Raven Keep - The Border Forest, Dalelands

Raven Keep was the name of the fortress my players' adventuring party established in the Border Forest on the edge of Dalelands, just north of Daggerdale.  It served as their home and base of operations for the first several years of their adventuring careers.  They eventually tore down the original keep and built a new, larger keep on the site of the original one.  The keep was eventually abandoned although the party's priests and wizards warded it heavily before departing as individual members of the group had departed over the years in pursuit of their own interests.

The party has finished building its expanded fortress on the site of the original Raven Keep. The main intent of the new keep’s construction was to achieve a more effective use of space while retaining the “feel” of the original structure.

The new keep is surrounded by a hexagonal wall anchored on four points by watchtowers that are identical in purpose to the keep’s original towers. The remaining two towers are similar in exterior design to each other and stand at the east and west points of the wall. The Guild of the Griffon has based their new guildhouse in one of these guard towers and built an aerie atop it. Legolas and S’nietha have also moved their living quarters to the Guild’s tower. The second new tower has been set aside for Romulus’ personal use. The keep’s remaining towers continue to hold ballistae but also house archers’ galleries to support the defense of the keep.

The perimeter walls that surround the new keep are forty feet thick, thirty feet high and interlaced with iron bars to prevent spells like Passwall from being used to gain unauthorized access to the keep’s inner grounds. The exterior walls of all other buildings in the keep have also been interlaced with iron bars as well unless otherwise noted.

Due to the changes made to the keep’s overall structures, important areas have been detailed separately. These areas include Raven Keep (RK), the Gatehouse (G), all four of the keep’s barracks (B1 - B4), the four watchtowers (W1 - W4), the Guild of the Griffon’s Tower (GG), and Romulus the Mage’s Tower (RT).

The basic design of the keep has been retained to provide a feeling of continuity and familiarity to its inhabitants and to the citizens of Borderdale. However, the new keep is larger and boasts additional features the original structure lacked. The exterior walls of the keep are interlaced with iron bars in the same fashion as the perimeter walls and its mortar has been mixed with gorgon’s blood to prevent to prevent astral and ethereal travel in or out. The ceiling of each level is 10’ high unless otherwise noted and all common spaces are lit with Continual Flame spells.

Note: Areas for the keep will be abbreviated as follows: Raven Keep (level) - space number.

Perimeter Wall: Hewn Stone; 30’ high, 40’ thick: Hardness: 8, Hp: 7,200; Burst DC72

Level One

Normal Exterior Walls: Hewn Stone: height varies, 10’ thick: Hardness: 8, Hp: 1,800; Burst DC50
Strong Wooden Doors: Hardwood: 10” thick: Hardness: 5, Hp: 100; Burst DC23
Interior Walls: Masonry Stone: 1’ thick: Hardness: 8; Hp: 90; Burst DC35

RK (1)-1. Entry Hall: This 20’ x 40’ chamber is the main entrance to the interior of Raven Keep. Double doors that open inward are located on both ends of this room. The doors are 10’ tall and made of thick wood covered with an inch of iron plate (Strong Wooden Door: hp: 20/30; hardness: 5/10; Break DC23). A pair of doors opens to either side of the entry hall into a pair of guard stations. At least one of the Keep‘s followers is stationed here at all times. A 15’ long steel bar is located in the guard station to the east of this room. It is used to bar the first door in the event of attack by hostile forces (adds +2 to the DC to burst the doors).

RK (1)-2. Guard Stations (x 2): These chambers are normally unmanned. When important dignitaries are present in Raven Keep or if hostile forces are suspected in the area these spaces are used to stage the keep’s defenders. The troops vary from one watch to the next but an entire watch team will be on hand in case of trouble.

RK (1)-3. Borderdale City Office: This office serves as the point of contact at Raven Keep for the citizens of Borderdale. This is where they pay their taxes, enlist in the militia, and make requests concerning the future of the community. The keep employs two civilians to deal with the populace and ensure collected monies are accounted for.

RK (1)-4. Castellan’s Office: Several large, mismatched and overstuffed chairs, a table, and a bookshelf (generally filled with ledgers and watchbills) are found within this room. This room is kept neat and clean by the two city clerks Elmoren has hired.
This chamber serves as Elmoren’s office in matters that concern the day-to-day management of Raven Keep. Elmoren keeps track of the castle’s provisions, settles disputes between servants, ensures everyone gets paid when they’re supposed to, and generally spends most of his time going over inventories and schedules.

RK (1)-5. Jakes (x 4): The jakes on the first level of the keep are simple chambers. Built-in cupboards contain towels, soaps, and other items needed to maintain personal hygiene. Water and bodily wastes are piped out via metal tubing that eventually feeds into the underground river that passes below Borderdale. The jake located next to the servants’ quarters also contain a bathtub for their use.

RK (1)-6. Watch Captain’s Office: This is where citizens of the area come to report sightings of potentially hostile creatures, small crimes, or other problems in town. Also, a ledger containing charges to be filed in civil matters before the leaders of the keep or the Borderdale Council is kept here. Mostly, the charges concern individual complaints of the citizenry against their neighbors. These cases are presented at council once Allea or one of her representatives investigates the allegations.

RK (1)-7. Helping Hand Caravan Company (HHCC) Branch Office: This 20’ x 30’ room is located across from the Borderdale City Office. Trevor Longhauler and Laereth Mooncloud used to consolidate the information gathered in their travels into reports for the leaders of Raven Keep. Desks with chairs and filing cabinets hold copies of employee records; the company’s pay records, reports from the field and invoices from previous caravans that are also kept in the main office at their headquarters. Since Maurith turned over control of the caravan company to the Coberal Trust Company and the group has moved to Tethyr, this office has gone unused.

RK (1)-8. Cold Room: This room is the answer Legolas and Kysek came up with regarding food storage. Walls of Ice line this room and keep it well below freezing. Small drains in the floor remove water from the room as the ice slowly melts. Generally the Wall of Ice spells are renewed every three to four months. Drained water is gathered in barrels and stored in the courtyard for later use. The floor of this room is interlaced with iron bars to support the weight of the ice.

RK (1)-9. Kitchen: This is where meals for the entirety of the castles’ forces are prepared. Madame Garah and Hedrik supervise a team of five other cooks in their duties. The kitchen has a baking oven, a large fireplace, several tables and cabinets and a wide variety of pots and pans. Morningfeast in Raven Keep is served from 0530 - 0630 and normally consists of bread, sausage and gravy, or acorn pancakes. The Highsun meal is served from 1130 - 1230 and varies with game available in the surrounding forest. (Normally a venison stew or rabbit plus berries and other wild growing fruit.) Eveningfeast is served from 1530 - 1630 with the off-going watch fed at 1800. Fare is much the same as that served at lunch but a dessert is usually provided to make up for having to wait to eat. Madame Garah sometimes thinks she is too lenient with the party members as they often take their meals at odd hours and that she ought to enforce a more regular schedule on them as well as the guests they host.

RK (1)-10. Shrine to Shaundukal: This small room on the east side of the Grand Hall is set aside for use by worshippers of Shaundukal, the Helping Hand. The shrine contains a stone throne atop a low dais. The throne is surrounded by four low pillars pierced with holes that a breeze will whistle through. A low table is set in front of the throne and a thick tome has been placed atop it. An inkwell and quills are located nearby. Visitors to the shrine are encouraged to sign their names and from where they began their travels and final destination as well as the date. Maurith tends the shrine daily with help from some of her lay followers in the HHCC.

RK (1)-11. Shrine to Lathander: This is a small alcove set aside for use by worshippers of Lathander. The archway leading into the shrine faces east, the direction of the rising sun. Artistic supplies (paints and a small easel, molding clay, writing paper) are kept here. Small bags of seeds are kept here as well for worshippers to take from and plant later. The small chamber is decorated with a tapestry of the sun just appearing over the tops of trees in a vast forest. A pedestal draped with pink, yellow, and red silk cloths holds a bowl of water that is exposed to the first light of the dawn. Paladin Brannen Morningmist and Melanie Solsticeweaver tend this shrine as part of their daily devotions to the god.

RK (1)-12. Storeroom: This 20’ long x 50’ wide chamber is located in the servants’ wing of Raven Keep. This area holds folding tables, chairs, dinnerware for large parties, and crates filled with new uniforms for the keep’s forces. Additionally, rolls of fabric recovered from a Zhentarim caravan, reams of paper, empty jars, and a wide variety of sundry goods are kept here as well.

RK (1)-13. Dining Hall: The dining hall is located south of the keep’s kitchens. It is 30’ long x 70’ wide. Massive tables form a “U”-shaped dining area. The open end of the “U” faces east and often serves as a performing area for traveling bards, jugglers, dancers and other entertainers. There is room at the tables for over 40 people to dine comfortably.

RK (1)-14. Shrine to Helm: This 10’ x 10’ area is mostly used by the keep’s human warriors from Dagger Falls and Edgar Stoutshield. They see themselves as the protectors of the refugees of Snowmantle, the Ondonti tribe rescued from the Zhentarim, and the other citizens of Borderdale. The symbol of Helm, an open staring eye with a blue pupil and outline painted on the palm of a left handed war gauntlet is set in a tile mosaic against the back wall of the shrine.

RK (1)-15. Shrine to Correllon Larethian: This small alcove is seldom visited by local worshippers of Correllon Larethian who prefer to worship in small clearings outdoors. The high ruler of the Seldarine and the creator of the elves is portrayed traditionally here. A statue of a tall, thin elven figure, clad in scalemail and carrying a long slim sword stands in the center of the shrine. Small offerings are often left by travelers passing through the area and the non-elven residents of Borderdale who wish to thank the elven god for the protection provided by his people.

RK (1)-16. Audience Hall: The audience hall is located behind the shrines to Lathander and Correllon, just south of the dining hall. It is a 30’ long x 50’ wide chamber. Two rows of 15 benches form a walkway to the west end of the room. A high podium stands at the center of the west wall and is flanked by six slightly lower desks (three/side). This is where formal complaints and disputes are heard by Legolas (or Raven, on the rare occasions he is present or the Borderdale Council). The elf lord also sits as judge, jury for crimes committed by the citizens of Borderdale or his followers. Legolas spends his mornings here (0900 - 1200) every other day, presiding over civil matters brought to him via the watch captain‘s office and reviews discipline problems amongst the keep‘s followers. He is regarded as the highest authority in Borderdale and his word is law, although this power is seldom exercised, as he prefers the citizens to govern themselves.

The Borderdale Council is comprised of Elmoren the Castellan, Gildor Elbereth and Kaitlin Willowisp. They oversee the governing of the growing community when Legolas and the other party members are away and preside over the hearings held here. Together, they wield as much practical authority as Legolas but they cannot sentence a criminal to death.
The floor in front of the podium bears a mosaic created by Romulus and Legolas using the techniques found in the Pagina Savilara. This mosaic has been designed to as an image of Raven Keep’s heraldic symbol and is ringed by the family crests of each party member. The mosaic is empowered with the magic of a permanent Zone of Truth (Will DC17). All who stand on the mosaic are compelled to speak truly before the rulers of Borderdale.

A secret door (Search DC20) located in the south wall near the west corner opens into a 20’ long x 30’ wide chamber. This chamber provides access to the keep’s armory and to sub-level one of the keep. Pulling a lever hidden behind a secret panel within the podium opens the door. A similar lever inside the secret room operates the door from the inside. Most of the keep’s followers and a handful of the civilian servants are aware of the existence of the “secret door” but only a select handful know how to operate it.

RK (1)-17. Servants’ Quarters: The servants’ quarters are actually a suite of five rooms surrounding a lounge area. Only a handful of the keep’s civilian employees live in the keep on a permanent basis and consist of most of the keep’s original staff: Madame Garah, Hedrik, Axel, Emryl, Anariel, Janette, Heidi, & Michelle. In addition to these personnel, Romulus’ scribe, Dunadan Brewer has assumed the position of the keep’s herald.
The rooms in the servants’ quarters are divided as follows: a. Dunadan; b. Madame Garah and Hedrik; c. Axel; d. Emryl and Anariel; e. Janette, Heidi, and Michelle. Each room contains a bed for each servant, a table with chairs, a mirror, a washbasin, and standing closet has also been provided.

RK (1)-18. Armory: This room can only be reached through a secret door found in the south wall of the audience hall. A cache of weapons is stored here to include longswords, shortswords, longbows, shortbows, daggers and literally hundreds of flight and sheaf arrows. Additionally, the keep’s stockpile of firearms (20 rifles, 20 pistols, and 4 kegs of smoke powder) is stored here as well.

RK (1)-19. Stables (Private Mounts): The stables are located on the east side of Raven Keep. The stables are a one-floor structure, 80’ long x 40’ wide. Stalls run along both sides of the building’s interior for housing party members‘ horses. Each stall has sufficient room for two horses. A small loft above each stall holds riding gear for the animals. Other items required for care of the animals are kept in a small closet near the main door of the stables. The party maintains a team of three grooms supervised by the stablemaster, Emryl Aragon. The stablemaster and his assistant live in the servants’ quarters. However, at least one member of the stables’ caretakers are on hand at all times to serve the party, taking turns sleeping in a low loft at the south end of the stables at night in case a mount is needed.

RK (1)-20. Guest Stables: This stable is located on the west side of the keep. Visitors to the keep, stable their mounts here. The keep’s centaur allies also use the open ground around the building as an impromptu marketplace. Skerrit’s Voice, shaman of the Wild Mane centaur tribe, has planted several types of berries along the front of the tribe’s stables and grows raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries here. The berries are often turned into wine by the more skilled brewers of his tribe and traded for items the centaurs desire but cannot produce.

RK (1)-21. Grand Hall: The grand hall is a massive chamber, fully 110’ long x 40’ wide. Its ceiling rises to the third floor of the keep. Two balconies surround the grand hall at heights of ten and twenty feet. Two stairways at the south end of the room lead up to the second floor. Numerous doors open off of both sides of the hall. This is where the leaders of the keep host social functions for the entire community, important visitors, and important ceremonies. There is a constant flow of traffic through this area as people rush about on their errands. The tile floor of this chamber is polished every night from midnight to reveille (0600).

Level Two

RK (2)-1. Bladesong Council Chambers: The Bladesong Council Chamber is an opulently decorated room. A set of large wooden double doors opens into the chamber and is engraved with a woodland scene. The scene consists of a forest clearing surrounded by flowers. In the center of the clearing is a large bear-like man. This man is beset on all sides and being driven back by a host of creatures that represent each of the bladesong guilds. This image represents Malar the Beastlord and the role the bladesingers play in the defense of the elven people from the predations of his followers.

The chamber itself holds a long semi-circular table that has nine chairs placed along its western side. Another chair sits inside the arc of the table. Nine doors open out of the main chamber into individual rooms set aside for use by each of the represented guilds. Beginning at the center of the west wall and moving counterclockwise around the main chamber these rooms are used by Head of Council Blademaster Aurius Bluebane, Lion Councilor Celimbor Eregion, Feystag Councilor Ilrune Symbaern, Basilisk Councilor Lagun Eregion, Griffon Councilor Legolas Elbereth, Falcon Councilor Mauri’el Leathian, Diving Hawk Councilor Mistallen the White, Dragon Councilor Nalla Starlight, and Mantis Councilor Trinni Moonglow. Each door is engraved with the symbol of its guild and opens into a 20’ long x 10’ wide room. Each room is really a small office and holds a small bookshelf, a desk with a chair, and is decorated according to the taste of its occupant.
The Guild of the Feystag has been granted a chamber and a seat on the council. This guild has not been active since the fall of Myth Drannor. While adventuring in the ruined elven city, Legolas, Raven, and the rest of the party met the sole remaining member of the shattered guild: Blademaster Ilrune Symbaern. The elven lich provided the party with aid in the ruined city and has been granted his seat out of respect and gratitude earned by the party. Ilrune still resides in the ruins of Myth Drannor and only rarely ventures forth.

RK (2)-2. Jakes (x 5): The jakes on the second level of the keep are identical to the ones of the first floor. The jakes within the guest halls are furnished with a bathtub for use by visiting councilors.

RK (2)-3. Storage: This room holds cleaning gear used by the second floor maids and stacks of clean linens for the guest quarters on this floor.

RK (2)-4. Medical Ward: Maurith has established a room on this floor of the keep for treating injuries suffered by the keep’s followers. She keeps nonmagical healing herbs, bandages, purified water, and bowls for mixing poultices in a large cabinet against the north wall. Eighteen single beds line the walls of this chamber for more serious injuries. Maurith has also been studying under the watchful eye of Ford Stillwater to become a midwife and will tend expectant mothers here and coax them through childbirth. The new mother and child will then remain here for a handful of days until judged fit to return to their home by Maurith or Ford.

Note: All Guest Quarters are 20’ x 20’ except #9 which is 20‘ x 30‘. Guest Quarters #9 also has a private bath which extends its dimensions to 20‘ x 40‘. The emblem of each guild is engraved on the door leading into the guest quarters.

RK (2)-5. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Dragon): Councilor Nalla Starlight uses this chamber when present in Raven Keep. She heads Evereska’s most militant guild and often leads sorties into the wilderness surrounding Evereska to attack enemies of the elven community. Her room here is furnished like all the other guest quarters with a writing table and chairs and a double bed. She has stored a number of maps of the area surrounding Evereska in the keep to study on the rare occasions she must be present. Nalla’s room is kept in an orderly, military fashion with everything in its place. When visiting the keep, Nalla often pressures Raven to join her in fighting the orcs, goblins and brigands that encroach on elven lands.

RK (2)-6. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Falcon): Mauri’el Leathian, newest councilor of the Bladesong guilds, has been granted these quarters during his visits to the keep. The furniture of this room is similar to that found in Nalla Starlight’s chamber. Mauri’el is an earnest, helpful young elf and hopes to serve his guild well on the Council. Mauri’el has yet to move any personal items into these quarters given the tumultuous nature of the Falcon guild in recent years.

RK (2)-7. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Basilisk): Lagun Eregion is the longest serving member and the oldest living elf to serve on the bladesong council. His room is furnished with a divan, a low coffee table, a bookshelf, and wicker chairs brought from the Eregion estate in Evereska. Lagun is a careful, meticulous thinker and his room is given over to comfort to allow him to think in peace. Thick tapestries cover the walls to shut out noise from the keep that would distract him form his thoughts.

RK (2)-8. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Feystag): This chamber is reserved for use by Blademaster Ilrune Symbaern. The room is furnished with antiques recovered from Myth Drannor to include a table with four chairs, a writing desk, oil lamps, a bed, and an elegantly woven rug.

RK (2)-9. Guest Quarters (Bladesong Council Head): Aurius Bluebane, Head of the Bladesong Council resides here when within the walls of Raven Keep. In addition to a handcrafted desk, chair and luxurious bed, Aurius also has furnished his room with a small table and chairs that he uses to entertain private meetings with the councilors. Aurius has decorated his chamber with flags displaying the heraldry of each family that is represented in the guilds he oversees. Aurius is also a masterful tactician and is currently penning a treatise on small group movement and provisioning. His notes are kept in the drawer of his desk. A door in the east wall leads into a private bath. Additionally, the elven warrior-mage has used Stone Shape spells to create a secret niche in the west wall of the bath itself and hides copies of his traveling spellbooks and several healing potions within.

RK (2)-10. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Mantis): Trinni Moonglow spies on the other councilors from this guestroom. Trinni has been secretly appointed with policing the ranks of the Bladesong Council by Aurius Bluebane himself. The elf woman often entertains guests here. Comfortable chairs, a couch, and a low table fill the center of the room. Trinni’s bed and luggage are hidden from the rest of the room by a silk tapestry that forms a curtain to separate the living area from the bedchamber. A small cart stocked with small decanters of liqueurs is positioned directly behind the couch. Trinni also keeps tabs on Raven Keep’s leaders from here. Trinni leaves nothing of personal significance in this room unless she is present.

RK (2)-11. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Diving Hawk): Mistallen the White uses this chamber while visiting the Keep. As a former member of the White Tiger Guild, Mistallen maintains a small shadowbox of mementos from that now defunct organization to include a tabard and broadsword bearing the tiger emblem etched into the blade. Mistallen has also secreted a copy of the Falcon Guild’s fighting techniques in a hidden recess of her nightstand. She instructs her guild’s members in the Falcon’s fighting styles and the methods that can be used to counter their attacks and penetrate the defenses of that style. The bladesinger is still very distrustful of the Falcon Guild due to her old guild’s forced induction by Ilsidur Greycloak in 1358 - 1359 DR. She also bears a grudge against the rest of the Bladesong Council in general and retired councilor Minas Fogcloak in particular for failing to prevent her guild’s dissolution. The only exceptions to her hostilities are Legolas Elbereth and the Guild of the Griffon for their actions in exposing the duplicity of Ilsidur.

RK (2)-12. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Lion): Celimbor Eregion, Legolas’ old guildmaster, rooms in these quarters while attending to council business in Raven Keep. Celimbor is a dignified elf with a taste for fine things. His quarters reflect this in their decoration. All of the elf councilor’s furniture has been imported from his family estate in far-off Evermeet. Thick rugs blanket the entire floor and tapestries emblazoned with various images of the Lion Guild down through the ages cover the walls. Recently, representatives have approached Celimbor from Evermeet’s Tower of the Moon with an offer to join the ranks of the island’s High Mages.

RK (2)-13. Guest Quarters (Guild of the Griffon)/Adrianna Dovesong’s Stateroom: These quarters are assigned to Adrianna Dovesong due to her position as a teacher of magic to most of the Guild of the Griffon’s members. Also, Adrianna’s former position in Kysek Creepingshadow’s information network has left her with experience in spying on Bladesingers, a duty she performs while hosting representatives from the bladesinger guilds in Evereska. (Adrianna played a key role in uncovering the treachery of Ilsidur Greycloak and exposing his threat to the remaining members of the Bladesong Council.)
Adrianna has furnished her chamber with a large double bed complete with silken canopy. Teak wood nightstands flank the bed and are inset with small ornamental stones. A low table surrounded by cushions in a style popular in Calimshan fills the center of the room. A cabinet hidden behind a dressing screen holds her spellbooks and components. A standing closet also hidden by the screen contains her day-to-day clothing, formal wear, and adventuring gear. Adrianna keeps her thieves’ tools hidden in a false compartment (Search DC20) inside one of her nightstands.

Level Three

RK (3)-1. Library: This room is very comfortably appointed and boasts long wooden tables, a wide variety of chairs and thick, colorful rugs. Bookshelves line the exterior walls of this room and hold all the books the keep has acquired for magical research.
One specially constructed, lockable bookcase (Superior Lock: Open Lock DC40) is protected by a Greater Glyph of Warding that is activated by anyone who fails to speak the proper password (“Arcana Release“) before attempting to open the bookcase. The glyph causes 10d8 electrical dmg (Ref half DC21) to all within 10’.
Other books that line the walls vary from political treatises to journals concerning various magical theories.

RK (3)-2. School: Maurith has established a school for the children of Borderdale. On the first through the fifth days of every tenday, Maurith (or in her absence, Melanie Solsticeweaver) instructs her students in reading and writing both Common and Elven, basic mathematics, art, music, geography, and exposes them to the primary religions of the keep. The local floral and fauna of the Border Forest are also studied in detail to provide some survival skills should her charges ever become lost in the surrounding woods. She discusses the keep’s political situation with her class and the attitudes the keep’s leaders have adopted to protect and defend the citizens from harm. The classroom is a 50’ long x 40’ wide chamber filled with desks and chairs located directly across from the keep’s library.

RK (3)-3. Jakes (x 3): The jakes on the third level of the keep are identical to the ones of the first floor.

RK (3)-4. Intelligence Office: Adrianna oversees Raven Keep’s intelligence network from this office although nothing kept within this room could be shown to prove this fact. In reality, this office is a used merely as a decoy to occupy spies and infiltrators from outside the keep. Adrianna does make her reports to Raven Keep’s leaders within this room however. All the walls, the floor and the ceiling have all been interlaced with iron bars like the perimeter walls surrounding the keep. Gorgon’s blood has been mixed into the mortar to prevent astral and ethereal penetration. Additionally, a thin sheet of lead has been concealed within the walls as well to prevent scrying magic from being used to spy within.
This room is furnished as most of the other offices found within the keep and contains a desk with chair, cabinets, and oil lamps. A long table sits against the east wall of the room but is pulled out to the center of the room for meeting with the keep’s leaders. (Chairs for the table are kept in the storage room across from this office).
Adrianna works closely with the Helping Hand Caravan Company in organizing the information they gather while abroad and occasionally travels with them to the cities they visit.

RK (3)-5. Visitor’s Stateroom: This chamber is filled with comfortable furniture imported from Evereska. A futon with a thick mattress stands against the east wall. A writing desk and padded chair are located against the south wall, just to the right of the bed. A chest-of-drawers stands at the foot of the bed.

RK (3)-6. Storeroom: This chamber simply serves as an additional storage space for furniture, linens, cleaning supplies, and other items used in Raven Keep. Seasonal gear not stored in the dungeon level of the keep is kept here as well. Additionally, bookbinding supplies and books that are in the process of being restored from damaged conditions and copied for party members’ private libraries are kept here.

RK (3)-7. Elmoren the Castellan’s Stateroom: This room is brightly lit and comfortably appointed in rich fabrics and colors. A single feather bed run along the innermost wall while a writing table and two padded chairs stand next to the door. The castellan’s adventuring gear is kept in locked chests and his day-to-day clothing is stored in a single large standing closet. Elmoren also stores his spellbook here in a locked chest. Several potted plants are in evidence along with a pair of musical instruments (a flute and a harp).

RK (3)-8. Tina Morningmist’s Stateroom: Tina originally shared a room in the first Raven Keep with her brother Brannen and later Adrianna Dovesong. In the new keep, Tina has her own stateroom. The former bard still keeps her small jade dragon and crystal dragon statuettes on her nightstand, gifts from her brother Brannen before his death and later resurrection. A comfortable feather bed occupies the southeast corner of this room. Three large standing closets hold the girl’s clothing and six oil lamps can be used to light the room. A small rectangular table and four chairs sit in the center of the room atop a rug Tina bought in Arabel on her first trip there, two locked footlockers hold Tina’s spell components and spellbooks. Tina’s mandolin sits in its rosewood case in her standing closet.

RK (3)-9. Edgar Stoutshield’s Stateroom: Edgar’s stateroom is austere and contains only the most basic necessities. The only furnishings in this room are a small cot, a handcrafted table and chair, a rack for the paladin’s armor and weapons and a chest for his personal belongings. A battered prayer book dedicated to Helm, god of guardians, is kept on the table with a small icon depicting the deity’s holy symbol.

RK (3)-10. Jelenneth of Mistledale’s Stateroom: Jelenneth’s stateroom is also a simple affair. Her room contains a comfortable feather bed, a desk with a padded chair, an armoire, a wall-to-wall carpeting. Jelenneth lives in Mistledale and only uses this chamber while visiting the keep. This is where she studies her spells and stores treasure she has recovered.

RK (3)-11. Nursery: This chamber is 20’ long x 40’ wide. A door is located in the center of the south wall. This room is set aside for the growing of small plants that have medicinal uses as either painkillers or anti-inflammatory properties. Herbs that find their way into the keep’s meals are also grown here under the supervision of Madame Garah. Long tables run the length of the room and are filled with rich loam and these plants. A cabinet on the west wall holds trowels, pruning shears and other small gardening tools.

Level Four

Note: Staterooms # 1 & 2 are 30‘ x 30‘. Staterooms #3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, & 15 are 20‘ x 30‘. Staterooms # 6 & 11 are 40’ x 20’. Linens are changed and cleaned daily by Michelle’s staff of maids that maintain this floor when this room is occupied.

RK (4)-1. Algar Longschnozz’s Stateroom: This 30’ x 30’ room is kept scrupulously neat when Algar is present. A thick book, most of which is blank paper, is kept on the bedside table where Algar designs new inventions. A low, sturdy desk is found against the wall by the door. Working model versions of all of Algar’s works are displayed on a long table against the innermost wall of these chambers. A stand for Algar’s finely crafted dwarven armor and weapons is located next to his dresser where his clothing is stored.
Designs included in Algar’s notebook include the dual crossbow, a drainage system for the cold room, plans for Raven Keep’s second barracks, the Smelting Chamber and smelter, the river portcullis and winch house, Morningmist Hall, Malice Wyrmshadow’s tower in Dagger Falls, and the new keep.

RK (4)-2. Brannen Morningmist’s Stateroom: Brannen Morningmist has moved into this chamber of Raven Keep. The room is furnished simply with just a bed, small bedside table and chair. The remainder of the room is adorned with artwork displaying the many facets of the deity Lathander’s influence, from tapestries to small paintings. A rug in the center of the floor is filled with the pinks, yellows, oranges, and reds of a sunrise. Trophies claimed from dragons the wyrmslayer Brannen has defeated; mostly teeth fill a shelf on the north side of the room. A stand for Brannen’s golden armor and weapons has been placed in the northwest corner of the room. A large chest at the foot of the bed contains the paladin’s adventuring gear and clothing.

RK (4)-3. Mariah Windrider’s Stateroom: This room has been set aside for Mariah Windrider. Although the ranger does not live in the keep since she prefers to stay in a small cottage she has built for herself at the edge of Borderdale. Still this room has been filled with rugged rough-hewn wooden furniture and includes a bed, table and four chairs. Mariah has no personal gear in the keep but a chest-of-drawers has been placed against the west wall for her use.

RK (4)-4. Visitor’s Stateroom (Gregor Coberal): Although this stateroom is officially considered to be “visitor’s quarters”, this chamber, in practice belongs to Captain Gregor Coberal of the Blazing Cutlass. The room has been decorated and furnished to provide a nautical feel. Bookshelves that line the walls hold copies of the keep’s atlases and astronomy works regarding navigation. A bed has been furnished but hooks for a sailor’s hammock are concealed behind small niches in the northeast corner of the room. A beautiful sea green and sea-blue carpet covers the floor and the walls have been paneled with oak to simulate the interior of a ship captain’s cabin aboard ship. Paintings on the walls show nautical themes such as ships at sail or marine creatures at play.

RK (4)-5. Visitor’s Stateroom: This stateroom is currently being set aside for use by visitors to the keep. A large feather bed, writing desk with chair, and a standing closet are just some of the furnishings found within. Brannen’s mother often resides in this room when she makes the journey from Shadowdale to visit the keep.

RK (4)-6. Valmiss Straightbow’s Stateroom: This stateroom is comfortably furnished with a large double bed and padded chair. Four oil lamps illuminate this chamber. A workbench/desk is located against the north wall. Depressing a push button located in the desk’s center drawer accesses a secret panel located behind the workbench. This panel slides away to reveal a 3’ wide x 20’ long crawlspace that could be used to hide important goods. This is where Valmiss has hidden his spellbooks and the magical items he has acquired over the course of his journeys.
Currently, this room is unoccupied as Valmiss fell victim to a trap set by a Pit Fiend in the City of the Sunless Sea and is currently trapped in the Abyss. Still, under orders from Raven, his cousin’s room is scrupulously kept clean by the keep’s servants.

RK (4)-7. Bath/Jake: A well appointed chamber, the bath and jake is a 20’ x 20’ room. A bathtub large enough for two people to share fills the south wall. A large cabinet located to the side of the bathtub contains soap, clean towels and washcloths. A mirrored cabinet has been placed on the wall and contains hygiene items. The jake itself stands in a curtain-enclosed area in the northeast corner of the room.

RK (4)-8. Legolas & S’nietha Elbereth’s Stateroom: Even though Legolas and S’nietha reside in the Guild of the Griffon’s Tower, they maintain a room within the walls of the keep. This room is furnished in much the same manner as the tower’s living quarters. A large double bed occupies the center of the north wall. A nightstand is located on each side of the bed and both are topped with small oil lamps. A low bookshelf is topped with small potted plants against the east wall. A small table surrounded by four chairs stands in the southwest corner of the room. A thick green rug covers the floor and is embroidered with images of woodland animals.

RK (4)-9. Romulus the Mage’s Stateroom: Like Legolas and S’nietha, Romulus maintains a room in the keep although he lives in his personal tower. This room contains a bed, writing desk and chair. A throw rug has been placed directly in front of the door. This room has a chest-of-drawers for the mage’s clothing and an standing closet contains robes. Romulus and Valerie only rarely use these quarters and much of the room remains empty.

RK (4)-10. Visitor’s Stateroom: These guest quarters are furnished with a large feather bed, writing desk with chair, and a standing closet.

RK (4)-11. Nathan Cabosh’s Stateroom: This chamber is used by Nathaniel Cabosh. The knight maintains an opulently furnished room. His bed is large and comfortable and has been placed against the north wall. A chest at the foot of his bed contains all of the cavalier’s adventuring gear. A rug from far-off Kara-Tur fills the center of the floor. A low coffee table surrounded by couches sits on the center of the rug. A cart bearing various liquors is located behind one of the couches. A bookshelf is built into the west wall and contains treatises on horsemanship and the training of warhorses, military history and myths about the god Lathander. A rack against the south wall holds Nate’s armor and weapons. A large cabinet to the right of the rack contains his clothing, all hung to prevent wrinkling.

RK (4)-12. Visitor’s Stateroom: This stateroom is furnished exactly as stateroom # 10, but has been carved and upholstered to provide a more “elven” feel for its guest.

RK (4)-13. Visitor’s Stateroom: As with all other visitor’s staterooms, this chamber is furnished with a large feather bed, writing desk with chair, and a standing closet.

RK (4)-14. Raven Straightbow & Maurith Slindearyl’s Suite:
a. Living Room: Raven and Maurith share this suite of five rooms. These rooms have mahogany paneling and are well lit by several lanterns containing Continual Flame stones. These lanterns can be dimmed or closed off entirely by turning the shutters on each lantern. Directly above the living room door hangs “Stirge”, the sword Raven carried in his early adventuring days. A comfortable couch sits in the center of the living room and is flanked by a pair of end tables. Two leather chairs sit facing the couch. Three other doors open out of this room into the bedchamber, nursery, and Raven’s practice room.
b. Nursery: The nursery is simply furnished with a bassinet and a chest-of-drawers. Toys for Raven and Maurith’s daughter, Myrleanna, lie scattered across the floor along with throw pillows and padded rugs. The room is decorated in pastel greens and yellows.
c. Bath: A well appointed chamber, the bath and jake is a 20’ x 20’ room. A bathtub just large enough for Raven and Maurith to share fills the southwest corner of the room. A cabinet located to the side of the bathtub contains clean towels and washcloths. Another small cabinet with a mirror on its door is located above a washbasin and contains soap, scented bath oils and other personal hygiene items. A bin located next to the tub holds discarded clothing to be washed with the rest of the couple’s laundry.
d. Bedchamber: A large double bed stands in the center of the east wall, directly beneath the window. A desk and chair sit to the left of the bed. The desk has many small boxes set into it. Each box holds papers to include the keep’s watchbills, reports of varying degrees of interest, and other items set down by either Elmoren or Meridian in the day-to-day operation of the keep. Two footlockers are placed in one corner of the room. One holds Raven’s adventuring gear and the other has livery of Raven’s family back in Evermeet (including a tabard emblazoned with his family crest). There is also a standing closet in the opposite corner that holds more clothing and the vestments Maurith uses in her ceremonies of dedication to Shaundukal. She also maintains a second closet that contains several gowns suitable for the keep’s social functions. A door in the south wall leads into the couple’s private bath.
e. Practice Room: This is a large open room that has been left bare for Raven to practice his swordsmanship in private. A rack that holds padded armor and practice weapons is mounted against the west wall. Maurith also practices here. On rare occasions, Raven will bring a promising follower here for personal instruction in swordplay.

RK (4)-15. Visitor’s Stateroom: As with all other visitor’s staterooms, this chamber is furnished with a large feather bed, writing desk with chair, and a standing closet.

Sub-Level One

The keep’s sub-level is the only area that has not been subjected to demolition and rebuilding. Unless otherwise noted, all structures are original. Ceilings are 10’ high and all rooms and passages are lit by Continual Flame spells.

RK (S-1)-1. Entry Chamber: This chamber is reached via a 30’ long iron rung ladder located beneath a manhole behind the secret door of the audience chamber. A block and tackle is rigged above the manhole for the raising and lowering of crates, casks, and bundles of supplies to and from the keep‘s lower level. Most of these supplies are then transported upriver to be stored in the goblin caves for use during a siege.

RK (S-1)-2. Cells (2a thru 2j): All of these are 10’ x 10’ square rooms used to hold prisoners of the keep. The doors are made of wood with steel bindings and have a bar that can be placed against the door to hold it more firmly. Two keys are needed to unlock each door. (Open Lock DC 30, Hardness: 5, Hp: 20, Break DC23) The cells themselves are unfurnished and quite uncomfortable. A sliding panel at the bottom of each door can be used to deliver food and water to prisoners or remove used trays. A small 6” drain in the floor is provided for use as a chamber pot and garbage disposal. Cells 2a and 2b are used to store alchemist fire arrows.

RK (S-1)-3. Storage Locker: Except for the wall shackles, this room has been cleared of all evidences of its former use as a torture chamber. Now, it simply serves as an additionally storage space for seasonal gear (winter coats, snowshoes, tools, etc) used by the troops of Raven Keep. A secret panel located on the floor to the left-hand side of the door hides the lever that disarms the mechanical traps in the vault passageway.
A newly constructed tunnel leads from the northwest corner of this chamber. This tunnel progresses directly west 40’ before opening into the Smelter’s Chamber. This tunnel was built shortly before the demolition of the original keep.

RK (S-1)-4. Vault Passageway & Vault: A long trap-filled passageway protects this chamber from invasion. There are numerous traps that must be avoided or bypassed by those not authorized to enter this section of the keep. (For a complete list of traps see below.) Treasure gained from raids against the Zhentarim and on party member’s personal adventures is stored within the vault in various large chests and is divided by types of coins and gems. Various art objects and magical items unusable by the keep’s residents adorn the shelves that line the walls of this chamber.
The traps that protect the vault will be detailed in the order they would be encountered by a trespasser attempting to approach the vault:

Trap 1 (Magical): Greater Glyph of Warding: Placed on door that opens into the vault passageway; 10d8 wind and buffeting damage (Ref half DC21) to anyone who passes without speaking the password “Halorade”.
Trap 2 (Mechanical): A short (5’) flight of steps leads downward as the vault passage continues forward. Anyone stepping on the bottom step causes an Orc Smasher to swing down from the ceiling and slam into the offender (+10 melee) for 3d6 dmg. (Search DC20; Disable Device DC25)
Trap 3 (Mechanical): Pressure-sensitive plate located 10’ beyond Trap 3; If a weight greater than or equal to 100 lbs. crosses the plate a pair of spears (+12 2 Spears; 1d8/x3) are fired from the ceiling. (Search DC20, Disable Device DC20)
Trap 4 (Mechanical): Just before reaching the second door of the vault passageway, any person whom steps on the wrong stones of this 10’ x 10’ section of floor (Dex check DC20) punctures a pig bladder filled with flammable oil. This causes a secret panel (Search DC20) in the ceiling to drop open and spill a flask of alchemist’s fire. All creatures standing in the trapped section are subject to the effects of the flame. (Search DC20, Disable Device DC20)
Trap 5 (Magical): Greater Glyph of Warding: Placed on second door of vault passageway; Harm spell to anyone who does not speak the password “Ul Anga” before opening the door.
Trap 6 (Mechanical): Between the second and third doors of this passageway is a teeter-totter floor. Anyone weighing more than 100 lbs. stepping into this 10’ x 10’ section of passage is dropped in a 20’ deep spiked pit (no attack roll, 2d6, Ref DC20 avoids) (Search DC20, Disable Device DC20). A secret door (Search DC30) is located in the south wall of this room and leads into the vault’s vestibule. The visible door of this chamber (is Trap 7) leads further west into another trap.
Trap 7 (Mechanical): The room beyond this door (Trap 9) is a dead end. Any person opening this door is struck with an Orc Smasher that swings down from the ceiling and slam into the offender (+10 melee) for 3d6 dmg. (Search DC20; Disable Device DC25) Additionally, there is a 75% chance that the Orc Smasher will knock its victim onto the teeter-totter floor of Trap 6.
Trap 8 (Magical): Greater Glyph of Warding: Placed on the secret door that opens into the vault’s vestibule. 10d8 sonic damage (Ref half DC21) to anyone who passes without speaking the password “Wildwood”.
Trap 9 (Mechanical): The vault door is spring-loaded. Anyone attempting to pick the lock to it will be struck for (+15 melee) for 1d6 dmg. Note that if the secret door (Trap 8) was left open, there is a 25% chance of falling victim to Trap 6.

Although not trapped, the vault itself is warded against intrusion by a Forbiddance spell. This magic seals the area against teleportation, plane shifting and ethereal penetration. Additionally, the vault’s Forbiddance is password-locked to prevent entry by any that fail to speak the words “Praise be to Shaundukal, the Helping Hand, the Rider of the Winds”. And lastly, a Will save (DC21) is required for all non-Chaotic Good beings to enter the vault. The effect of a failed save (aside from inability to enter the vault even if the password is known) is based on one’s alignment: different w/ respect to law vs. chaos: 3d6; different w/ respect to good vs. evil: 6d6 (use only the most severe penalty).

RK (S-1)-5. Crypt: Thirty large stone slabs line this chamber in three rows of ten each. Atop six of these slabs lie the remains of Raven Keep’s previous elven lords.

RK (S-1)-6. “The Talking Head”: A human skull rests here upon a pedestal. Once magical, the skull could Identify magical items placed against it. For some reason, the magic powering the skull has dissipated.

RK (S-1)-7. Wine Cellar: Casks of wine are stored here along with a winepress located in the southwest corner of this room. There is a secret door (Search DC20) hidden behind a cask in the northeast corner of the room that leads into a narrow tunnel of worked stone that leads to an underground river.

RK (S-1)-8. Docks: The docks are arranged in a fashion which allows a boat up to 5’ wide to moor in the center section and two other boats to tie off on the outboard sides of the docks. Two lanterns containing Continual Flame stones are posted here to illuminate the area immediately surrounding the small pier. Two small (3’ wide x 8’ long) flat-bottomed boats that Legolas purchased in Dagger Falls are moored here.

RK (S-1)-9. Boat House: This small shack contains rope, grapnels, boat hooks, oars, lightweight anchors, tar paper and other materials that can be used to affect repairs on a variety of small wooden boats. A small crawlspace (3’ high) forms a loft at the top of the boathouse.

RK (S-1)-10. Underground River: A tributary to the River Tesh that emerges from a cave roughly 15 miles southwest of Raven Keep in the Border Forest. Algar has recently completed a series of portcullises to block passage from both up and down river. The controls for these portcullises are located in a bunker next to the boathouse. Three miles upriver from the keep, there is a series of caves formerly inhabited by goblins that has been cleared and leveled for use as an escape route for the keep’s noncombatants should the keep fall to enemy forces. There are enough stores located in the former goblin caves to support a prolonged siege. Just beyond the goblin caves, the river is fed by a waterfall. The trail that leads to Thordbalmek begins on the north side of the river just before reaching the waterfall.

RK (S-1)-11. Smelting Chamber: This is a 30’ x 30’ x 30’ chamber where Raven Keep’s smelter (purchased from Citadel Adbar) is located. The smelter was used to melt the adamantine ore to forge the keep’s portcullises for the gatehouse and underground river. A door in the southeast corner opens into the tunnel that leads to the keep’s storage locker. The dwarves from Citadel Thordbalmek often bring excess ore here to be melted down when their own smelter cannot keep up with their miners. The smelter costs 5 gp/day to operate and can process ore as fast as four miners can dig it.

RK (S-1)-12. Winch House: The controls and winches used to raise/lower the two adamantine portcullises for the underground river are located here. There are two winches per gate and three people are required per winch to lift the gates clear of the river. Lowering the gates is much easier as only one lever need be thrown to release the brakes and send a gate crashing into the water below. Small windows in the winch house provide a view of each portcullis from the winches.

The Gatehouse

The Gatehouse serves as Raven Keep’s first line of defense and provides access to the keep’s inner courtyard. The gatehouse is forty-five feet tall and has four floors. Four personnel man the gatehouse at all times. The walls of the gatehouse are twenty feet thick and its ceilings are 10’ high unless otherwise noted. The interior of the gatehouse is lit by Continual Flame spells.

Level One

G1. Entrance: The first level of the gatehouse is a single open area. Massive iron-plated double doors and a pair of adamantine portcullises can be closed and lowered to bar access to the keep’s inner courtyard. The ceiling is fifteen feet high and filled with murder holes through which stones, oil, scraps of metal, etc wait to be dropped onto attackers by castle defenders.
A stairway located in the inner courtyard (the south wall of the gatehouse) leads up to the second floor.

Portcullis: Adamantite; 15’ high, 4” thick: Hardness: 20, Hp: 160; Lift DC50

Level Two

G2. Guard Station: The second floor of the gatehouse is filled with murder holes. This is where the changing of the watch occurs. Two guards man the gatehouse roof and two more are stationed at ground level. One of the guards on duty here is equipped with a Ring of X-Ray Vision that is passed down from one watch to the next. One of the other guards has a Ring of Shooting Stars. A small coffer on the second level of the gatehouse contains two potions (Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds). A narrow stairway leads up to the gatehouse’s third floor.

Level Three

G3. Gatehouse “Crossroads“: This is the first level of the gatehouse that is divided into multiple areas. The largest area (40’ x 40’) is dubbed the crossroads by the keep’s inhabitants as there are multiple exits from this level of the gatehouse. There are two stairwells located at the west end of this chamber. One leads down to the second level and the other up to the fourth. Access to the outer walls of the keep is granted here through a pair of narrow hallways.

G4. Inner Portcullis Winch Room: The winches that raise and lower Raven Keep’s inner portcullis are located in this 20’ long x 18’ wide room. These winches can be operated by one person and have a gauge located nearby that shows that height the bottom of the gate is off the ground. There is a locking device that can be set to keep the portcullis open as well as an emergency release lever that drops the portcullis in event of attack.

G5. Outer Portcullis Winch Room: This chamber is a mirror image of the keep’s inner portcullis winch room.

Level Four

G6. Gatehouse Signal Storeroom: Everything the guards atop the gatehouse need to signal the keep’s defenders or those approaching the gate is stored here. There is a field glass that allows improved scrutiny of visitors, a book of known heraldic symbols, flags of various colors and patterns, signal arrows that will whistle (daytime) or whistle and burn with various color fires (nighttime).

G7. Watch Captain’s Office: Gildor Elbereth maintains an office in the gatehouse. This is where he prepares watch assignments and attends to his other duties. There is a large oak desk with a matching padded chair in the center of the room. A small pot-bellied stove stands in the southeast corner of the room and is generally used to boil water for tea. A locked cabinet (Open Lock DC30) behind the desk holds documents of varying importance ranging from ballista maintenance to the dates supply shipments are expected to reach the keep. Shelves line the room and hold mementos of personal significance, plants and small paintings.

G8. Gatehouse Maintenance Storeroom: All tools and equipment used to support the operation of the gatehouse’s winches, the turntables for the watchtowers’ ballistae and the ballistae themselves are kept here. There are enough spare parts on hand to completely rebuild one of the keep’s giant crossbows. New skeins for the remaining ballistae hang on a rack on the back of the door. Stacks of cut wood fill the majority of the room and are intended for use as shoring braces. Four large barrels full of sand for sandbags and many more small barrels of bearing grease and paint take up the remainder of the floor space.

Raven Keep Barracks (General Description)

Raven Keep has a total of four standard barracks. All four barracks are 30’ high and have three stories. The exterior walls are 5’ thick. Every barracks is also identical in construction and floor plan. The only differences in these buildings are their placement in relation to Raven Keep and the followers who live within. Unless otherwise noted, all ceilings are 10’ high and the buildings are lit by mundane means.

When Raven keep was first built, it had a far greater number of followers than it does now. In the years since the construction was completed, many followers have left, leaving three barracks unused and the other at less than half capacity.

Note: The standard barracks is abbreviated as “B“. Specific barracks are listed as B#.

Beginning at the north end of the keep’s inner courtyard and moving clockwise around the keep, the barracks are assigned as follows:

B1: Vacant B2: Vacant
B3: Vacant B4: Legolas Elbereth’s Followers

Level One

B-1. Leader’s Office: Each barracks has an office set aside for use by the followers’ field leader. This office is a 10’ x 10’ room found just inside the barrack’s main door. Each office has a desk with a matching chair, two chairs for visitors to the office, and bookshelves that line the walls. Oil lamps mounted on hooks provide light.

note: B4-1. Gildor Elbereth only uses his office when the study in the Guild of the Griffon’s tower is full. Gildor’s duties are fairly light as far as directing Legolas’ followers are concerned as they fall primarily into Meridian Brookswift’s jurisdiction in the defense of Raven Keep. As such, Gildor’s office is largely untouched except for the addition of small potted plants and numerous candles. Gildor has removed a section of the flagstone floor and hollowed out a niche beneath. His primary spellbook is kept in this secret niche (Search DC20).

B-2. Armory: The armory is located directly across from the barracks’ office. This 10’ x 10’ room is where spare armor and weapons are stowed when not needed. Some off-duty followers also keep larger, more awkwardly stowed weapons here as well. The door to the armory is kept locked unless someone is inside. The key to the armory is kept in the office across the hall.

B-3. Jake: The first floor jake is located in the crook formed by the stairs going up to the second floor. The jake is a small room, only 5’ x 5’ and used primarily by the cooks, their assistants, and whoever is using the barracks’ office.

B-4. Galley Storeroom: The galley storeroom is 12’ long x 10’ wide. The barracks’ residents keep various foodstuffs here for use. A trapdoor in the floor opens into another storage room below. This second storeroom is 10’ x 10’ but its ceiling is only 6’ high and is lit by a Continual Flame spell. The door to this room is kept locked at all times (Open Lock DC35) and only the cook-on-duty has the key.

B-5. Galley: A team of one cook/20 residents works here to prepare three meals/day. Meals are served at the same time and consist of the same fare as the keep itself.

B-6. Mess Hall: The residents of the barracks eat here. This is a large 20’ long x 25’ wide open room. Long tables surrounded by chairs fill the room. Between meal hours, the mess hall often serves as a lounge for the residents. Three doors lead into the mess hall, one from the galley and two from the hallway. The mess hall is illuminated by Continual Flame spells.

Level Two

B-7. Jake: There are two jakes on the second floor. Both are located next to the stairwells that lead up or down from this floor.

B-8. Berthing One: This room is the largest single chamber in any of the barracks. It is 50’ long x 30’ wide overall. (The two stairwells and both jakes make up a 20’ long x 10’ wide corner of this area). All bunks are stacked three high. The bottom and middle bunk open coffin-style to reveal a locker within, a lesson the party learned during their time with Gregor Coberal aboard the Blazing Cutlass. The top bunk has a standing locker assigned to it. These changes have been made to alleviate the need for footlockers. A maximum of 99 personnel can be berthed here.

B-9. Personal Storage: Located at the far end of berthing one, the storage room is 10’ long x 30’ wide and is used to store barracks residents’ personal gear. Shelves line all walls of this room and beams overhead form additional storage space.

Level Three

B-10. Jake: There are three jakes on the third floor of the barracks. One is located at the top of the stairs that lead down to the second floor. The other two are located at the far corners of berthing two.

B-11. Leader’s Stateroom: The stateroom on the third floor is a 20’ x 20’ room. It has a double bed, writing desk and chair, a washbasin, a bedside table, a standing closet and a chest-of-drawers.

note: B4-11. This room is shared on a rotating basis by Gildor Elbereth and the rest of the Guild of the Griffon members. Each night, the “duty bladesinger” stays in the barracks to deal with whatever problems may arise through the course of the night. The theory behind this is that the bladesingers will eventually be placed in leadership positions and the experience will teach them valuable lessons regarding the housing of the personnel appointed beneath them. The linens are changed daily and this room may eventually serve as quarters for visiting members of the Bladesong Council.

B-12. Berthing Two: This room is roughly 40’ long x 30’ wide. Triple-tiered bunks like those found in berthing one fill the room but there are fewer here than below. The maximum residency for this room is only 78 personnel.

Raven Keep Watch Towers (General Description)

Raven Keep has four watchtowers. These towers perform a vital function in the defense of the keep by providing a firing platform for archers and artillery. Each watchtower is 40’ tall and has walls that are 10’ thick and have identical floor plans. The towers are generally unmanned except during siege and artillery drills and are patrolled as part of the keep’s normal roving watch. The interiors of the watchtowers are lit by mundane means. The watchtowers are numbered as follows:

W1: Northeast Corner (Tower One) W2: Southeast Corner (Tower Two)
W3: Southwest Corner (Tower Three) W4: Northwest Corner (Tower Four)

Level One

W-1. Tower Vestibule: The first floor of each tower has a doorway that open into the keep’s inner courtyard. A stairway is located against the wall to the right-hand side of the door and leads up to the tower’s second floor.

Level Two

W-2. Unassigned: The second floors of the watchtowers have not be set aside for any specific use yet. Another stairwell leads up to the third floor of the tower.

Level Three

W-3. Ballista Bolt Stowage: The ballista bolts the keep uses in siege defense are stored here on large racks, three per tower. These racks are each 15’ long and run the length of the tower’s walls (excluding the stairway’s wall). Each rack can hold 45 of the spear-like missiles. A third stairway here leads up to the tower’s last floor.

Level Four

W-4. Turntable Chamber: The turntables that are used to rotate the keep’s ballistae are located on this level of the watchtower. A bin of spare parts is stored against the wall (varies per tower). Two doorways open out from this level of the tower to provide access to the adjoining perimeter walls of the keep. A final stairway leads up to the tower’s roof and the ballista that is mounted there. Each ballista is mounted on a turntable (180 degrees of rotation) and rests atop a pivot (45 degrees tilt up or down).

Ballista (1/tower)
Crew: 1 Hardness: 5 Hp: 75 Dmg: 3d8 (19-20/x2) Range: 120’
  • A Medium creature takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls when using a ballista (-6 for Small creatures). It takes a creature smaller than Large 2 full-round actions to reload a ballista after firing.

In the event of an attack, two additional men will operate the gears for the turntable.

W-5. Archers’ Gallery: This defensive platform lines the outside of the watchtowers at a height of 30’. They are accessed from the keep’s perimeter walls. Crenellations run the length of the gallery and provide cover to defenders (+4 cover bonus to AC vs. attacks from ground level).

The Guild of the Griffon’s Tower

The Guild of the Griffon has moved into the first of Raven Keep’s two new towers. Their tower is 50’ tall and is located in the center of the keep’s east perimeter wall. The tower’s walls have gorgon’s blood mixed into the mortar to prevent astral and ethereal travel in or out. The ceiling of each level is 10’ high unless otherwise noted and all common spaces are lit with Continual Flame spells.

Level One

GG-1. Foyer: The first room entered at ground level in the Guild of the Griffon guildhouse is a 20’ long x 10’ wide foyer. A small cloakroom opens off of each side and a set of double doors opens into the guildhouse itself. A banner displaying the guild’s emblem hangs on the left of these double doors and a tabard with the same design hangs on the right.

GG-2. Cloakrooms (x 2): These small closets provide a space to store cloaks and boots for visitors and residents of the guild.

GG-3. Quarterdeck: Another 20’ long x 10’ wide area is found immediately beyond the guild’s foyer. This area is occupied by a desk and chair and manned by one of the guild’s members. A large book is kept on the desk and is used to record important events and also serves as a visitor’s log. When filled, this record log is moved to the guild’s library and kept as a historical record.

GG-4. Aspirant’s Quarters: This room is 25’ long x 20’ wide. A single door in the center of the north wall leads into this chamber from the hallway outside. The room has a single bed, a nightstand, a desk and chair and a washbasin. This is where would-be guild members stay while their applications are reviewed. The screening process is exceptionally thorough to ensure only the best candidates are selected. The screening usually lasts one tenday. During this time, the aspirant’s sponsor member serves as escort and tutor. Aspirants are not allowed above the first floor of the guildhouse.

GG-5. Medical Ward: The medical ward is located directly across the hallway from the aspirant’s quarters. Medical is a 25’ long x 30’ wide open room. Several beds line the north wall. A cabinet that holds medical supplies is hung from the east wall above a counter with a sink. A small bookshelf that contains the guild’s few medical journals is located against the west wall.

GG-6. Dining Hall: The dining hall is 25’ long x 20’ wide. A door in its north wall opens out into the hallway. A narrow walkway in the northeast corner leads into the kitchen. A large table surrounded by chairs sits in the center of the room. A large cabinet to the west of the table holds dishes, bowls, cups and silverware. An artfully crafted silver and crystal chandelier hangs above the center of the table from a silver-plated steel chain. The chandelier is sculpted to look like silver vines with crystal leaves emerging from the ends of the vines.

GG-7. Jake: The jake is a 25’ long x 10’ wide room located directly across from the dining hall, just to the east of the medical ward. A bathtub surrounded by a curtain is located against the north wall of the room.

GG-8. Pantry: The pantry is a 20’ long x 10’ wide alcove located between the dining hall’s passageway into the kitchen and the kitchen area itself. Items one would normally expect to find in a pantry are stored here as well as clean linens for the berthing on the guildhouse’s fourth floor.

GG-9. Lounge: The lounge is located on the north side of the first floor, directly across from the kitchen. The north wall forms a curve along its east side that ends in the corner to the right hand side of the door. At its largest point, the room is 25’ long x 30’ wide but this area is greatly reduced by the curving outer wall. Large stuffed leather chairs and small tables fill the room. A bright green plush rug runs from wall to wall. Several tapestries hang from the walls and show scenes of bladesingers from Evereska’s history.

GG-10. Kitchen: The guild kitchen is located at the east end of the guild’s first floor on the right-hand side of the hallway. The kitchen has a baking oven, a large fireplace, several tables and cabinets and a wide variety of pots and pans. Meals are served at standard hours for the rest of Raven Keep although fresh fruit is usually left out for mid-day snacking. One cook operates the guild’s kitchen and supervises the two maids who are responsible for cleaning the guildhouse common areas and residents’ laundry.

Level Two

GG-11. Meeting Hall: Located at the west end of the second floor, the meeting hall is where the Guild of the Griffon discusses business pertaining to the guild. Topics ranging from new admissions to hiring support staff to the results of spell research are often on the table. A circular table takes up the center of the room and is draped with a sapphire tablecloth trimmed in gold and embroidered with the guild insignia covers the table. Plush couches stand in various locations against the wall. A 40’ long picture window fills the center of the west wall and overlooks Raven Keep’s courtyard. The floor is covered with a beautiful tile mosaic displaying a pack of griffons menacing a wyvern in a spectacular mid-air battle. (The original motif was to include a dragon instead of a wyvern but this was decided against considering the relationship of the Griffon and Dragon guilds.) This mosaic is enchanted to permit instantaneous one-way travel to a linked mosaic in the Bladesong Council chambers in Evereska. A plaque next to the door lists the names of the griffon guild’s members, past, present and honorary.

GG-12. Classroom: The classroom is a 30’ x 30’ room. A east wall is taken up by a large chalkboard. A podium stands in front of the chalkboard and overlooks two rows of desks. Each row has five desks. The classroom serves as a lecture hall and often finds Legolas, Romulus, Adrianna or Gildor instructing the guild’s members on the differences between spells and the applications, strengths and weaknesses of those spells in combat situations.

GG-13. Jake: There are two jakes located side-by-side on this floor of the guildhall. Both are 10’ x 10’ rooms located near the west end of the building.

GG-14. Library/Study: This chamber is packed floor to ceiling with bookshelves. Hundreds of tomes filled with history about the societies of Cormyr, the Dalelands and the Moonsea fill many of the shelves. Most of the other books concern themselves with elven mythology and theology, music and other tales. There are no spellbooks stored in the library.

Level Three

The third floor of the Guild Tower serves as Legolas and S’nietha’s personal residence. Unless otherwise noted, all doors are protected by a modified Wizard Lock that requires the use of a special key to open specific doors. Only Legolas and S’nietha can pass freely through this level.

GG-15. Master Bedroom: The keep’s recently married couple resides here. Legolas has placed his large Rug of Welcome in the center of the room. Over the bed he shares with his wife, the bladesinger has hung the sword and tabard of the Feystag given to Legolas by Ilrune Symbaern in Myth Drannor. Also hanging on the wall is a tabard from the Guild of the Lion and the remnants of his father’s blade “Trollcleaver”. Sitting on a desk along the west wall is a tiny (3”) mechanical clockwork griffon that will actually fly, a gift from Kysek. The desk contains parchment, ink wells, quills, sealing wax, etc. There is a stand on the left side of this desk for Legolas’ Eleven Chainmail and sword. S’nietha’s gear is located on a similar stand next to Legolas’. The rest of her belongings are stored in a large chest located at the foot of the bed that she shares with her husband. There is a small nightstand located next to the bed upon which Legolas has an alabaster chess set. A few hanging ferns are suspended from various corners of the room and extend their tendrils out in all directions. There are also a couple of potted plants standing on the nightstands and bookshelves.
A window similar to the one in the guildhall’s meeting room below is found in the west wall of this room and continues into the living room as well. The window has been enchanted with Glassteel and Permanency spells cast from scrolls.

GG-16. Living Room/Library: The living room and library is the centerpiece of Legolas and S’nietha’s home. Sumptuous couches and chairs fill the room along with beautifully wrought cast iron tables topped with thick panes of glass. The west wall is made up of a carved wood bookshelf that contains books on subjects from art to engineering, a copy of every book found in the guild’s library and Legolas’ personal spellbooks. The entire room is decorated in pastel greens, darker greens and browns. Plants are everywhere and fill the room with their fragrance.

GG-17. Bath/Jake: A well-appointed chamber, the bath and jake is a 20’ x 20’ room dominated by a massive sunken tub capable of holding up to four people at once. A cabinet located to the side of the bathtub contains clean towels and washcloths, as well as bathrobes for guests. Another small cabinet with a mirror on its door is located above a washbasin and contains soap, scented bath oils and other personal hygiene items.

GG-18. Dining Room: The dining room is located to the east of the living room. A long table occupies the center of this room and runs lengthwise with it. Two doors lead into this room, one from the kitchen and one from the living room. There is room enough around the table for the entire party to gather here for meals and celebrations.

GG-19. Kitchen: The kitchen on this floor contains everything the kitchen on the ground floor has. Legolas and S’nietha have hired their own personal cook, who also serves as the maid for their home. Meals are not served with any set schedule and the couple often prepares their own dinner late in the evening.

GG-20. Pantry: Stocked similarly to the pantry on the first floor, this pantry also contains a small but varied collection of fine wines and meads. The door to the pantry is not Arcane Locked.

Level Four

This floor provides access to the perimeter walls of the keep which run to Watchtowers One and Two.

GG-21. Gymnasium: The gymnasium is a large open room. Members of the Guild of the Griffon often receive instruction in swordsmanship here from Legolas and Raven. A rack of practice weapons and padded armor stands against the innermost wall. Training dummies are also kept here and show signs of repeated beatings from the practice sessions.

GG-22. Bath: A 20’ x 20’ room, the bath and jake is furnished with a normal-sized bathtub, a closet of fresh towels and washcloths and a bin for dirty clothing. The two maids that are supervised by the guild’s cook do laundry every morning and return the clean clothing to the berthing on this level.

GG-23. Jake: This jake is similar to the jakes on the second floor of the guild’s tower and is 10’ x 10’.

GG-24. Berthing: This is where the members of the Guild of the Griffon live. There are enough bunks for up to 36 personnel here. All bunks are stacked three high. The bottom and middle bunk open coffin-style to reveal a locker within. The top bunk has a standing locker assigned to it in the same fashion as those found in Raven Keep’s normal barracks. Two circular tables with four chairs each stand in the open area between the bunks.

Level Five

GG-25. Aerie: This is where the mounts for the Guild of the Griffon live. A wide ramp begins at the center of the west wall and curves along the west wall before emerging on the roof of the tower above. There is over 300-sq. ft. of living space here, enough for several griffons. Since the keep‘s completion, Legolas has managed to acquire four young males who have consented to serve as mounts for his warriors.

GG-26. Tack Storage: This chamber is found at the northeast end of the aerie and is used to store the saddles and reins for the guild’s flying mounts.

Romulus the Mage’s Tower

Romulus’ tower is a 50’ tall stone structure. The tower’s walls have gorgon’s blood mixed into the mortar to prevent astral and ethereal travel in or out. Romulus has also paid a priest of Mystra to cast a spell of Forbiddance on his tower. This magic seals the area against teleportation, plane shifting and ethereal penetration. Additionally, the spell is password-locked to prevent entry by any that fail to speak the words “And the Lady shall guide those who will follow Her will”. And lastly, a Will save (DC21 negates) is required for all non-Lawful Good beings to enter the tower. The effect of a failed save (aside from inability to enter the vault even if the password is known) is based on one’s alignment: different w/ respect to law vs. chaos: 3d6; different w/ respect to good vs. evil: 6d6 (use only the most severe penalty).

The interior of the tower is lit by Continual Flame spells keyed to Romulus’ commands. The mage can cause the torches to dim almost entirely or shine brightly. Unless otherwise noted, all doors are Arcane Locked and ceilings are 10’ high. The tower’s first floor is entered via a door on the east side of the structure.

Level One

RT-1. Entry Hall: This 10’ x 10’ chamber has a stout, reinforced door located on both its east and west walls. A wooden bench runs along the north wall and pegs for cloaks and hats are placed at eye level on the south wall. Magical traps have been placed at each end of this chamber. These spells are programmed to go off if the doors are breached physically (by a battering ram or similar means) or magically (by a Knock spell). The first door contains a Greater Glyph of Warding that will cause 10d8 fire damage in a 10’ radius (Ref half DC21).

RT-2. The Pump Chamber: The pump and water screw that provides running water to the tower is located here. The pump feeds water from Raven Keep’s smelting chamber into a large metal barrel that has been enchanted with Blueshine spells to prevent corrosion. The barrel is airtight and can be pressurized with the pump to force water as far up as the tower’s fifth floor. Water is released by opening a valve in the jakes to fill the bathtubs or released manually inside the pump room itself. Grating has been installed in the floor for drainage and piping eventually returns the water to Borderdale’s underground river.

RT-3. Scribe’s Office: Romulus has hired one of the Snowmantle refugees now residing in Borderdale and taught him to read and write. This scribe, Dunadan Brewer, copies tomes for the mage that are brought to Raven Keep. He also handles the mage’s dealings with merchants, arranges the purchase of spell components and sundries for the tower’s larder, and makes appointments for visitors who would visit the wizard on business. This office is located on the right side of the hallway immediately beyond the entry hall. The room is furnished with a desk, chair, and a cabinet that contains writing paper, ink and quills as well as materials used in bookbinding. The door to this room is not Arcane Locked.

RT-4. Apprentice Quarters: This room will serve as a living space for apprentices once Romulus finds suitable applicants. The chamber is furnished with a single bed complete with feather mattress, a bedside nightstand, and a small writing desk with chair. Normal oil lanterns light these rooms when they are inhabited. A lockable chest has been provided and will be used to store personal gear and the apprentice mages’ study books. The door to this chamber is not Arcane Locked.

RT-5. Apprentice Quarters: This chamber is identical to the other Apprentice Quarters.

RT-6. Dining Hall: The dining room is located to the east of the tower‘s kitchen. A long table occupies the center of this room and runs lengthwise with it. Two doors lead into this room, one from the kitchen and one from the hallway. A large cabinet holds flatware and silverware, a gift from Romulus’ halfling family in Dhedluk. There is room enough around the table for the entire party to gather here for meals and celebrations. The doors to this room are not Arcane Locked.

RT-7. Kitchen: Two doors lead into the tower kitchen. The first comes in from the hallway and the other from the dining hall. Countertops follow the inner curve of the tower’s wall and provide an area for food preparation. Cupboards are hung along the stairway’s curvature as well, directly above the countertops, to provide some storage space for cookware, flatware and dry goods. A small table occupies the center of the room and is surrounded by four wooden chairs. The doors to this room are not Arcane Locked.

RT-8. Pantry: This room is filled with stone shelves and cabinets that hold linens, cleaning supplies, dry goods, small casks of ale and wine, dry goods, vegetables and smoked meats. The door to this room is not Arcane Locked.

RT-9. Bath/Jake: The door to the jake is not Arcane Locked and opens into a warm 10‘ x 10‘ room. A full-length mirror hangs on the inside of the door for dressing. The jake contains a bathtub that actually has running water supplied by a water screw purchased from Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalogue. The water is heated by Raven Keep’s smelter before being pumped into the tower via a system of piping. The stool is located next to the tub. A sink for washing one’s hands or face is built against the west wall and a medicine cabinet containing hygiene items is located directly above it.

Level Two

RT-10. Sitting Room: This is where Romulus and Valerie Lauthyr entertain guests to the tower. The room is furnished with enough white-upholstered couches and chairs to host a small party with room to sit for everyone. Tasteful artwork adorns the walls and the room is lit by both magical and mundane means. The floor is covered with a richly padded wall-to-wall carpet that is a beautiful deep burgundy color. Several hanging ferns are located throughout the room and are tended by Romulus’ scribe when the couple is away from the tower.

RT-11. Guest Quarters: These quarters are set aside for use by Romulus’ family when they come to visit. All of the furniture is sized for halflings and includes a pair of beds, three couches and two stuffed chairs. There is a cabinet that can be stocked with food for snacks and several pitchers that will hold fresh water. Doors to the guest quarters are not Arcane Locked.

RT-12. Guest Quarters: This guestroom is furnished for use by human and elven visitors to the tower. A double bed with a thick feather mattress and several warm blankets stands against the center of the east wall. A matched pair of nightstands flanks the bed itself. A long bookshelf lines the north wall. A heavy wooden desk and matching chair are centered on the opposite wall. Doors to the guest quarters are not Arcane Locked.

RT-13. Bath/Jake: This jake is identical to the one on the first floor of Romulus’ tower, only larger, being a full 25’ long x 10’ wide.

RT-14. Scrying Chamber: Romulus keeps his crystal ball here when not away on adventures. The magic orb has been placed atop a smooth cylindrical plinth that is covered with a blue and white velvet cloth. Romulus has also placed a large, ornate mirror upon the north wall that is suitable for use as the material component of the Magic Mirror spell once he has exhausted the Crystal Ball’s daily uses. The mage keeps a slim book and writing instruments here for recording events he has seen through his scryings. Maurith has placed a Greater Glyph of Warding on the door. The spell will cause 10d8 electrical dmg in a 10’ radius (Ref half DC21) and will be activated by anyone other than a party spellcaster trying to open the doors.

RT-15. Tower Storage: Spare furniture, linens, and other sundry items are stored here. Romulus has received many gifts from his family in Dhedluk when they learned he was moving into his own residence. Valerie has ruled against the use of most of the halfling-sized furniture the mage has acquired and keeps most of it here. She has placed some in one of the guestrooms on this floor for use when Romulus’ family comes to visit Borderdale.

RT-16. Spell Component Storeroom: Romulus has learned the wisdom of buying his more mundane spell components in bulk. This room contains small kegs of various colored sand, jars of rose petals, bits of fur and glass, scales, dried insects, and a host of other strange items used in spell casting.

Level Three

RT-17. Spell Casting Practice Chamber: Romulus brings his students here to cast the spells he has taught them. For larger, more damaging spells like Fireball and Lightning Bolt, the mage casts Anti-Magic Shell ahead of time and observes the technique of his apprentices and corrects them if he finds something amiss. This room is kept bare to prevent collateral damage from spells of a combatant nature.

RT-18. Classroom: The classroom is a 30’ x 30’ room. A east wall is taken up by a large chalkboard. A podium stands in front of the chalkboard. The classroom will serve as a lecture hall for Romulus‘ apprentices. The mage will discuss many different topics using sources that are found in his library to teach the fledgling mages what they will need to learn.

RT-19. Laboratory Storage: This room is lined with shelves that hold boxes full of glassware, metal tubing, spare burners, retorts, kettles and other devices required for the brewing of potions and other nonmagical substances. These crates are all clearly labeled to provide a quick inventory of their contents.

RT-20. Council Chamber: This chamber is set aside for important meetings of the keep’s leaders. A large bay window in the east wall overlooks the inner courtyard of Raven Keep. A semi-circular table that follows the curve of the tower’s east wall stands near the center of the room and is lined with chairs for the party to use. Decanters of various liquors are kept in a cabinet against the west wall. Paintings and other artwork from the Kingdom of Cormyr adorn the walls and show various scenes and figures from that country’s history.

Level Four

This floor provides access to the perimeter walls of the keep, which run to Watchtowers Three and Four. The doors that lead out to the walls are not Arcane Locked. This is the only floor of the tower that is not protected by the Forbiddance spell and this exception applies only to the hallway that transverses the tower itself.

RT-21. Chapel (Mystra): This chamber is a small chapel dedicated to Mystra, the goddess of all magic. The walls of this chamber are alabaster white. The carpet that covers the floor and the upholstery of the chapel furniture is blue with silver trim. A small statuette of the goddess has been placed upon a small dais against the center of the east wall. Candles and other incense-burning items surround the statue. A small book that contains prayers to the goddess is located atop a low table that has been placed next to the door that leads in from the laboratory.
As with other areas held sacred to worshippers of the Goddess of Magic, her priests and any other spellcaster who reveres her as their primary deity can cast spells here for full maximum duration, damage, or extent of effect. The caster decides which of these bonuses will apply.

RT-22. Bath/Jake: This jake is identical to the one on the first floor of Romulus’ tower except it is slightly larger.

RT-23. Romulus’ Stateroom: Located on the north side of the third floor, this room has two doors. One leads out to the hallway and the other leads into the bath/jake. This chamber is far more sedate than the bedchamber Romulus maintained in Raven Keep. A large, four-posted bed complete with a thick feather mattress and quilts stands against the west wall. A heavy oaken desk and chair is placed against the north wall.
Armoires contain Romulus’ traveling gear and clothing. The mage also maintains a standing closet of gowns and other formal wear for Valerie Lauthyr (LN female Human Rogue 6) when she comes to visit and it is she who is responsible for the decor of the tower.

RT-24. Library: Romulus has made copies of all the books in Raven Keep’s library and moved them into this chamber of his tower. The door that leads into the tower library is trapped. Maurith has placed a Greater Glyph of Warding (10d8 wind and buffeting dmg in a 10’ radius; Ref half DC21) on it that will be activated by anyone who fails to speak the password (“The Lady watches“) before opening the door.
The room’s furniture was picked with comfort in mind. Romulus spends long hours here pouring through various books and, when Valerie is away on adventures; he often sleeps in the library. In addition to the copies of the keep’s tomes, Romulus has stored copies of all of his personal spellbooks here as well.

Level Five

RT-25. Alchemical Laboratory/Forge: The tower’s uppermost level is dominated by a complex laboratory suitable for the creation of magical items of all types, from simple scrolls and potions to powerfully enchanted armor and weapons. The lab is equipped with all manners of devices required for heating, agitating and otherwise manipulating liquids and powders, a furnace, and a variety of woodworking, leatherworking and metalworking tools. A Greater Glyph of Warding identical to the one placed on the tower’s library has been placed on the door that leads into laboratory.


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