Big Oil - A Gamma World Monster

I could see this creature making an appearance in my Creeks and Crawdads crossover but for now, I am sharing this because I saw this post in a Gamma World group I am in. I used 4th ed Gamma World because it has a near direct conversion to AD&D 2nd edition and as discussed before, I can easily adapt to 3.5e from there.

Big Oil

# App: 1
Percep: 12
Stealth/RU: +2
AC: 25
MD: 22
Health: 22
Spd: 3, Swim 30
Level: 15
HD: 37
THAC: 15
Attacks: 4
     Psuedopod: 1d8+2 plus 2 acid (see below)
Int: 13
Morale: 17-18
SZ: Gargantuan
Xp Value: 8,000

Frequency: Unique     
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day     
Diet: Omnivore or Photosynthesis
Climate/Terrain: Warm Salt Water (Gulf of Mexico)

Physical Mutations: Allurement (18), Dissolving Juices (13)
Mental Mutations: Telepathy (14)

Special Power: Immune to Fire, Plant traits

Description: Despite its appearance, Big Oil, as it is known by the few who have spoken to it and survived, is not an oil slick. It is an immense colony of algae with a single hive mind. It is able to swim rapidly across the surface of the water or drag itself slowly along the shore in pursuit of prey. This tactic is rarely required as the creature has mutations that bring prey to it. An ambush predator, Big Oil lures victims in close and grabs them with a psuedopod and begins digesting them while they are still alive.

Combat: Big Oil uses Allurement to draw potential prey in close and then strikes quickly to incapacitate victims. The "surface" of its body is littered with bones of the sea birds it has consumed.

Society: Big Oil is a sentient colony of algae. While it is aware of everything within 100' or so of its miles-wide body at all times, it can only focus its attention on location at a time. There are tribes of intelligent creatures living near its territory who will make sacrifices to the enormous plant.

• Allurement: Big Oil gives off a sweet smelling fragrance that has a seductive hypnotic effect on creatures of animal intelligence or lower. It increases the effective Charisma of Big Oil to 20. Non-sentient creatures are "attacked" by the fragrance up to 15 meters away. They defend with their MD. If the attack is successful, they are compelled to touch the plant and be near it. This attack can only be made once per creature. If it fails, the creature is always able to identify the plant and reject the effects of its Allurement. The effects of Allurement are broken if the victim suffers damage from an attack.

• Dissolving Juices: Big Oil secretes acid that does 3d6+1 damage over a 1 minute (6 round) period. After a minute of dissolving all of the acid is used up. If contacted for only a round, it does 2 points of damage. Big Oil can secrete acid once every 4 hours. If unused the acid remains potent for an hour before degenerating into a harmless fluid.

• Telepathy: Big Oil is able to read minds and transmit its thoughts mentally. Reading the mind of a hostile creature requires a mental attack. The opponent must be within 110 meters. When dealing with other telepaths, it can send and receive thoughts with a willing partner up to 6 km away.
     These same rules work for forcing its thoughts into another creatures mind. The recipient of such thoughts will know that they came from an outside source.
     Creatures with telepathy automatically know when someone is trying to read their mind. Other creatures are oblivious to the attempt, successful or not.

     Big Oil can scan an area up to a 6 km radius. The GM makes a mental attack for the telepath for every creature with an Int score of at least 5 within the area to see if it detects their presence. Big Oil cannot read a detected mind or send thoughts at that range unless the detected creature is a willing and telepath. However, once it is in range, it can make another attack to read the detected creature's mind.


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