Day Three of the Odinsleep (The Plains of Vígríðr - Enter Ivaldi)

Day Three of the Odinsleep – 9:52 am

After the last two Jotuns are blasted in bits of unrecognizable meat, Raven drops to the ground and blows out one long breath.  “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am tired.  If they can do THAT, what do they need us for?”  Kysek looks over at his elven friend and deadpans, “Why can you guys not do that?”
Morn nods, “And I am the only from Toril having flashbacks of the lightning storm at the start of this escapade flashing before their eyes?”
Grotto’s mouth hangs open, in awe of the incredible power unleashed by the man in the chariot.  “Hanseath has blessed us indeed with so powerful an ally!  All hail Hanseath!”
Raven chuckles at that, his thoughts drifting back to taking shelter in an abandoned temple dedicated to Talos the Stormlord.  Lightning had bombarded the temple, charging some sort of magic circle within with every strike until the circle reached a critical limit and exploded, tearing open a rift in space and stranding them in the world of Hyboria.
Shadow lands and makes his way over to the first, well, technically, second dead Jotun of the day and calls for Spewer to come out of its ear canal.  The lizard emerges and clambers onto the drow’s shoulder, wrapping its tail across his back and hooking it under his left arm.  The two of them then begin the process of looting the bodies.  He finds Niklas pacing off the height of the fallen giant as he reaches 20 paces.  The woodsman shakes his head and lets out a low whistle, “That is one big bastard.”
Arthur comes over, extends one hand and pulls Raven to his feet.  The paladin takes a moment to let the blessing of Malazzarr flow through him and into the elf, healing some of his injuries.  Cedron joins them and spends the next several minutes casting restorative spells on raven, Ra’ziir, Hansuke, and Grotto with the effects of one spell spilling over onto himself and Arthur as well.  By the time the priest’s spells are completed, he finds himself completely out of any remaining magic to call upon for the rest of the day and frowns as the sun has not even reached its zenith yet.
While the rest of the adventurers gather to plot their next move, Korbin announces that would sound good at this point.  Shadow on the other hand, calls out, having found something of interest beyond the not-insignificant pile of loot he has turned out of the dead giants’ pockets thus far – a suit of plate mail (complete with a corpse still inside of it), a pair of shields, 3 small chests filled with coin and gems, a pair of flasks and a pair of rings, 3 thick wooden rods, plus two staves and two more slender wands, a thick scrollcase packed with papers, a battered hooded lantern, a hatchet, two sets of robes, a necklace of prayer beads and two leather-bound tomes.
A pouch, sized for one of the Jotun’s hangs from the belt of the last one killed by the party.  The drow notices that something inside the pouch is wriggling about so he slices through the thick canvas with one of his daggers, revealing a dwarf.  The dwarf, blond of hair and beard has thick braids of both bound together and tucked into a wide, broadbelt that wraps around his not inconsiderable stomach lies bound in chains.  Dozens of tiny burn scars cover his hands and meaty forearms.  A leather skirt, edged with gold metal hangs from his waist and a winged helmet sits atop his head, although at an unintentionally jaunty angle lies at the moment.  The dwarf sits up and spits, “DAMNABLE GIANTS!  Can’t leave a body in piece when it says it wants nothing to do with their stupid war!”  The dwarf looks up, one pop eye taking in the drow standing over him, “I be Ivaldi, master smith and noblest of the dwarves of Nidavellir.  So, who am I owing fer me rescue?”
= = = = = =
• Arthur: 100% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Desmond: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health;
• Grog: 100% health; Wall of Ice (9 minutes, 3 rounds remaining); Stoneskin (110 of 110, 108 minutes, 5 rounds remaining)
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Hansuke: 98% health;
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Stoneskin (65 minutes, 3 rounds remaining); Greater Invisibility (3 rounds remaining)
• Morn: 100% health; Cat’s Grace (7 minutes, 3 rounds remaining);

• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 93% health; Bull’s Strength (from Grog, 9 minutes, 2 rounds remaining); Greater Invisibility (from Ra’ziir, 1 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: 85% health; Stoneskin (86% - 130 of 150; 145 minutes, 4 rounds remaining); Elemental Swarm (7 Large Earth Elementals (#7 23%%, #6 34%, #5 26%), 1 Huge Earth Elemental – by the time the Elder arrived, 127 minutes, 4 rounds remaining); Blur (15 minutes, 5 rounds remaining); Mirror Image (8 images, 15 minutes, 6 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 100% health; Overland Flight (14 hours, 26 minutes, 2 rounds remaining); Iron Body (DR15/adam, immune to blindness/critical hit/deafness/disease/drowning/electricity/poison/stunning and effects that affect physiology or respiration, Str 21 (+5)/Dex 16 (+3) attack bonus/penalty cancel out, gains +3 damage, ASF 50%, -8ACP, 4 rounds remaining); Keen Edge (from scabbard: 48 minutes, 2 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health


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