I have been on a bit of a robot kick lately so I thought I would share another project that I have been bouncing around for the last few weeks.
Crosswind is a Decepticon Transformer from the planet Cybertron. He serves as a scout for Megatron's forces and spends much of his time seeking out easily exploitable resources. Unlike many of his Transformer brethren, he lacks the mass shifting ability that allows him to change size as well as shape and is often relegated to a secondary role, something he resents. Since Crosswind is a scout, he could be encountered on any world in search of resources for the Deception war effort. He could even arrive in much the same manner as the invaders from Tales of the Comet, whatever works for you.
Crosswind: "Male" Cybertronian Robot (Transformer)
CR: 15
Colossal Construct (Shapechanger)
HD: 24d10 plus 80; Hp: 182
Init: -1, Senses: Spot +9, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Sensor Package
Spd: 50', fly 1,000' (min) to 6,600' (max) (poor)
AC: 31 (-8 size, -1 Dex, +30 natural); t: 1, ff: 31
BAB/Grap: +18/+52;
ROBOT MODE: +9 2 Slams: 2d8+18 or +10/+4 Rotary Cannon: 7d6 (20/x2, 60') or +9/+4 Returning Throwing Stars (Propellers): 1d8 each (20/x2, 10' - may throw 2/attack, does not apply Str bonus to damage)
PLANE MODE: +12/+7 Rotary Cannon: 7d6 (20/x2, 60'), +11/+6 105mm Howitzer: 10d6 (20/x2, 100'), +11/+6 40mm Autocannon: 5d6 (20/x2, 60') - in plane mode, all weapons only fire to port
SA: Alternate Form
SQ: Countermeasures, Cybertronian Durability, Cybertronian Traits; DR10/--
Align: NE, Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8
Str: 46, Dex: 8, Con: - -, Int: 12 Wis: 11, Cha: 12
Height: 64' (robot mode) Weight: 37.9 tons
Length: 97' 9" (airplane mode) Wingspan: 132'7"
Optics: Blue
Appearance: In airplane mode, Crosswind is indistinguishable from a normal AC-130 Gunship. In robot mode, he is a towering, bipedal humanoid. His aircraft form's propellers are clearly visible on the back of his arms and he carries his rotary cannon as if it were a large rifle. In both forms he has a mottled grey and white camouflage pattern.
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Cybertronian
Skills: Balance +8, Computer Use +11, Disguise +11 to appear as a normal AC-130, Demolitions +10, Knowledge (History) +10, Knowledge (Tactics) +10, Intimidate +10 (+27 if using Strength to display physical might), Navigate +10, Pilot +8, Repair +10, Spot +9
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Awesome Presence, Burst Fire, Improved Bull Rush, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Transformation, Strafe, Weapon Focus (Rotary Cannon)
Possessions: None
• Alternate Form (Ex): Crosswind has two forms. The first is a giant humanoid robot with a flattened cylindrical body, wings transformed into arms with the propellers clearly visible and he has a mottled grey and white camouflage pattern. His second form is that of a Lockheed and Boeing AC-130U gunship. To transform from airplane to his robotic form, his wings pivot 90 degrees and split halfway down to become arms. His cockpit tips back and his head slides up out of the fuselage. The rear half of his fuselage rotates 180 degrees and splits in half to form legs and his tail fins and rudders fold into form the feet. He gains a +10 racial bonus to Disguise checks to appear as a normal AC-130U while in his airplane mode.
• Countermeasures (Ex): Crosswind possesses several defensive countermeasures that he can use in airplane or robot mode. The first is radar-jamming array that negates an opponent's targeting bonus to hit on a successful opposed Computer Use check. The next is a Chaff/Flare Launcher that provides 50% concealment against all incoming attacks.
• Cybertronian Traits: A Cybertronian uses its Strength or Dexterity, whichever is lower, to determine its bonus to hit in melee combat. Additionally, each is able to transform into at least one other specific alternate form, at will, as a full-round action. They also gain a +10 racial bonus to Computer Use checks and can wirelessly connect to any computer within line-of-sight as a free action (although computer use checks are required against secured systems).
• Cybertronian Durability (Ex): Cybertronians heal hit points and ability damage normally but are unaffected by Cure/Inflict spells. The Heal skill has no effect on them but they may be repaired through use of the Repair skill. A Cybertronian is not permanently harmed by the loss of a limb, its head, or other vital components (although it's functions may be greatly reduced). A body part may be attached or detached by making a DC30 Repair check (time determined by DM). A Cybertronian reduced to 0 hp cease to function and stops healing but does not die unless its spark (typically a glowing blue crystal containing the Cybertronian's soul, usually located in the robot's chest) or brain module is destroyed by a specifically targeted attack. It can remain inert and unconscious indefinitely. It can be brought back from "death" by restoring its hit points to 1 or more.
• Construct Traits: Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Immune to Poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis, Stunning, Disease, Death and Necromancy effects, any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it affects objects, Nonlethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, or Energy Drain. Unlike other constructs, he must recharge (sleep) and consume crystallized or liquified energy. He has many delicate systems and is subject to Critical Hits. He does not need to breathe and can survive comfortably under water or in a vacuum.
• Sensor Package: In airplane mode, Crosswind has telescopic low-light vision, a laser designator in a stabilized turret, and forward-looking infrared sensors. He can detect radar emissions from enemy combatants and attempt to jam them (see countermeasures above). He has a strike radar that offers long-range target detection (up to 40 miles) that provides a +2 equipment bonus to all weapon attacks (included above). He is also equipped with special sensors that allow him to detect the turning on of electrical ignition systems on ground vehicles within a couple of miles range.
* A note on Feats: Awesome Presence allows Crosswind to substitute Strength for Charisma on Intimidate checks. Burst Fire is only applied toward attacks with the rotary cannon. It imposes a -2 penalty to hit but adds +2 dice of damage. Rapid Transformation reduces the amount of time required to change to or from his alternate form to a move action instead of a full round action (it can be taken again reducing time to a free action). Strafe turns an attack from the rotary cannon into a 30' x 5' area of effect (scaled up for size).
* A note on Transformer Racial characteristics: While doing research for this character, I heavily mined two other pages for things I liked: this forum and this page.
* A note on weapons: Despite their appearance, all of Crosswind's weapons are energy-based, negating the need to physically reload. As long as has access to an appropriate energy source, his weapons are fully recharged at the end of a full "sleep cycle".
AD&D stats:
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Energy
Int: Very (12)
Treasure: Nil
# App: 1
AC: -10
MV: 18, FL 330 (E)
HD: 24 (192 hp)
Saves: PPD: 3, RSW: 5, PP: 4, BW: 4, Sp: 6
THAC0: 5
No. of Att: 2 (robot mode) or 3 (airplane mode)
Dmg/Att: 2d8 (fists), 2d6 (throwing stars), 7d6 (Rotary Cannon), 10d6 (105mm Howitzer), 5d6 (40mm Autocannon)
Str: 25, Dex: 8, Con: - -, Int: 12, Wis: 11, Cha: 12
Weapon Proficiencies: Autocannon, Howitzer, Rotary Cannon
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Ancient History (Cybertron), Blacksmithing, Direction Sense, Engineering, Mining, Navigation, Weather Sense
SA: Strafe, Transformation
SD: Immune to attacks that require biology, Countermeasures, Adamantite or +3 or better magical weapons to hit
MR: Nil
Morale: Fanatic (18)
Xp Value: 14,000
Crosswind is a Decepticon Transformer from the planet Cybertron. He serves as a scout for Megatron's forces and spends much of his time seeking out easily exploitable resources. Unlike many of his Transformer brethren, he lacks the mass shifting ability that allows him to change size as well as shape and is often relegated to a secondary role, something he resents. Since Crosswind is a scout, he could be encountered on any world in search of resources for the Deception war effort. He could even arrive in much the same manner as the invaders from Tales of the Comet, whatever works for you.
Crosswind: "Male" Cybertronian Robot (Transformer)
CR: 15
Colossal Construct (Shapechanger)
HD: 24d10 plus 80; Hp: 182
Init: -1, Senses: Spot +9, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Sensor Package
Spd: 50', fly 1,000' (min) to 6,600' (max) (poor)
AC: 31 (-8 size, -1 Dex, +30 natural); t: 1, ff: 31
BAB/Grap: +18/+52;
ROBOT MODE: +9 2 Slams: 2d8+18 or +10/+4 Rotary Cannon: 7d6 (20/x2, 60') or +9/+4 Returning Throwing Stars (Propellers): 1d8 each (20/x2, 10' - may throw 2/attack, does not apply Str bonus to damage)
PLANE MODE: +12/+7 Rotary Cannon: 7d6 (20/x2, 60'), +11/+6 105mm Howitzer: 10d6 (20/x2, 100'), +11/+6 40mm Autocannon: 5d6 (20/x2, 60') - in plane mode, all weapons only fire to port
SA: Alternate Form
SQ: Countermeasures, Cybertronian Durability, Cybertronian Traits; DR10/--
Align: NE, Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8
Str: 46, Dex: 8, Con: - -, Int: 12 Wis: 11, Cha: 12
Height: 64' (robot mode) Weight: 37.9 tons
Length: 97' 9" (airplane mode) Wingspan: 132'7"
Optics: Blue
Appearance: In airplane mode, Crosswind is indistinguishable from a normal AC-130 Gunship. In robot mode, he is a towering, bipedal humanoid. His aircraft form's propellers are clearly visible on the back of his arms and he carries his rotary cannon as if it were a large rifle. In both forms he has a mottled grey and white camouflage pattern.
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Concept Drawing |
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Cybertronian
Skills: Balance +8, Computer Use +11, Disguise +11 to appear as a normal AC-130, Demolitions +10, Knowledge (History) +10, Knowledge (Tactics) +10, Intimidate +10 (+27 if using Strength to display physical might), Navigate +10, Pilot +8, Repair +10, Spot +9
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Awesome Presence, Burst Fire, Improved Bull Rush, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Transformation, Strafe, Weapon Focus (Rotary Cannon)
Possessions: None
• Alternate Form (Ex): Crosswind has two forms. The first is a giant humanoid robot with a flattened cylindrical body, wings transformed into arms with the propellers clearly visible and he has a mottled grey and white camouflage pattern. His second form is that of a Lockheed and Boeing AC-130U gunship. To transform from airplane to his robotic form, his wings pivot 90 degrees and split halfway down to become arms. His cockpit tips back and his head slides up out of the fuselage. The rear half of his fuselage rotates 180 degrees and splits in half to form legs and his tail fins and rudders fold into form the feet. He gains a +10 racial bonus to Disguise checks to appear as a normal AC-130U while in his airplane mode.
• Countermeasures (Ex): Crosswind possesses several defensive countermeasures that he can use in airplane or robot mode. The first is radar-jamming array that negates an opponent's targeting bonus to hit on a successful opposed Computer Use check. The next is a Chaff/Flare Launcher that provides 50% concealment against all incoming attacks.
• Cybertronian Traits: A Cybertronian uses its Strength or Dexterity, whichever is lower, to determine its bonus to hit in melee combat. Additionally, each is able to transform into at least one other specific alternate form, at will, as a full-round action. They also gain a +10 racial bonus to Computer Use checks and can wirelessly connect to any computer within line-of-sight as a free action (although computer use checks are required against secured systems).
• Cybertronian Durability (Ex): Cybertronians heal hit points and ability damage normally but are unaffected by Cure/Inflict spells. The Heal skill has no effect on them but they may be repaired through use of the Repair skill. A Cybertronian is not permanently harmed by the loss of a limb, its head, or other vital components (although it's functions may be greatly reduced). A body part may be attached or detached by making a DC30 Repair check (time determined by DM). A Cybertronian reduced to 0 hp cease to function and stops healing but does not die unless its spark (typically a glowing blue crystal containing the Cybertronian's soul, usually located in the robot's chest) or brain module is destroyed by a specifically targeted attack. It can remain inert and unconscious indefinitely. It can be brought back from "death" by restoring its hit points to 1 or more.
• Construct Traits: Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Immune to Poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis, Stunning, Disease, Death and Necromancy effects, any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it affects objects, Nonlethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, or Energy Drain. Unlike other constructs, he must recharge (sleep) and consume crystallized or liquified energy. He has many delicate systems and is subject to Critical Hits. He does not need to breathe and can survive comfortably under water or in a vacuum.
• Sensor Package: In airplane mode, Crosswind has telescopic low-light vision, a laser designator in a stabilized turret, and forward-looking infrared sensors. He can detect radar emissions from enemy combatants and attempt to jam them (see countermeasures above). He has a strike radar that offers long-range target detection (up to 40 miles) that provides a +2 equipment bonus to all weapon attacks (included above). He is also equipped with special sensors that allow him to detect the turning on of electrical ignition systems on ground vehicles within a couple of miles range.
* A note on Feats: Awesome Presence allows Crosswind to substitute Strength for Charisma on Intimidate checks. Burst Fire is only applied toward attacks with the rotary cannon. It imposes a -2 penalty to hit but adds +2 dice of damage. Rapid Transformation reduces the amount of time required to change to or from his alternate form to a move action instead of a full round action (it can be taken again reducing time to a free action). Strafe turns an attack from the rotary cannon into a 30' x 5' area of effect (scaled up for size).
* A note on Transformer Racial characteristics: While doing research for this character, I heavily mined two other pages for things I liked: this forum and this page.
* A note on weapons: Despite their appearance, all of Crosswind's weapons are energy-based, negating the need to physically reload. As long as has access to an appropriate energy source, his weapons are fully recharged at the end of a full "sleep cycle".
AD&D stats:
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Energy
Int: Very (12)
Treasure: Nil
# App: 1
AC: -10
MV: 18, FL 330 (E)
HD: 24 (192 hp)
Saves: PPD: 3, RSW: 5, PP: 4, BW: 4, Sp: 6
THAC0: 5
No. of Att: 2 (robot mode) or 3 (airplane mode)
Dmg/Att: 2d8 (fists), 2d6 (throwing stars), 7d6 (Rotary Cannon), 10d6 (105mm Howitzer), 5d6 (40mm Autocannon)
Str: 25, Dex: 8, Con: - -, Int: 12, Wis: 11, Cha: 12
Weapon Proficiencies: Autocannon, Howitzer, Rotary Cannon
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Ancient History (Cybertron), Blacksmithing, Direction Sense, Engineering, Mining, Navigation, Weather Sense
SA: Strafe, Transformation
SD: Immune to attacks that require biology, Countermeasures, Adamantite or +3 or better magical weapons to hit
MR: Nil
Morale: Fanatic (18)
Xp Value: 14,000
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