Day Three of the Odinsleep (The Plains of Vígríðr - A Perilous Defense Part 8)

Day Three of the Odinsleep – 9:50 am

Raven snarls and wields Nightwatcher’s in both hands.  He puts all of his strength into his blows as he swings the nigh-unbreakable blade.  His blade whistles as it slices through the air to slam into the back of the Jotun’s calf.  Blood sprays as the sword cuts through the layers of boot leather and muscle to smash into the bone in the Jotun’s lower leg.  The giant howls in surprise and pain as the elf spins, driving the blade into the side of the giant’s other foot only to spin back with a thrust that crack the delicate bones in the titan’s ankle.  The giant staggers and reverses the grip on its axe in an attempt to slam Raven with the butt of the weapon but the elf has already moved back to the other leg to deliver a pair of slashes that leave the giant unbalanced and vulnerable to the rest of the party’s incoming attacks.

Ra’ziir orders the remaining elementals to break off and protect the rearguard.  The earthen creatures respond instantly and begin sinking into the ground, swimming through the dirt as if it were water and head toward the fighting near the left flank of the party.  The bladesinger murmurs a handful of words and eight identical copies of himself appear, surrounding him and mimicking his every move as he brings Deathblossom to bear once more.  Ra’ziir “thinks” in Raven’s direction, communicating through the mindlink they share, “Keep talking so I know where you are so I don’t hit you by mistake!”  The fiery blade cuts deeply into the giant’s flesh, its flames cauterizing the wounds as they are made.  Ra’ziir delivers blow after blow, driving the Jotun back a step as its tries to get room to being its axe to bear against the half-elemental elf and the other foes surrounding it.

Cedron brings his crossbow up and fires off a pair of quick shots with his crossbow.  The two bolts, each enchanted with an aura of magical force energy slam into the giant.  The first fails to penetrate the creature’s thick skin but the second pierces the giant’s belly and lodges just above the navel.  The cleric circles left, trying to stay with each reach of the warriors, knowing that they will need what healing magic he can provide soon enough.

Hansuke sees that his punches and kicks are having little effect so he drops into a somersault that brings him around to the back of the Jotun.  The tattooed monk reaches over his shoulder and tugs his enchanted jade naginata free of the thong that holds it to his back and twirls the weapon overhead.  He shouts out, “NAGINATA NO GARA TO NO KINMITSUNA RĪCHISUTORAIKI” and slashes the giant across the tendons at the back of the knee, parting the thick flesh.  A second slash splits open the leather on the back of the giant’s boot, exposing the flesh beneath and a shouted “NAGAI TŌTATSU SUIRYOKU” follows as the jade weapon pierces the muscles beneath.

The Jotun battling against the party’s frontline warriors, its head still surrounded by the swarm of butterflies summoned by Korbin’s wand flails its axe, trying to clear away the insects obscuring its vision.  It brings its axe up with both hands, turns it sideways and smashes it down into the ground at Raven.  The blow, swung blindly impacts nothing but the ground as the invisible elf dodges to one side, ducking between the towering giant’s legs.  Roaring in frustration the giant turns and tries to repeat his attack against the bladesinger harrying him from behind.  His attack fails like the one before it and Ra’ziir dances away without so much as a scratch.  Another spin and descending axe blow comes crashing down at Hansuke but the monk slips the blow, sliding in beside Raven in the shadow of the brute’s legs and the Jotun’s final swing misses Arthur for the same reason.  The giant bellows over the din of battle, “Falle tilbake! Disse dødelige sværmene som insekter, biter og trekker seg tilbake!

The two Jotuns on the left flank hear the first giant’s words and break off from their battles and begin backing away from the fighting before turning to retreat to the safety of their camp.

Korbin banks hard, his wings beating furiously as he gives chase to the retreating giants.  “A wand of the meadows, maybe I’ll summon a bright sunny day and a picnic basket next.  I love the loose plan of smack things and not die!  Really it’s great.  Just don’t let us get flanked while we’re at it!  Ya?”  Once again, he caws out the command word.  Korbin sees a bolt of lightning blast from the end of the rod to strike one of the retreating giants in the back and he lets out a whoop of victory.  The rest of the group sees the crow in flight and hears his cry of joy but sees nothing happen.

Arthur flies in, diving through the cloud of butterflies until he makes contact with the Jotun’s head.  The paladin plants his feet on the giant’s shoulder and puts his weight into the swing as he slashes with Lawbringer.  The holy blade flares brightly as it slams into the back of the Jotun’s skull.  The giant stumbles forward as Arthur hits him again.  Smoke rises from the wounds as the paladin reverses his grip on the blade and plunges it in point first, cracking the bone and splitting it open.  The ensuing blast of light rocks the giant and he drops to one knee, nearly crushing Drax as he holds out one hand to catch himself.

While the giant is down on one knee, Shadow dives in with dagger and rapier in hand.  While his dagger proves next to useless in the blistering flurry of bladework, Swiftwind’s very first thrust sinks deeply into the giant’s neck, puncturing tendons and severing ligaments with ease.  Two more flashes of the blade causes a torrent of blood to pour down the Jotun’s neck and chest, soaking through the furs worn over its armor and leaving it gasping for breath.

Kysek rolls a bit of bat guano between his thumb and forefinger while he chants the words to a spell.  He sees the two Jotun retreat and turns back toward the wounded giant and finishes his spell, crying out, “Фиребалл!”  He aims for the center of the kneeling giant’s chest, hoping to avoid catching his comrades on the ground and those flying above in the blast and unleashes his spell.  An orange bead streaks from his hand and hits the Jotun in the center of its chest.  Against all odds, the bead detonates with a dull roar, enveloping the titan in flames.  The fire spreads quickly, setting the Jotun’s fur clothing ablaze.  Shrieks of pain echo across the landscape as the fire burns the frost giant’s flesh, blackening it until large swathes of skin flake away from its body like charred meat on a grill.

Desmond and Niklas loose their arrows into the receding fireball.  Nearly all of the feathered shafts that hit home, sinking deeply into the giant’s flesh.  The titan flails, his arms, swiping away the remaining butterflies or sweeping them into the fire as he struggles to regain his feet.

Grotto, not letting up for an instant, prays that Hanseath will guide his throw as he hurls his axe once again.  The double-bitted blade tumbles end over end to strike the rising giant in the stomach, tearing open a wound that threatens to disembowel the mammoth warrior.  The axe spins and flies back to its owner, landing solidly in the scarred dwarf’s outstretched hand.

Grog loads another of his special bullets and twirls his sling overhead, picking up speed and momentum before releasing the stone.  The rock grows as it flies, taking on mass and expanding until it is the size of a horse.  The boulder-sized stone smashes into the side of the Jotun’s head, staggering him yet again as the giant turns to follow the orders he gave his companions to flee the battle.

The elementals reach their destination and rise out of the ground, forming a defensive line against the Jotuns that is no longer needed now that they have fallen back from the fighting.

= = = = = =
• All party members plus Huge Elemental, and Elemental 1 and 2: Haste (from Ra’ziir, 14 rounds remaining)
• Arthur: 94% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 93% health; Major Image (1 rounds remaining), Ironskin Chant (DR5/- -, 4 rounds), Divine Favor (+3 hit/dmg; 9 rounds remaining)
• Desmond: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Greater Invisibility (6 rounds remaining)
• Grog: 100% health; Wall of Ice (10 minutes, 7 rounds remaining); Stoneskin (110 of 110, 109 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
• Grotto: 60% health;
• Hansuke: 48% health;
• Korbin: 100% health; Butterflies (from Rod, 1 rounds remaining)
• Kysek: 100% health; Stoneskin (66 minutes, 7 rounds remaining); Greater Invisibility (17 rounds remaining)
• Morn: 100% health; Cat’s Grace (8 minutes, 7 rounds remaining); Blink (9 rounds remaining)
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 70% health; Bull’s Strength (from Grog, 10 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Greater Invisibility (from Ra’ziir, 15 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: 68% health; Stoneskin (86% - 130 of 150; 146 minutes, 8 rounds remaining); Elemental Swarm (7 Large Earth Elementals (#7 23%%, #6 34%, #5 26%), 1 Huge Earth Elemental – by the time the Elder arrived, 128 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Blur (16 minutes, 9 rounds remaining); Mirror Image (8 images, 17 minutes, 0 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 100% health; Overland Flight (14 hours, 27 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Iron Body (DR15/adam, immune to blindness/critical hit/deafness/disease/drowning/electricity/poison/stunning and effects that affect physiology or respiration, Str 21 (+5)/Dex 16 (+3) attack bonus/penalty cancel out, gains +3 damage, ASF 50%, -8ACP, 1 minutes, 8 rounds remaining); Keen Edge (from scabbard: 49 minutes, 6 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health


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