The Witching Cloak

The Witching Cloak is based on the magical item of the same name featured in DC Comics’ Vertigo Imprint “Fables”.  In that comic series, the Cloak was an immensely powerful magical item. While wearing it, the user can make themselves invisible, as well as change their form to almost whatever they desire. The wearer is also able to teleport across distances and dimensions, as long as they know where they want to appear. The cape is nearly indestructible, though other magic, if strong enough, may cause some harm.

In my campaign, the adventurers first encountered the Witching Cloak in the Grimmlands.  It was in the possession of Boy Blue but he was not the noble hero he was portrayed as in the comics.  Instead, he was an alcoholic, a wastrel, and a slaver who had passed out in a haystack after drinking too much.  His unattended sheep were then eaten by the Big Bad Wolf.  When he awoke and discovered what had happened, Blue began kidnapping children and dressing them in wool to fool his vision-impaired father into thinking they were sheep.  He then sold members of his flock to giants for making into jelly, bread, and so on.  Blue, naturally, was paranoid that someone would discover his ruse and avoided allowing anyone except for his customers to get anywhere near to his flock.  Mary (Who Had a Little Lamb) asked the adventurers to help her investigate what was going on and in the resulting confrontation, Boy Blue was killed and the Witching Cloak was claimed by Cedron, a cleric of Malazzarr. 

Cedron has yet to unlock all of the Witching Cloak’s abilities so only the ones he has identified so far are listed below. 

The Witching Cloak appears to be a normal but finely made blue woolen cloak.  It is impervious to stains, rips, and tears and keeps its wearer dry unless fully immersed in water.

Abilities: Constant – items can stored in the folds of the cloak (wt. cap 250 lbs, 30ft3) and recalled at will, appearing in the wearer's free hand; Resist Cold/Fire/Electricity 10; +5 resistance bonus to saving throws; Heavy Fortification; will Grapple up to two adjacent Medium-sized or smaller opponents (uses wearer's Grapple with a -5 penalty)
At Will (Caster level 20) – Fly, Invisibility, Rope Trick


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