Weapon Kosher

I first discovered the Magic Pickle at my oldest son's school book fair years ago. I bought the book for myself and quickly picked up the rest of the series. Now my youngest son is obsessed with the character and the Pickle's books are, by far, his most requested bedtime stories. He can identify every character, especially the villains (the Egg Poacher is his favorite), and does a fake echo of "produce... produce... produce..." every time I read him the origin of the "BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL PRODUCE."

With the August release of Magic Pickle and the Roots of Doom by Scott Morse, I thought it was about time I finally got around to finishing the d20 version of the titular gherkin. Like all of the other superheroes appearing in my campaign, Weapon Kosher (his official government code name) exists on Earth-218

Weapon Kosher (a.k.a. Magic Pickle a.k.a MP)
CR: 5     Diminutive Plant (Mutant)
Class: Metahuman 3     HD: 3d8+6 (22 hp)
Energy: 19
Init: +4     Spd: fly 120' (average)
AC: 18 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +2 Haste); t: 18, ff: 14
Attacks: (BAB +2/Grap +6); +8 Unarmed Strike: 1+8 (20/×2, nonlethal) or +8 Energy Blast: 3d6 (20/×2, 100'; 520' max)
SA: Mutant Powers
SQ: Plant Traits, Racial Abilities
Align: LG     Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Str: 26, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 8, Cha: 10
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English
Skills: Computer Use +5, Knowledge (Law) +5, Knowledge (Superhumans) +5; Spot +2
Feats: Flyby Attack; Improved Unarmed Strike; Power Focus (Energy Blast)(b)
Gear: Cybernetic Implant - Datajack; Crime Computer (in Capital Dill); the Processor

Height: 5”     Weight: 4 oz.     
Hair: None     Eyes: Yellow
"Birthdate": Classified, sometime in the 1950s, age 53 to 62 (in 2012)*

* Weapon Kosher spent decades in cryogenic stasis and is physically much younger than his chronological age

Appearance: Weapon Kosher is a 5" dill pickle with muscular arms, bumpy green skin, and glowing yellow eyes. He has a blue star emblazoned on his forehead.

Cybernetic Implant: Weapon Kosher has a datajack in the center of the star on his forehead. This can be plugged in to the crime computer is Capital Dill to receive uploads of information concerning the Brotherhood of Evil Produce and other villains. It can also be used to summon the Processor, a weapon/vehicle in the Magic Pickle series that was created by Dr. Jekyll Formaldehyde as a criminal catching container with combat abilities to assist Weapon Kosher in his missions

The Processor (with Jojo Wigman inside)

Plant Traits: Low-light Vision; Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (Charms, Compulsions, Phantasms, Patterns, and morale effects); Immunity to Poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis, Polymorph, and Stunning; Not subject to Critcal Hits.
Racial Abilities: Mutant - gain 3 "levels" worth of power (3 standard or 1 improved and 1 standard), Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional "level" of power), Evolved Metabolism (+4 bonus on initial Energy score), LA +1, gains Metahuman as a bonus Favored Class
Class Abilities: Proficient with Simple Weapons and Light Armor; Chosen Class Skills (Computer Use, Knowledge - Law, 1 other); Power Enhancement (×1); Bonus Power Feat (×1)

Improved Brawn: This grants him a +20 bonus to his Strength and DR4 vs. Kinetic attacks. He uses his Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is lower, to determine his "to hit" bonus. This gives him a carrying capacity of 76/161/230/drag 1150 lbs.
Standard Damage Reduction: Weapon Kosher has Damage Reduction 4 from all non-memtal attacks (DR8 vs Kinetic including bonus from Brawn)
Improved Energy Blast (Kinetic): (Energy Cost: 1, Range 400' plus 40'/level, Famage 3d6, Ref ½ DC17). Weapon Kosher is able to unleash vinegar enhanced bursts of energy from his hands.
     • Reducer - does not affect living organic material*
     * in Magic Pickle's first scene of the graphic novel, he bursts through Jojo Wigman's bedroom floor. She begins to beat him with a pillow from behind so he turns and zaps her with his Energy Blast. This destroys the feet of her footsie pajamas but leaves her unharmed.
Standard Flight: (Persistent, Energy Cost: 0), Weapon Kosher leaves a mildly luminous streak of green, dill-scented energy in his wake. Flying requires as much concentration as walking, so Weapon Kosher is capable of attacking or taking other actions normally.  He can hover and charge but not “run” and cannot carry more than 230 lb.  If carrying 76 – 161 lbs, flight speed drops to 80' and from 162 – 230 lbs his speed is reduced to 40'.
     • Amplifier: Hyper-Flight (included above)

Code of Honor: The Magic Pickle has a strict code of honor: oppose evil and Communism that requires him to accept any challenge from an opponent to prove that "Good" is superior to "Evil." This leads him to be easily manipulated by tricksy foes like the Phantom Carrot. He answers to the United States government, specifically Dr. Jekyll Formaldehyde and will follow all lawful orders he is given. He will go to great lengths to avoid harming innocents.
Obvious Mutant: Weapon Kosher is clearly not human, imposing a -3 Cha penalty
Physical Limitation: As a sentient, talking pickle, Weapon Kosher has no legs and is unable to walk.

BACKGROUND: Weapon Kosher is a product of Dr. Jekyll Formaldehyde's attempt to create an agent of justice to serve the United States government in the 1950s. He was eating lunch in his laboratory, Capital Dill, when a pickle from his vegetarian combo fell into a gamma particle confibulator. The energies bonded with the pickle, granting it sentience and superhuman abilities. The doctor attempted to transform the rest of his lunch in a similar manner, but his experiment turned bad, corrupting the remaining vegetables and morphing them into the Brotherhood of Evil Produce. The members of the Brotherhood quickly escaped from the lab and disappeared.
     Weapon Kosher was put into cryogenic slumber while the doctor launched himself into space in a special satellite to track the Brotherhood's activities. The government built the town of Hicksville atop the lab to conceal their actions.  The home, and specifically the bedroom of Jojo Wigman, is directly above Capital Dill.
     Decades later, Dr. Formaldehyde located the Brotherhood and awakened his greatest achievement. Weapon Kosher burst from the lab directly into Jojo's bedroom. The two then embarked on a series of missions to thwart the Brotherhood's ambitions of bringing forth the Salad Days, an apocalyptic end time that would see vegetables ruling the world with humanity serving as slaves to the whims of produce gone bad.

The Brotherhood of Evil Produce (From left to right): Peashooter, Phantom Carrot, Romaine Gladiator, Squish Squash, Chili Chili Bang Bang


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