The Little Mermaid

In my version of the Grimmlands, Ariel and her sisters were the mermaids who lived in the Mermaids’ Grotto on Neverland.  The party’s monk had gone to the waterfall that feeds into the grotto to meditate and, fascinated by his appearance, she used her music to Charm him in an attempt to add him to her collection of surface artifacts.  The party came to the rescue of their companion and things ended poorly for Ariel and her sisters.

Ariel the Mermaid

Female Merfolk Bard 10
NE Medium Humanoid (Aquatic)
Init: +2, Senses: Listen +2, Spot +2, Low-Light Vision
Languages: Read/Write Aquan and Common
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, Amulet of Natural Armor +4); t: 14, ff: 14
Hp: 59 (10HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +11

Spd: 5’ (1 square), Swim 50’ (10 squares)
Melee +10/+5 Sharkdoom Spear: 1d8+2 (19-20)
Melee +8/+3 Coral Dagger: 1d4+1
Combat Gear: Bracelet of Resistance +2; Amulet of Natural Armor +4; Sharkdoom Spear (see below); Coral Dagger +1; Hairpin (Brooch) of Shielding (75 hp); 4 Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds (CL1 – written on oiled eel hide); Potion (paste) of Protection from Evil; Potion (paste) of Eagle’s Splendor

Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
SA: Arcane Spells
SQ: Amphibious; Fairy Tale Immortality; Low-Light Vision; Bardic Knowledge +12; Bardic Music (Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Inspire Greatness); Hoarding Disorder

Feats: Dodge, Skill Focus (Perform – Singing), Stealthy, Weapon Focus (Spear),
Skills: Concentration +7, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +15, Hide +14, Knowledge (Geography) +10, Move Silently +14, Perform (Singing) +20, Swim +20 (can always take 10)

Possessions: Combat Gear plus Purple Seashell Halter and lair items (see below).

Length: 7’5”     Weight: 350 lbs.     Hair: Red     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Ariel is a red-haired mermaid with a green-scaled fish body from the waist down.

Treasure in lair: Wooden Case of 20 corkscrews (some fancy, some plain – total value, 25 gp); Wooden Smoking Pipe (5 gp value); Silvered Mirror (25 gp value); Crate of Porcelain Dinnerware (serves 8, total value 75 gp); Brass Hourglass (filled with volcanic black sand, 20 gp value); Gilded Birdcage (15 gp value); Pocket Compass on Silver Chain (30 gp value); 3-branch Silver Candelabra (50 gp value);

• Sharkdoom Spear: (Keen Thundering Spear +2): An aquatic creature that takes damage from the Sharkdoom Spear must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or be affected as by a Sink spell (–10 ft. penalty to its swim speed, sink 5 feet every round unless it succeeds on a DC 25 Swim check) for 12 minutes. A creature already affected by the Sink effect takes no additional penalty for multiple hits.

• Fairy Tale Immortality (Su): As a well-known fairy tale creature, Ariel is functionally immortal and does not age; If reduced to fewer than zero hit points, she is still rendered unconscious but continues to heal at her normal rate until reaching at least 1 hp, at which point she awakens and may act normally.
• Amphibious (Ex): Can freely breathe water and air, although she rarely travels more than a few feet from the water’s edge; additionally, Ariel is unaffected by water pressure to depths of 1,100’.
• Arcane Spells Known: 0th: Daze, Know Direction, Light, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation; 1st: Alarm, Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Sleep; 2nd: Daze Monster, Eagle’s Splendor, Fins to Feet, Sound Burst; 3rd: Charm Monster, Dispel Magic, Glibness, Haste; 4th: Rainbow Pattern, Shout
• Hoarding Disorder (Ex): Ariel is obsessed with objects and creatures from the “surface world”.  Anytime she is presented with an object of her obsession, she must attempt a Will save (DC25 negates) or go to great lengths, even endangering herself or her sisters to obtain it.

• Ariel is almost always accompanied by her six sisters (as normal Merfolk, MM)


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