
I stumbled across an article about a robot that feeds runners tomatoes to "keep their energy up" during marathons. It got me to thinking and I have come up with a couple different versions that I would like to share with you today.

The first version is the closest to the real-life Tomaton. In the Forgotten Realms, it could have been designed by Nadul daRoni or the Wonderbringers of Gond with tomatoes imported from Maztica (before the continent's disappearance to Abeir). On Krynn, serves as a simplified example of Tinker Gnome technology.

Tomaton: This device is worn on its user's shoulders but the frame allows its weight to be carried on the hips. A cylindrical tube on Tomaton's back is designed to hold up to six tomatoes although similarly-sized fruits (like apples, oranges, etc) can be substituted. Shifting a tiny lever in its foot moves the arms to catch a tomato from the tube. It's arms then rotate the fruit overhead and holds it in front of the mouth for convenient eating.

Wt: 18 lbs. plus the weight of the food
Cost: 50gp

The second Tomaton is closer to being an actual robot. It is capable of walking around and follows simple one or two-word commands. While not an effective combatant, it no longer has to be carried on its owner's back.

CR: 1/2     Small Construct     HD: 1d10 plus 10    Hp: 15
Init: -2; Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0, Darkvision 60'
Languages: Understand Common

Spd: 15'     AC: 14 (+1 size, -2 Dec, +5 natural), t: 9, ff: 14

BAB/Grap: +0/-5; +0 Slam: 1d3-1
SA: - -
SQ: Construct traits

Align: N     Saves: Fort +0, Ref -2, Will +0

Str: 8, Dex: 7, Con: - -, Int: - -, Wis: 10, Cha: 2

Feats: - -

Skills: - -

Gear: Fruit loaded into cylinder on back

AD&D stats:
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Nil
Int: Non (0)
Treasure: Nil
No. Appearing: 1
AC: 6
MV: 6
HD: 2 (8 hp)
Saves: PPD: 14, RSW: 16, PP: 15, BW: 17, Sp: 17
THAC0: 20
# att: 1
Dmg/Att: 1d4
Str: 8, Dex: 7, Con: - -, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
SA: Nil
SD: Immune to attacks that require biology and mind-affecting effects
MR: Nil
SZ: S (3' tall)
Morale: Fearless (20)
Xp Value: 65

The final version of Tomaton is centered around a slightly more futuristic version of the robot as a playable character and is the one who is most likely to make an appearance as another weird NPC in my campaign.  The rough idea I am toying with centers around the robot rising from the ashes of a post-apocalyptic world, perhaps one decimated by atomic weapons. Maybe Tomaton was a piece of equipment on the spaceship that crashed in the Barrier Peaks. Maybe this version of Tomaton was programmed by his creators to assist farmers in arid regions improve crop yields or some similar function but with humanity wiped out, he has evolved to become some sort of protector of nature. I don't know yet, guess we'll see when we get there. I do know that I envision this Tomaton shuffling off into a desert sunset while wearing a tattered poncho and wide-brimmed hat, maybe with a pitckfork over one shoulder while the theme from "For A Few Dollars More" plays in the background.

Tomaton 3.5

"Male" Biomorph Robot Ranger (Champion of the Wild variant) 4

CR: 4     Small Construct     HD: 4d8 plus 10     Hp: 30

Init -2; Senses: Listen +3, Search +4, Spot +3; Darkvision 60'
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common

Spd: 15' (can't run)

AC: 15 (+1 size, -2 Dex, +5 natural, Padded Armor), t; 9, ff: 15
BAB/Grap +4/-1; +4 Pitchfork: 1d6-1 (20/x2) or +4 Hand Trowel: 1d3-1 (20/x2)
SA: Combat Style (Two-Weapon Fighting), Favored Enemy (+2 vs Mutants)*
SQ: Animal Companion (Dog), Constuct traits

Align: NG     Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1

Str: 8, Dex: 7, Con: - -, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 8

Feats: Combat Expertise (b), Endurance (b), Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (Profession - Farmer), Track (b)

Skills: Craft (Mechanical) +4, Heal +8, Knowledge (Geography) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Listen +3, Profession (Farmer) +9, Repair +4, Search +4, Spot +3, Survival +8

Gear: Tattered Poncho, Wide-brimmed Hat, Padded Armor, Pitchfork, Hand Trowel (treat as knife if used as a weapon), Integrated Soil Analyzer, Integrated Medical Diagnostic Equipment (blood pressure cuff, finger pulse oximeter, blood glucose meter); Fruit loaded into cylinder on back

• A Biomorph frame is essentially a hard plastic or metallic casing often, but not always, in a shape that suggests a living creature.  As a Small Construct he has 1d10 racial HD (this is replaced by his Class level).  Tomaton’s “factory preset base” skills would have been Heal (3 ranks, for diagnosing vital signs and nutritional requirements), Knowledge (Nature) (3 ranks), Profession – Farmer (3 ranks), and Survival (3 ranks) (these are replaced by skills acquired through class levels).
• Construct Traits: Darkvision 60’, Low-Light Vision, Immune to Mind-affecting effects, Poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis, Stunning Disease, Death and Necromancy effects, Critical Hits, any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it affects objects, Nonlethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Energy Drain or Death from Massive Damage (but destroyed instantly at 0 hp); Cannot heal on his own, must be repaired, cannot be raised or resurrected
• Champion of the Wild: The ranger sacrifices the ability to cast spells, use scrolls, wands, etc in exchange for bonus feats. A feat is gained at each level when new spell levels would be acquired.
• If mutants do not exist in your campaign, then Aberrations or Magical Beasts could be substituted.

AD&D stats:
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Nil
Int: Highly (14)
Treasure: Nil
No. Appearing: 1
AC: 6
MV: 6
HD: 4 (20 hp)
Saves: PPD: 13, RSW: 15, PP: 14, BW: 16, Sp: 16
THAC0: 16
# att: 1
Dmg/Att: 1d4 (Claw) or 1d6 (Pitchfork) or 1d3 (Trowel, as knife)
Str: 8, Dex: 7, Con: - -, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
Weapon Proficiency: Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Trident
Nonweapon Proficiency: Agriculture, Animal Lore, Direction Sense,  Weather Sense
SA: Favored Enemy
SD: Immune to attacks that require biology and mind-affecting effects
MR: Nil
SZ: S (3' tall)
Morale: Fearless (20)
Xp Value: 270


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