Day Five of the Odinsleep - Confrontation

Day Five of the Odinsleep; 7am (Sunrise)

The giant armored figures elicit "kabob" and "meat on a stick" jokes from both Shadow and Cedron while Raz'iir asks if the group should simply attack. Cedron replies that it would be wiser to learn more first.  Shadow remarks that he has never heard of anything like these giants but that if they were to remove their halls he might be able to identify them.

Grotto adds that since the brutes have bodies from both sides of the battle that perhaps they could be persuaded to create a distraction for the group once they reach Loki's tower. Cedron nods, "Alright then! Cover me!" he shouts. The minstrel-priest utters a quiet prayer to Malazzarr, God of the Progress, that will allow him to speak any language and nudges his sleipnir into a descent. Shadow follows, remaining above and behind Cedron and his steed.

The two close in on the thirs of the spike-armored behemoths that Kysek spotted and Cedron calls out, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING? THE FIGHTING IS BACK THAT WAY!" but the eight-legged horse races by so quickly that the giant is well out of your shot before the priest can even finish his question. Shadow, still trailing behind urges his mount too slow while Cedron circles back to try again. As the equine begins to draw near, it pulls to one side, giving the armored giant a wide berth, unsettled by the smell of blood emanating from his grisly trophies.

The priest blows out of the frustrated sigh, "One more try," he thinks to himself has he turns his steed for a third pass. Mount and rider close in on the giant and Cedron yells out once more. The armored visit shows no sign of acknowledgement as the brute trudges along the narrow path through the trees. It's wide shoulders brush against the branches on either side, causing a deluge of snow to be knocked loose from the firs.

As Shadow draws close, the helm turns, swiveling a full 180° to track his movement.  With both adventurers and of their mounts relatively close by, the giant belches for a cone of murky yellow gas. Neither horse is able to avoid the cloud and plunges into the thick vapor. The bodies of the animals go rigid and they dropped from the air, hitting the ground with meaty thuds.

The Witching Cloak flares outward, arresting Cedron's fall and dropping him gently to the ground. Shadow hits the snowy ground, bouncing twice in the thawing slush but rolls with the impact, minimizing the damage and coming away with little more than a bruised shoulder.

* Arthur: 100% health
* Bubo: 100% health
* Cedron: 100% health, Tongues 80 minutes)
* Drax: 100% health, Nondetection (active until 7pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am)
* Grotto: 100% health
* Korbin: 100% health
* Kysek: 100% health; half of the Tome has been read
* Morn: 100% health
* Niklas: 100% health
* Raven: 100% health
* Raz'iir: 100% health
* Shadow: 100% health
* Spewer: 100% health


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