The EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle

1976 GMC Motorhome Palm Beach model 26'

Crew: 4     Passengers: 19
Cargo: 425 lbs.*
Init: -4
Top Speed: 60 (6) - approximately 35 - 40 mph
Defense: 6 (-4 size)
Hardness: 10
SZ: G (8' wide x 26' long x 10' high)
Purchase: 45     Restriction: Mil (+3)

* each unused passenger slot allows the vehicle to carry an additional 100 lbs. of cargo.
• 6 wheels with reinforced tires

• Communications: High-Range Radio, Compass, GPS, Night Vision (via driver's periscope)
• Back of vehicle opens for assault ramp


• 7.62mm Machine Guns (x2, forward arc)
• Flamethrowers (4/side, fire-linked, over rear wheels)
• Light Tank Gun (rear arc)
• Rocket Rack (roof-mounted, retractable, 6 rockets)

Despite performing well on its one and only (unauthorized) mission, the prototype EM-50 was decommissioned and flown back to the United States and placed in storage at the Sierra Army Depot in Northern California near the town of Herlong.

A group of soldiers who were reaching the end of their respective enlistments had been stationed at the depot decided to steal it. Two of them drove the EM-50 off of the base while the other two were on gate duty. 

But, the men who stole it hadn't thought their plan all of the way through and had no idea what to DO with it now that they had it. It wasn't like they could just take it back without getting caught. One suggested using it to rob a bank but it is too big and slow to make an effective getaway vehicle. They are now trying to figure out how to make contact with a black market arms dealer in hopes of selling it.


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