Where I Have Been

So.... it's been over six months since I last posted. I've been fine - no grand tragedies, no worrisome health issues, nothing dramatic. I simply haven't been writing. My wife had a baby at the end of January and, yes, a lot of time has been dedicated to raising (and being entertained by) him. The biggest change (as far as gaming goes) has been my job. In May 2019, I left two jobs in favor of one. I work less and make more. I am off evenings and weekends. I have paid holidays. You would think that with all of this free time, I'd be writing more.

Not so much.

You see, before, I would most of my writing at my second job (front desk at one of the local hotels). From the end of October's third weekend until Memorial Day (with the occasional exception for snowmobilers or hockey tournaments), I was pretty much getting paid to just be there.

Start a load of laundry... I'd have about 30 minutes to write while the washer did its thing. Pull stuff from the wash to go to the dryer... Forty-five minutes to an hour depending on what it was.

And some days, there Was no laundry, no guests to check in, no reservations to make, the phone wouldn't even ring. ALL of that time was spent writing or researching.

Now I come home, have dinner with my family, play with our baby, curl up in the blankets and watch shows with my wife. I'm not using the game as an escape. I have found contentment.

I still enjoy the game. I read about it and peruse old modules and rulebooks, I watch videos, I make notes on things I want to include in my campaign. There will be a return to gaming soon. I am eager to pick up where I left off and I definitely want to see how the story my players I have been crafting turns out in the end.


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