Minor Grimmlands Characters

Hansel and Gretel are the proprietors of the Gingerbread Inn.  They pretend to be the children of the owners whenever travelers stop in search of lodging for the night.  Hansel takes care of guests upon arrival, conducts repairs to the inn and serves as the general handyman.  Gretel takes care of the cooking and cleaning (and dismembering the bodies as needed).

Male Gluttonous Human Expert 3
NE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init: +1, Senses: Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common
AC: 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural); t: 11, ff: 11
Hp: 16 (3HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3

Spd: 25’ (5 squares)
Melee +3 Club: 1d6+1
Melee +3 Bite: 1d4+1 plus Improved Grab (bite takes a-5 penalty to hit if used in same round as a weapon)
Combat Gear: Club

Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
SA: Bite, Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
SQ: Ravenous Appetite, Fairy Tale Immortality

Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack (Bite); Skill Focus (Profession – Innkeeper) (b)
Skills: Appraise +5 (additional +2 w/ manufactured wooden items), Climb +7, Craft (Carpentry +8, Diplomacy +7, Gather Information -1 (additional +2 in Grimmlands), Profession (Innkeeper) +9, Ride -2, Sense Motive +6, Swim +4, Tumble -2

Possessions: Combat Gear Artisan's Clothing; Black Leather Tool Belt; Assorted Carpentry Tools (hammers, saws, chisels, lathes, etc)

Height: 4’6”     Weight: 90 lbs.     Hair: Brown    Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Hansel, despite being decades old, still appears to be a young lad of 12 or 13 years.  He favors simple clothing and often wears a hat to cover his thinning hair.

• Bite (Ex): A Glutton gains a bite attack.  If the bite is used to attack in the same round as a weapon, its takes a -5 penalty to the attack roll and receives no bonus to damage from Strength
• Fairy Tale Immortality (Su): As a well-known fairy tale creature, Hansel is functionally immortal and does not age; If reduced to fewer than zero hit points, he is still rendered unconscious but continues to heal at his normal rate until reaching at least 1 hp, at which point he awakens and may act normally.
• Ravenous Appetite: As if some strange magic has come over the character, the character continues to grow with each meal. At every meal, he must make a Will save (DC 25) or be compelled to continue to eat until no food is left. After 100 failures, the character gains the glutton template and retains this trait. Unlike other Gluttons, neither Hansel nor Gretel show any signs of weight gain from their compulsive eating.
• Improved Grab (Ex): If the glutton hits with its bite attack, it deals normal damage and can start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.  If the opponent is two sizes categories smaller than the glutton, the glutton can attempt to Swallow its opponent whole with another successful Grapple check.
• Swallow Whole (Ex): A gluttonous creature that begins its turn with an opponent held in its mouth or pinned in a Grapple can attempt to swallow the opponent.  If it succeeds, it swallows its prey and the victim takes bite damage.  The opponent can be up to two size categories smaller than the glutton.  A swallowed creature is considered to be grappled but the glutton is not.  A swallowed creature can attempt to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon (stomach AC11, 4hp) If the swallowed creature escapes, muscular action closes the opening and other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.  A swallowed creature takes 1d6+1 damage plus 4 acid damage per round spent in the glutton's stomach.  Hansel's stomach can hold 1 Tiny or 4 Diminutive or smaller creatures at once.
• Skills: A glutton takes a -4 penalty on all Dex-based skill checks.  Hansel's Chosen Class Skills are: Appraise, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Jump, Knowledge (Local), Profession, Sense Motive and Swim.


Female Gluttonous Human Expert 3
NE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init: +1, Senses: Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common
AC: 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural); t: 11, ff: 11
Hp: 15 (3HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
Spd: 25’ (5 squares)
Melee +3 Meat Cleaver: 1d4+1
Melee +3 Bite: 1d4+1 plus Improved Grab (bite takes a-5 penalty to hit if used in same round as a weapon)
Combat Gear: Meat Cleaver

Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8

SA: Bite, Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
SQ: Ravenous Appetite, Fairy Tale Immortality
 Feats: Improved Grapple, Iron Will; Skill Focus (Profession – Herbalist) (b)
Skills: Appraise +5 (additional +2 w/ food), Climb +7, Craft (Cooking) +8, Diplomacy +7, Gather Information -1 (additional +2 in Grimmlands), Handle Animal +5, Jump +7, Knowledge (Local – the Grimmlands) +8, Profession (Herbalist) +9, Ride -2, Sense Motive +6, Tumble -2

Possessions: Combat Gear plus Artisan's Clothing, Herbalist's Kit
Height: 4’5”     Weight: 85 lbs.     Hair: Golden Brown    Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Hansel, despite being decades old, still appears to be a young girl of 12 or 13 years.  She favors simple clothing and often wears a hat to cover his thinning hair.  Her face and hands are tanned from being outside on herb gathering jaunts.  Her sleeves and hands are often spattered with blood as a result of butchering animals (and the occasional guest of her inn) during meal preparation.

• Bite (Ex): A Glutton gains a bite attack.  If the bite is used to attack in the same round as a weapon, its takes a -5 penalty to the attack roll and receives no bonus to damage from Strength
• Fairy Tale Immortality (Su): As a well-known fairy tale creature, Gretel is functionally immortal and does not age; If reduced to fewer than zero hit points, she is still rendered unconscious but continues to heal at her normal rate until reaching at least 1 hp, at which point she awakens and may act normally.
• Ravenous Appetite: As if some strange magic has come over the character, the character continues to grow with each meal. At every meal, he must make a Will save (DC 25) or be compelled to continue to eat until no food is left. After 100 failures, the character gains the glutton template and retains this trait. Unlike other Gluttons, neither Hansel nor Gretel show any signs of weight gain from their compulsive eating.
• Improved Grab (Ex): If the glutton hits with its bite attack, it deals normal damage and can start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.  If the opponent is two sizes categories smaller than the glutton, the glutton can attempt to Swallow its opponent whole with another successful Grapple check.

• Swallow Whole (Ex): A gluttonous creature that begins its turn with an opponent held in its mouth or pinned in a Grapple can attempt to swallow the opponent.  If it succeeds, it swallows its prey and the victim takes bite damage.  The opponent can be up to two size categories smaller than the glutton.  A swallowed creature is considered to be grappled but the glutton is not.  A swallowed creature can attempt to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon (stomach AC11, 4hp) If the swallowed creature escapes, muscular action closes the opening and other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.  A swallowed creature takes 1d6+1 damage plus 4 acid damage per round spent in the glutton's stomach.  Gretel's stomach can hold 1 Tiny or 4 Diminutive or smaller creatures at once.
• Skills: A glutton takes a -4 penalty on all Dex-based skill checks.  Gretel's Chosen Class Skills are: Appraise, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Jump, Knowledge (Local), Profession, Sense Motive and Swim.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Male Human Bard 17
NE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init: +7, Senses: Listen +7, Spot +1
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common
AC: 21 (Bracers of Armor +5; Ring of Protection 3; +3 Dex); t: 21; ff: 18
Hp: 99 (17HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +15 (includes bonus from Cloak)

Spd: 30’ (6 squares)
Melee +18/+13/+8 Exterminator: 1d4+3
Melee +14/+9/+4 Flute Sword: 1d8+2
Combat Gear: Bracers of Armor +5, Ring of Protection +2, Exterminator, Flute Sword, Cloak of Resistance +4

Str 10, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 18 (20 w/ Ioun Stone)

SA: Arcane Spells
SQ: Bardic Knowledge +21, Bardic Music, Fairy Tale Immortality

Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perform – Wind Instruments) (b), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse
Skills: Appraise (+2 w/ musical compositions), Balance +10, Bluff +15, Craft (Musical Composition) +12, Diplomacy +11, Gather Information +12 (additional +2 in Grimmlands), Hide +10, Knowledge (History) +22, Knowledge (Local – Grimmlands) +22, Listen +7, Move Silently +10, Perform (Singing) +25, Perform (Stringed Instruments) +25, Perform (Wind Instruments) +28 (additional +5 w/ Flute Sword), Profession (Rat Catcher) +11, Spellcraft +14

Possessions: Combat Gear plus Entertainer's Outfit, Ring of Deceit, Amulet of Languages (as Tongues spell – continuous while worn), Boots of Levitation, Backpack, Bedroll, Writing Journal, Inkpen and 4 vials of Black Ink, Spell Component Pouch, Small Metal Mirror, Signal Whistle, Whetstone, Wineskin, 3 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, Wand of Heightened Charm Person (CL5, 26 chg), Pearl of the Sirines, Horn of Blasting, Pink and Green Sphere Ioun Stone (+2 bonus to Cha); Pouch with 855 gp, 8 sp, 5 cp

Height: 6’2”     Weight: 186 lbs.     Hair: White     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: The Pied Piper is a tall pale man with long thinning hair.  He dresses in a multicolored coat made of bright cloth, an archer's hat with a peacock feather in it.  He wears fingerless gloves and carries a flute that shines like sterling silver.

• Fairy Tale Immortality (Su): As a well-known fairy tale creature, the Pied Piper is functionally immortal and does not age; If reduced to fewer than zero hit points, he is still rendered unconscious but continues to heal at his normal rate until reaching at least 1 hp, at which point he awakens and may act normally.
• Exterminator (Dagger +3)
                Bane vs. Rodents and Vermin; able to operate normally in webs as if under the effects of a Freedom of Movement spell and can walk along webs as if they were solid ground; wielder gains a +3 resistance bonus vs. poison
• Flute Sword
                provides a +5 bonus to Perform (Wind Instrument), if the word “Allegro” is spoken, two blades slide out from the side of the flute and become a longsword with the flute as a hilt, the word “Adagio” causes the sword to revert to its flute form; when twirled and spun by a bard not engaging in combat, the musical notes generated act as an Enthrall spell (CL8) – if used by any other class, pleasing music is created but no magical effect is generated.
• Arcane Spells Known: 0th: Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Read Magic; 1st: Cause Fear, Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Sleep, Undetectable Alignment; 2nd: Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Hold Person, Silence, Sound Burst; 3rd: Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Glibness, Lesser Geas; 4th: Dominate Person, Greater Invisibility, Hold Monster, Shout; 5th: Mind Fog, Song of Discord, Mass Suggestion; 6th: Geas/Quest, Mass Charm Monster, Otto's Irresistible Dance


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