Perry the Platypus (AGENT P!)

"He is a platypus, they don't do much."
- Phineas' replay when people ask what Perry can do.

Perry the Platypus (a.k.a. Agent P)
male Upright Platypus Fast Hero 3/Smart Hero 3/Dedicated Hero 6
CR: 12 
NG Tiny Animal (Upright)
Init +7, Senses: Listen +8, Spot +8 (additional +4 in water), electrolocation
Languages: Read/Write and Speak (Understand only) English and French; communicates with gestures, facial expressions and a chattering sound

AC: 22 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +8 class bonus); t: 22, ff: 22 (Uncanny Dodge 1)
Hp: 55 (12HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9
Spd: 10’ (2 squares), swim 40' (8 squares); fly 90' (18 squares) (average) with jetpack

Melee +17/+12 Unarmed Strike: 1 (20/x2)
Melee +16/+11 Spur: 1d3 plus poison
Combat Gear: Fedora, mission-specific equipment (grappling guns, etc)
Str: 10, Dex: 16, Con: 12, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 10

SA: Poison (Fort DC11); Platyjitsu;
SQ: Class Abilities (see below); Electrolocation; Low-Light Vision; Semi-Aquatic

AL: Phineas and Ferb; OWCA (Organization Without a Cool Acronym)

Occupation: Investigative (skills: Computer Use, Investigate; bonus feat: Brawl)

Feats: Aircraft Operation (Helicopter); Alertness (b); Brawl (b); Combat Expertise (b); Combat Martial Arts (b); Defensive Martial Arts (b); Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Grappling Gun); Improved Initiative; Iron Will; Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike (b)

Skill: Balance +5, Computer Use +7, Demolitions +7*, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +5*, Hide +13, Investigate +11, Knowledge (Current Events) +5, Knowledge (Streetwise) +5, Knowledge (Tactics) +9, Listen +8, Move Silently +5, Navigate +6, Perform (DJ) +1, Perform (Stringed Instruments) +2, Pilot +5*, Profession (Secert Agent) +5, Repair +10, Sense Motive +7, Spot +8 (additional +4 underwater), Survival +5, Swim +8, Treat Injury +3, Tumble +5*

Skills marked with a * indicates Cool Under Pressure skill (may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent this)

Talents: Aware; Cool Under Pressure (4 skills); Evasion; Exploit Weakness; Savant (Repair); Skill Emphasis (Investigate); Uncanny Dodge 1;

Possessions: Extensive Underground Lair with multiple hidden entrances; Multipurpose Brown Fedora (see below); Communicator Wrist-Watch (with small cutting torch); Grappling Gun; Hang Glider; Platypus-themed Parachute; Jetpack; Other mission-specific equipment as needed

Ht: 15" (plus 8" tail)     Wt: 5-1/2 lbs.     Fur: Greenish-Teal     Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Perry is a greenish-teal platypus with yellow-tinged tangerine webbing only on his back feet (odd traits for platypuses outside of Danville).  He also has three dark hairs along his head, a low, long salmon-orange beaver tail, dark brown eyes in an unnatural wall-eyed position, making him look mindlessly stupid, and duck bill that matches his webbing color.  Under his fur, he also has a locket shaped like his webbed feet and shows three pictures of him and his owners, Phineas and Ferb.  When Perry is no longer under cover, he stands on his hind legs, his front paws resemble hands, and he wears a brown fedora that OWCA agents wear as "spy uniforms".

Electrolocation (Ex): While underwater, platypuses can sense the tiny electrical currents that trigger muscle movements. This allows them to locate living prey and to distinguish it from animate objects with a range of 30'. This ability only functions underwater.
Poison (Ex) – Spur, injury 1d3 Dex/1d3 Dex Fort DC11
Semi-Aquatic (Ex): Can hold breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 x its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Skills: Platypuses gain a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks while underwater. They gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim and use their Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for Swim checks. They can always Take 10, even if rushed or threatened and can use the Run action provided they move in a straight line.
Multipurpose Brown Fedora: Agent P's fedora serves several purposes.  First of all, the hat identifies him as a secret agent.  It appears to have a hidden bar code that allows him to access his lair's computer.  There is a spring inside the hat that, when pulled, starts a motor that causes the brim of the hat to spin.  The hat can then be used as circular saw.  The hat may also be used like a boomerang.  It contains an auto-scan replication device inside of it, that scans information during each mission and Phineas and Ferb's inventions that are then stored in his lair computer.
Platyjitsu: Perry is a master of Platyjitsu and may use his tail as well as his hands and feet in combat.

Perry was created using the statistics for a normal platypus, the d20 Modern Core Rulebook, and the Upright template from the d20 Grimm Sourcebook.


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