Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Carbombya

Crosswind is a character in my campaign. Because Earth-218 has Transformers, it stands to reason that the inauspiciously-named Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Cambombya must also exist. Situated on the northern coast of Africa between Libya and Egypt, Carbombya stands as a caricature of anti-Middle Eastern stereotypes. It is occupied by xenophobic, unstable, religious extremists who stand in opposition to the West.

And that's exactly what they want you to think. Carbombya has vast reserves of high-quality oil and natural gas. It combines these resources with a weak military, low population, and Ill-defined borders. Realizing that they are operating from a position of vulnerability, the nation's leaders have decided that their best defense is to play the role of the buffoon.

Abdul Fakkadi is the nation's "Supreme Military Commander, President-for-Life, and King of Kings". In public, he acts erratically and comes across as both pompous and intolerant of others. He is, in actually, a shrewd businessman and skilled politician with a keen understanding of human psychology. This is not to say that he hasn't made serious blunders in his dealings, particularly in those with the Decepticons. At the present, however, his country remains mostly independent of outside influences*.

* At the time of this writing, the events of Transformers Legends have not yet occurred. Carbombya has not been occupied by NATO forces and the Carbombian Protection League has not been established.

Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Cambombya
Capital: Carbombya City
Population: 8,000 (estimated)
Government: Dictatorship
Religion: Islam
Imports: Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods, Tobacco
Exports: Oil, Natural Gas
Alignment: Neutral
Major Cities: Carbombya City, Bardiyah, AlJaghbüb


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