Dr. Bumbershoot

Dr. Bumbershoot was created for use in during the Gangbusters/Cthulhu by Gaslamp sequel to the western I currently have in progress.  Unless something changes, I have him slated to be a private investigator the party will become acquainted with during the course of their adventures.  The character's concept was inspired by and borrows heavily from the Kingsmen movies (I never read the comics so I have no idea how accurately the movies have been adapted).  The sequel will be set in the superhero-based world that will tie ALL of the other campaigns together.

That said, I spent an entire evening scouring the internet for pictures of umbrellas (including diagrams complete with labeled parts), bartitsu, and the Bat-Man villain Penguin for inspiration.  Mix and simmer for a day or two and this is what I came up with...

Dr. Bumbershoot (Brody “Brolly” Ryan)               CR6

Male Human Expert* 6
LG Medium Humanoid
Init: +3; Senses: Listen +11, Search +14, Spot +11
Languages: R/W and Speak English and Gaelic

AC: 12 (+2 Dex); t: 12, ff: 10, +0ACP, does not include bonus from Combat Umbrella or feats
Hp: 36 (6HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6

Spd: 30’ (6 squares)
Melee Combat Umbrella +6 (1d6+2 as club or 1d4+2 as blade)
Ranged Combat Umbrella +6 (1d2 + poison, tranquilizer dart Injury, Fort DC18, 1d3 Dex/Unconsciousness 1d3 hours)
Base Atk +4; Grap +6
Combat Gear: Combat Umbrella
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
SQ: Skill Versatility
Feats: Combat Expertise; Dodge (b); Improved Unarmed Strike (b); Investigator (b); Mobility
Skills: Appraise (+5 w/ mechanical devices), Balance +4, Craft (Mechanical) +12, Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +12, Hide +11, Investigate +12, Jump +13, Listen +11, Move Silently +11, Open Lock +11, Search +14, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11, Survival (+4 to follow tracks), Tumble +11
Possessions: Combat Gear plus suits with trench coat worn over them, Bowler Hat, Domino Mask, 10 Tranquilizer Darts, 2 spare CO2 Cylinders, Deluxe Toolkit (not carried)
•Skill Versatilty (Ex): Proficient with all Simple Weapons and Light Armor plus one exotic or unusual weapon (Weaponized Umbrellas); choose any 12 skills as Class Skills - Bluff, Craft (Mechanical), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Jump. Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot and Tumble.

Brody carries a specially modified black umbrella everywhere he goes.  While it appears to be a perfectly normal fashion accessory, it has a number of specialized functions.

• Crook Handle – a compressed CO2 cylinder in the tube allows the handle to be launched into the air for use as a grappling hook.  The handle is attached to a thin steel cable (145’ long, max. weight capacity of 2,700 lbs. and safe weight limit of 550 lbs); a small winch in the handle can retract the cable of the rate of 20’/round
• Ribs/Stretcher/Canopy – the ribs and stretcher have been reinforced with high tensile steel while the silk canopy has been treated with a special chemical blend to make it bullet and puncture resistant; When opened the umbrella functions as a Large Shield (+2AC, but with no ACP)
• Button Spring – has three positions which can be selected; Open/Close Canopy; Extend/Withdraw Spring-loaded Blade; Dart Gun Trigger; The Umbrella can be opened or closed as a free action.
• Retractable Blade – extends over the end of the umbrella
• Ferrule – the open tip of the umbrella can be used to shoot a hypodermic dart; this feature cannot be used while the retractable blade is extended
* Expert class is taken from the Paragon rulebook by D. Jon Mattson (a.k.a. Cwylric)


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