Day Three of the Odinsleep - A Dwarf Always Pays His Debts

Day Three of the Odinsleep – 9:52 am

At the appearance of the small hoard Shadow has produced from the pockets and pouches of the slain Jotun, the party members make their way over to the dark elf and the dwarf Ivaldi.  Hansuke thanks Cedron for the healing, wipes the blade of his naginata and then moves to the perimeter of the group to watch for approaching enemies.
“I’d be interested in those prayer beads and maybe a scroll or two depending on what they do,” says Cedron.  Ra’ziir turns his arcane sight upon the pile, scanning the items for anything that may be magical and is pleased to discover that the majority of the pile bears a number of different enchantments.  Kysek looks to the bladesinger, “We need to begin identification as quickly as possible.  We’re going to need every last bit of this and more if we are to survive until this Odin character feels the need to wake the hells up.”
Shadow nods and introduces himself to the dwarf, “I am Shadow, one of the good dark elves” and then to his companions, “I will help identify these items.”
Korbin flips open one of the chests and begins sorting through it with his wings and beak, sorting, counting, and appraising as he shifts coins and gems from one side of the chest to the other.  He smiles as much as a beak will allow and looks up happily, “I love looting and food.  They are on my top ten list.  I also hate sitting out in the middle of an open field.  Maybe there is somewhere safer we can go through this splendor?"
“Let’s have the magic users check what is what first before we start picking things out for ourselves, my friends, that way we know what’s safe to use or touch.” Arthur adds.
Kysek sighs, “Magic has little effect, and force is of little effect.  The only thing that is truly effective is fear – fear of their own deaths causing retreat.  The dark elves are of little consequence thus far but I think that was but a probing attack.  Full force of either will be our demise lest we figure this out.”
“They have little to fear,” responds Cedron, “We are woefully outnumbered.  We must change tactics if this day continues at this pace.  Before the giants turned upon us and chased us here, we had a mere glimpse of their forces.  Giants, trolls, ogres, dark elves – the bad kind,” he clarifies in deference to Shadow, “and other evil creatures spread out as far as the eye could see.  Their forces were endless.  Our only hope is…well, hope that there are just as many heroes like us fighting against this horde along this wall.  I fear our day has just begun, my friends.  We must fight smarter if we are to prevail.  Who among us has any ideas?”
“I haven’t any suggestions.  If we must face those giants again, I fear for the safety of our group.  Do you healers have enough time to rest and pray for your spells again?  If so, I will stand guard over you.” Niklas replies.
Morn looks thoughtfully out over the field, “IS there any way we can prepare the area to create more defensible positions, pitfalls and the like, ways we can use to funnel them toward us so we only have to face one at a time?”
Ivaldi watches the back and forth conversation between the group, grumbling under his breath, “Sitting right here…”  Finally, he spits on the ground and says, “Is every last one of ya deaf?  I asked a question.  And someone unchain me afore I get irritated with the lot of you.”
Drax begins unlocking the chains binding the dwarf.  Grog and Niklas both move to help.  The shaggy haired man looks at the thick iron links and wonders idly if they would make for good sling bullets.   Raven addresses Ivaldi, “We all fought the giant but it was my blade that brought it down if that is what you are asking.”  Once freed, the dwarf nods, “That is what I meant.”  He squints at Raven, “Ya look a bit scrawny to be killin’ a Jotun but if what ya say is the truth, then I owes you a debt and I will not have that.”  The dwarf walks over to the pile and looks it over with a practiced eye.  He squats down and picks up a one of the wooden rods.  One end is adorned with flanges, giving it a mace-like appearance.  He leans in close, sniffs it and then touches it with his tongue.  “This will do.  All of you!  Grab this mess and follow me.  Let these Asgardians watch over their own backyard for a spell.  I have work to do and you’re coming with me!”  Ivaldi starts marching toward the city gate and bellows for it to be opened.  The warriors on the wall look at each other for a confused moment and then make haste to comply with the dwarf’s order.  The rotund dwarf from Niðavellir smiles and throws a wink at the group, “Me fame precedes me.  Let’s get moving.”
As the Ivaldi walks, Grotto finally catches up to the group, excited to see a dwarf amongst the group.  He introduces himself and points at several other party members, listing off their names before asking how Ivaldi happened to be captured.  The other dwarf scratches himself, reaches into a pouch and pulls out a thick bar of something, takes a bite and begins to chew.  A few moments later, he spits again and says “I was in me forge, tinkering with some ideas when they showed up – says I needed to come with them and make weapons for Loki’s army.  I told them to kiss the south end of a northbound troll and that Loki could do the same – he still owes me son his head as part of a wager he lost but weaseled out of paying – and that I wasn’t going with them.  That’s when one of these big bastards stuck his paw through me door, grabbed me up, wrapped them chains around me and stuffed me in his bag.”


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