type II); Fiddle of the Wandering Minstrel; Silver Snuff Box of Catnip

Height: 2’6”     Weight: 15 lbs.     Hair: Gray and Black Fur     Eyes: Green
Appearance: A gray and black tabby cat stands before you.  He is roughly 2-½’ tall and wearing a short red cape, red boots, and a red hat with a large feather in it.  Leather wristbands cover his forearms and he holds a slender rapier in his right hand.  A violin case is slung over his back.

• Fairy Tale Immortality (Su): As a well-known fairy tale creature, Puss N’ Boots is functionally immortal and does not age; If reduced to fewer than zero hit points, he is still rendered unconscious but continues to heal at his normal rate until reaching at least 1 hp, at which point he awakens and may act normally.
• Upright Animal (Ex): Puss N’ Boots front legs are functional arms with opposable thumbs, allowing him to manipulate objects and wield weapons.  He also has the ability to use human speech.
• Skills: Cats have a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Jump checks.  They use their Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for Climb and Jump checks. 
Fiddle of the Wandering Minstrel – 1/day, can cast Levitate (Leviosa) and Magic Circle Against Evil (Patronum Radium); by playing the proper chord, can cast the following spells 1/day each: Expeditious Retreat (A Major), Haste (D Major), and Phantom Steed (G Major)


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