Day Three of the Odinsleep (The Plains of Vígríðr - A Perilous Defense Finale)

Day Three of the Odinsleep – 9:50 am

Raven continues to throw himself into the fight.  He ducks and dives, closing with the Jotun as Korbin’s butterfly swarm dissipates into nothing more than fading motes of energy and strikes with Nightwatcher.  The moon elf roars as he swings the blade.  The first blow takes the giant in the ankle, finishing the job of collapsing the already wounded joint.  The giant’s footing gives out underneath it and the titan crashes to the ground.  The Jotun grits his teeth, places his palms flat on the ground and starts to push back up but Raven is on him in an instant, driving the sword in through the left temple to pierce the brain.  The Jotun’s entire body goes limp as the elf saws back and forth with the sword, scrambling the grey matter that he can reach and sending the Jotun tumbling down a dark abyss to the realm of Hela, goddess of the dead.
Kysek shouts to the group that the fleeing giants must not be allowed to make it back to their camp or we will soon find ourselves overwhelmed by their reinforcements.  Most of the group is already in motion but even with their enchanted speed, the giants steps are too big and they begin to pull away.  The archers raise their bows and open fire, launching arrows after the fleeing Jotun.  Desmond manages to strike the nearest with two shots while Niklas and Cedron’s arrows and crossbow bolts fall short.  Korbin squawks out the command word to his rod one more time and conjures a cloud of green smoke that settles to the ground while the giant runs through it.
As the rest of the group turns to give chase to the two fleeing giants, there is a sound from above like the sky tearing apart.  Booming thunder echoes down from above.  A chariot races by overhead, drawn by a pair of bleating goats.  The chariot’s driver is a massive man with fiery red hair and a long beard.  Thick metal gauntlets cover his hands and forearms as he spins a warhammer over his head.  He releases the weapon and it flies through the air, throwing bolts of lightning as it descends toward the running giants.  The weapon strikes the farther one in the back and several bolts of lightning rain down from the sky when it makes impact, blasting the giant repeatedly, leaving nothing more than a charred husk in its wake as the warhammer spins away to strike its running companion.  That giant, too, is obliterated by the powerful strike.
The rider holds out his hand and the hammer flies back to him.  A deep booming voice calls out, “WELL FOUGHT MORTALS!  YOU SHALL BE THE TOAST OF VALHALLA TONIGHT!” as the chariot turns and banks back toward the west.
= = = = = =

• All party members plus Huge Elemental, and Elemental 1 and 2: Haste (from Ra’ziir, 13 rounds remaining)
• Arthur: 94% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 93% health; Ironskin Chant (DR5/- -, 3 rounds), Divine Favor (+3 hit/dmg; 8 rounds remaining)
• Desmond: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Greater Invisibility (5 rounds remaining)
• Grog: 100% health; Wall of Ice (10 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Stoneskin (110 of 110, 109 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
• Grotto: 60% health;
• Hansuke: 48% health;
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Stoneskin (66 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Greater Invisibility (16 rounds remaining)
• Morn: 100% health; Cat’s Grace (8 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Blink (8 rounds remaining)
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 70% health; Bull’s Strength (from Grog, 10 minutes, 5 rounds remaining); Greater Invisibility (from Ra’ziir, 14 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: 68% health; Stoneskin (86%; 146 minutes, 7 rounds remaining); Elemental Swarm (7 Large Earth Elementals (#7 23%%, #6 34%, #5 26%), 1 Huge Earth Elemental – by the time the Elder arrived, 128 minutes, 7 rounds remaining); Blur (16 minutes, 8 rounds remaining); Mirror Image (8 images, 16 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 100% health; Overland Flight (14 hours, 27 minutes, 5 rounds remaining); Iron Body (DR15/adam, immune to blindness/critical hit/deafness/disease/drowning/electricity/poison/stunning and effects that affect physiology or respiration, Str 21 (+5)/Dex 16 (+3) attack bonus/penalty cancel out, gains +3 damage, ASF 50%, -8ACP, 1 minutes, 7 rounds remaining); Keen Edge (from scabbard: 49 minutes, 5 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health


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