d20 Earth Notes

This is my 50th post on the blog and I wanted it to be something different (and since you seem to like the stranger posts more anyway) I thought I would share this with all of you today.

Many years ago, I started toying with the idea of an Earth-setting  that incorporated nearly every bit of pop culture or urban myth I could think of.  I sat down with two of my players and we started spit-balling and came up with what I think is a fairly impressive list of ideas.  Some of these concepts will make their way into  my Play-by-Post campaign and others will linger in the back of my mind (and in my notebooks or on my flash drive) for use one day but for now, I present the following notes for...

d20 Earth

A.  Races of folklore (non-humans) are fully integrated into society.  Magic exists (in a level equivalent with the Urban Arcana setting) although actual spellcasters are very rare (no more than 50 residing in New York City for example).  Alcatraz and Riker’s Island are both maximum security prisons for magical and psionic beings.  Oxford, MIT and Vatican City all maintain colleges providing instruction in Magical Arts (both arcane and divine).

B.  Nonhuman races (and present-day countries most associated with them): Dark Elves (Central America, Mexico); Dwarves (Germany, Russia, Scandinavia); Elves (Great Britain, France); Fraal (U.S.A.); Gnomes (Germany, Switzerland, more recently Japan); Goblinoids (Middle East, Southeast Asia); Halflings (Greece, Italy); Lizardfolk (South America); Moreaus (Africa, Canada, Hawaii, Indonesia); Ogres (Canada, Scandinavia); Orcs (China); Robots (India, Taiwan); Yuan-Ti (South Africa).

C.  The existence of the Fraal (a.k.a. “Grays”) has been openly acknowledged since the Roswell incident in the 1940’s although the beings are far more widespread than many civilians suspect.

D.  Technology level, Earth (PL6), (realistic) space travel, robots, mecha, cybernetics, VRNet.  The Fraal (PL8), while not sharing their technology, have “nudged” the more technologically advanced nations into developments of their own.  The original Apollo moon landing was faked on a sound stage to garner good publicity for the U.S. Space Program (the first actual landing did not occur until nearly eight years later and is one of America‘s most closely guarded secrets).  Energy weapons (based on Earth technology), while effective in space, are still inoperable on Earth itself due to diffusion within the atmosphere.

E.  Cultural differences - Natives of Africa and the Americas are in much better shape than their real-world counterparts.  Shamans were able to hold off the predations of European conquerors and forge a lasting peace (see Heirs of the Ancients, d20 Past pg. 40).  The Alaskan peoples and Aborigines of Australia are in about the same shape as their real-life equivalents.

F.  The Black Plague, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever, etc. wiped out huge swaths of the non-human population worldwide, reducing them to near-extinction, a condition the non-humans are only now recovering from.  Very few non-humans have risen to very high political office (only one dwarven U.S. President, who is/was the equivalent of Ulysses S. Grant), Genghis Khan (an orc), Rasputin (tiefling Sorcerer) and a handful of others (Vlad Tepes, a Vampire in Transylvania).

G.  U.S. States.  Hawaii is populated by intelligent simians (think Planet of the Apes) and ruled by a King Kong equivalent.  Waikiki and other major cities are leased to the U.S. in a manner similar to the agreement the U.K. had with China concerning Hong Kong.  Hawaii is a haven for Moreaus of all types.  Everything west of the Rocky Mountains is still under Native American (Sioux) control.  Alaska is split between Canada and Russia.

H.  Dark Elves (Columbian drug cartels) and Mind Flayers (the Mafia) control organized crime.  Beholders are the masters of the Asian Triads and Tongs.

I.  Six major religions (Bhuddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Shamanism) are all considered to be equally valid since members of the longer lived races (dwarves, elves and gnomes) have all met Bhuddha, Jesus, and Mohammad within the last four generations.  Deities from the non-human races (Corellon, Garl Glittergold, Moradin) and the various human pantheons (Greek, Norse, Roman, etc.) are treated as patron saints or place spirits to be appropriated and respected.  The Great Schism never occurred (Christians only, no Protestants, no Baptists, no Methodists).

J.  Pollution levels are equal to real-world levels.  Despite the influence of elves, industrialization and CFC’s have wreaked havoc on the ozone layer.  Deforestation, acid rain and global warming are major issues faced by the world’s population.  Unrestricted testing of nuclear weapons has made large areas of Nevada and Siberia uninhabitable.  Rumors of degenerated mutants living in the desolated wastelands abound (these rumors are compounded by the fact that the area is a no-fly zone and the Army has established a perimeter around the affected area).

K.  The Hindenburg disaster never occurred.  Airships (blimps and dirigibles) are still popular modes of transportation (Carnival Cruise Lines is made up of a fleet of dirigibles instead of cruise ships).

L.  History - The majority of history has been recorded by humans and is about as accurate as real-world history.  The longer-lived races paid little attention to the doings of the shorter-lived but far more prolific humans.

M.  Dragons - Quite a few dragons (mostly juveniles and younger) were employed by both the Axis and the Allies during WWII.  The dragons, despite their incredible innate abilities, were outmatched and overwhelmed by the modernization of the humans’ armed forces and their numbers were greatly diminished.

Obviously, typical law-enforcement agencies have a difficult time forcing dragons to obey the same laws as the humanoids who share their domains.  Luckily, dragons are incredibly rare and, by nature, isolationistic.  Communities unfortunate enough to have a dragon living nearby are generally forced to hire adventurers to deal with the problem or upgrade their police force’s arsenal to include RPGs, machine guns, Armored Personnel Carriers and light tanks or mecha.

N.  Adventurers - Monsters are everywhere.  Despite, or perhaps because of, the spread of civilization, encounters with monstrous (non-humanoid) beings are becoming more widespread.  Adventurers are typically called upon (listed in the phone book) to lend assistance to local authorities in quelling threats to the civilian population.

Successful adventurers are treated with a certain degree of celebrity (in a manner similar to prominent professional athletes or movie stars) by those same civilians but are mistrusted by politicians and law-enforcement personnel (due to the high-powered weaponry, combat training, mutations and either magical or psionic abilities).  The Ghostbusters (see Appendix II for specific equipment) are perhaps the most famous group of adventurers for hire due to a highly publicized battle with an entity claiming to be a god atop a New York City skyscraper.  However, an explosion in their headquarters has led to a revocation of their adventuring charter and several lawsuits that are still pending.

Special licenses are required (as adventuring charters in Cormyr) to operate in most states.  Many former adventurers hold political office, teach at military academies or become actors/actresses in Hollywood productions.

O.  Department-7 - As per Agents of Psi campaign setting, employed by the U.S. government (formerly a joint operation manned by the CIA and FBI, now part of the Department of Homeland Security).  Deptarment-7 is tasked with the monitoring of adventurers and other powerful individuals.

P.  In the United States, the Federal Government only handles National Defense, Foreign Relations and Interstate maintenance.  State and local governments set all other laws and collect taxes at their level.

Q.  Taiwan is controlled by robots. Revolution in mid-1990’s led to thinking machines taking control of the nation.  These machines entered into partnership with the government of India and through the use of various brain-washing technologies use the people (malcontents) as proxies to acquire more resources for themselves (most nations are hesitant to trade with thinking machines).  Those people not being mind-controlled live in fear, constantly paranoid that they will “step out of line” and be sent off to a “Soulless One” rehabilitation center.

R.  No European Union.  Prussia still controls Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.  The Ottoman Empire pretty much surrounds the Black and Caspian Seas (all the -“Istans“).  France and Italy are Papal states controlled by Vatican City.  After the Crusades, Persians (Islam peoples) repelled the Catholic invaders, secured Jerusalem, and continued onward until they took over Spain.

S.  At some point during WWII, the mummy of Ramesses II was inadvertently awakened by the German Afrikacorps.  He emerged from his tomb and began re-establishing control over his lands.  The mummy now controls nearly the entire coast of North Africa and most of the lands bordering the Nile River.  Post-World War II Egypt is a haven for Nazis and their Anti-Semitic views since the “Risen Pharaoh” only remembers the Jews as a slave race.  Following the coerced suicide of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, Ramesses had the general’s corpse brought to him and assisted in the ritual required to raise the general as a mummy.  Many former Nazis and undead now serve in the Risen Pharaoh’s army.

T.  There are sword-wielding Immortals wandering the globe seeking to do battle with one another for the “Prize”.  These beings do not age and will live forever until slain.

Appendix I: Sample NPCs

Ivan “Monkey Wrench“ Ivanovich: Immortal Dwarf male, Strong Hero 3/Road Warrior 3/Street Warrior 3/Speed Demon 3

CR: 14; Medium Humanoid (Dwarf); HD: 3d8+15 plus 3d8+15 plus 3d10+15 plus 3d8+15;
Hp: 132; MAS: 20; Init: +2; Spd: 20’; Defense: 21 (+8 class, +2 Dex, Leather Jacket); t: 20; ff: 21 (Uncanny Dodge), BAB +10; Grap +13; Atk +14 melee (1d6+4, brass knuckles), +10 melee (3d6+4, Chainsaw +1), +12 ranged (2d6, Suppressed Ingram MAC 10); Full Atk +14/+9 melee (1d6+4, brass knuckles), +10/+5 melee (3d6+4, Chainsaw +1), +12/+7 ranged (2d6, Suppressed Ingram MAC 10); SA: +1 species bonus on attack rolls against goblinoids and orcs; SQ: +4 Dodge bonus to Defense vs. Giants; Darkvision 60‘; Stability; +2 species bonus to save vs. Poison, Spells and Spell-like Abilities; Detect Immortals; Prohibition; The Quickening; Take the Head; Undying; AL: Wrecking Krew; SV Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +6; AP 6; Rep +2; Wealth +12; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13

                Occupation: Blue Collar (Craft - Mechanical, Drive and Repair)
                Skills: Craft (Mechanical) +19 (+20 to modify vehicles); Craft (Structural) +4; Disable Device +15; Drive +19 (+21 to retain control); Intimidate +8; Knowledge (Streetwise) +8; Knowledge (Technology) +6; Navigate +4; Profession (Mechanic) +6; Read/Write and Speak Dwarven and English; Repair +17; Search +2 (+4 to detect unusual stonework, new construction, unsafe surfaces, ceilings and the like); Survival +2 (+6 in urban areas);
                Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency; Archaic Weapons Proficiency; Brawl; Drive-By Attack; Force Stop; Improved Brawl; Personal Firearms Proficiency; Simple Weapons Proficiency; Streetfighting; Vehicle Specialization (Civilian Trucks)
                Talents (Strong Hero): Extreme Effort; Melee Smash
                Talents (Road Warrior): Improved Vehicle Modification; Improved Retain Control;
                Talents (Street Warrior): Improvised Weapons; Urban Survival;
                Talents (Speed Demon): Uncanny Dodge 1; Hit the Weak Spot; Vehicle Empathy
                Possessions: Modified Jeep Wrangler (see below);  Automobile Salvage Yard; Car Opening Kit; Lock Release Gun; Deluxe Mechanical Tool Kit; Cell Phone; Leather Jacket; Brass Knuckles (1 pair); Chainsaw +1; Suppressed Ingram MAC 10 and 3 clips of 32 rnds;

                The Wrecking Krew’s Monster Jeep

Craft: Modified Jeep Wrangler
Class: Civilian Truck     Size: Huge (4 squares wide x 4 squares long)     Initiative: +2
Crew: 1     Passengers: 2     Cargo Capacity: 260 lbs.
Maneuver: -6 (-10 normal surfaces)     Top Speed: 140 (14)
Defense: 8 (-2 size)     Hardness: 5 (15 for spiked ram plate)     Hit Points: 32


Spiked Ram Plate; Engine Upgrade (Supercharger); Engine Upgrade (Upsize); Extra Fuel Tank (x2); Oversized Brakes; Suspension Upgrade (Monster Truck); Weapon Mount for XM214 Microgun (2d8, 80’, autofire only, linked ammunition); 4 50-bullet belts for XM214 Microgun;

Ivan Ivanovich is known as “Monkey Wrench” on the mean streets of NYC.  Monkey Wrench is a good example of dwarven mechanical aptitude gone rotten.  A thug and a bully, this dwarf built a monster jeep out of parts found in his salvage yard and applied for his Adventurer’s License and started hunting for custom auto parts.  Monkey Wrench has been recruiting a cadre of other inner city “adventurers” and his party (known as the Wrecking Krew) act as hired muscle or couriers for local drug or arms dealers.  The Wrecking Krew is also wanted for questioning regarding several break-ins at auto part stores and car lots.

Monkey Wrench was recently shot down in a back alley gunfight with a rival gang but miraculously did not die.  The dwarf spent several weeks researching reasons for his survival with uncharacteristic patience until discovering a journal from the American Revolutionary War written by a soldier who’d just discovered he was Immortal.  The journal details a handful of encounters with other Immortals and theories the American soldier was able to cobble together.  Being uncommonly short-sighted for a dwarf, Monkey Wrench quickly thought of a scheme to make a lot of money very quickly.  Monkey Wrench has been making the club circuit, allowing patrons to “murder” him for a fee and returning to life before their astonished eyes.  His activities have brought him to the attention of the local clergies, the police and a handful of other Immortals.

Immortal (Template)

Template Traits:  Immortal is a template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base creature).  An Immortal uses the character’s statistics and special qualities in addition to those described below.

Challenge Rating: As base creature +2
Hit Dice: Same as the base creature
Speed: Same as the base creature
Defense: Same as the base creature
Base Attack: Same as the base creature
Grapple Bonus: Same as the base creature
Attacks: Same as the base creature
Special Qualities: Same as the base creature plus gains the following:

• Detect Immortals (Su): Can detect other Immortals at a range of 60’ regardless of interposing barriers.
• Prohibition (Ex): Immortals will not fight each other on holy ground, regardless of denomination or allegiances.
• The Quickening (Su): After slaying another Immortal, gains all the memories and experiences of the slain Immortal, adding to his own knowledge and experience (this translates as bonus Xp equal to 500 Xp/HD or level of the slain Immortal).  The Quickening creates a massive surge of electrical energy that can cause windows to explode, combustion engines to start, and launch manhole covers into the air in a radius equal to 20’/level or HD of the slain Immortal.
• Take the Head (Ex): To score a decapitation, the Immortal must use either a Coup de Grace against a helpless opponent or make a successful Called Shot to the opponent’s head (at -8 penalty to hit) and expend 1 action point.  If the attack roll is successful, the target must make a Fort save (DC equal to attack roll) or lose his head.
• Undying (Ex): Does not age after acquiring this template.  Bonuses to mental abilities still accrue but physical abilities are not penalized.  The Immortal can not die from dehydration, drowning, starvation or suffocation (the Immortal still suffers from the effects of the listed conditions until he can take steps to reverse or negate them).  Energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, and all disease and poison damage are treated as temporary damage.  Only decapitation or an attack dealing enough damage to destroy his entire body (disintegration, immersion in acid or lava, etc) will result in death.  If reduced to fewer than zero hit points, the Immortal is still rendered unconscious but continues to heal at his normal rate until reaching at least 1 hp, at which point he awakens and may act normally.

Allegiances: Same as the base creature
Saves: Same as the base creature
Ability Scores: Same as the base creature
Skill Bonuses: Same as the base creature
Bonus Feats: None

Major Janice Dansen: Human female, Fast Hero 10/Flying Ace 5/Dogfighter 3

CR: 18; Medium Humanoid (Mutated Human); HD: 10d8+20 plus 5d8+10 plus 3d8+6; Hp: 105; MAS: 14; Init: +4; Spd: 30’; Defense: 28 (+12 class, +4 Dex, Flight Suit and Helmet); t: 26; ff: 28 (Uncanny Dodge); BAB +13; Grap +13; Atk +13 melee (1d3 nonlethal, unarmed strike), +13 melee (1d4, Knife), +17 ranged (2d6, Beretta M9), +17 ranged (2d4, Colt Mustang); Full Atk +13/+8/+3 melee (1d4, Knife) or +17/+12/+7 ranged (2d6, Beretta M9), +17/+12/+7 ranged (2d4, Colt Mustang); SQ: Mutations; AL: USA, USAF; SV Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +7; AP 15; Rep +11; Wealth +22; Str 11, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 13

                Occupation: Astronaut Trainee (Craft - Electronic, Repair)
                Skills: Balance +10; Computer Use +15; Craft (Electronic) +13; Craft (Mechanical) +13; Drive +6; Gamble +6; Hide +14; Knowledge (Current Events) +14; Knowledge (History) +11; Knowledge (Popular Culture) +6; Knowledge (Tactics) +8; Listen +3; Move Silently +14; Navigate +15; Pilot +27; Profession (USAF Officer) +13; Read/Write and Speak Arabic, English and Spanish; Repair +15; Search +5; Sleight of Hand +14; Spot +3; Tumble +14
                Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency; Aircraft Operation (Jet Fighters); Armor Proficiency (Light); Blind-Fight; Burst Fire; Combat Expertise; Combat Throw; Defensive Martial Arts; Elusive Target; Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Heavy Machine Guns); Personal Firearms Proficiency; Point Blank Shot; Renown; Starship Dodge; Starship Operations (Ultralight); Strafe; Vehicle Expert; Zero-G Training
                Talents (Fast Hero): Defensive Roll; Evasion; Increased Speed; Uncanny Dodge 1; Uncanny Dodge 2
                Talents (Flying Ace): Aircraft Dodge; Fearless; Improved Autofire; Jump Free; Agile Piloting; Action Boost; Adrenaline Rush
                Talents (Dogfighter): Defender of the Universe
                Mutations: Hypersensitivity; Reduced Speed
                Possessions: Military Dress Uniform (w/medals and ribbons); Military Working Uniforms; Flight Suit; Beretta M9 and 2 clips of 15 rounds; Colt Mustang and 2 clips of 6 rounds in concealed-carry ankle holster; Restored Sopwith Camel; As a Major in the USAF, Janice can requisition mission-specific gear at nearly any time.

A devoted fan of movies like “Top Gun”, “Iron Eagle“ and “The Last Starfighter“, Janice wanted to fly and fly faster and higher than anyone ever had before her.  Janice enlisted in the USAF right after high school and worked her way up through the ranks, eventually earning a billet in an officer’s program.  There, she worked harder than ever, graduating at the top of her class and qualifying as a pilot.

Initially assigned to protect the no-fly zone surrounding Nevada, Janice thought she was doomed to a series of dead-end assignments.  Then, conflict once again broke out in the Middle East.  The Arab nations, surprisingly, proved to be more able pilots than expected and NATO’s forces suffered heavy losses at the beginning of the war.

Janice’s squadron was deployed to the conflict zone and the young, determined woman proved herself in one battle after another, wracking up an impressive number of kills (and qualifying as an ace several times over).  After 15 months of fighting, a cease-fire was called and Janice was given her choice of duty assignments.  She chose to become a test pilot for the new aerospace fighter “Nebula” being developed.

In her off-duty time, Janice has restored a vintage Sopwith Camel and performs in air shows across the southwest.  Unknown to everyone except for her immediate family, Janice is a mutant.  Gifted with an almost preternatural level of awareness, this young woman would be ostracized by her peers and superiors and exiled into the wastes of Nevada, the very area she patrolled at the beginning of her career.

Fasu Etu Uttu: Overt Ape Moreau male, Tough Hero 3/Bodyguard 4

CR: 7; Large Humanoid (Ape Moreau); HD: 3d10+9 plus 4d12+12 plus 3; Hp: 79; MAS: 17; Init: +0; Spd: 30’, climb 20‘; Defense: 15 (-1 size, +4 class, +0 Dex, Leather Armor); t: 13; ff: 15, BAB +5; Grap +13; Atk +9 melee (1d10+4, unarmed strike), +7 melee (1d4+4, Tonfa), +5 ranged (2d6, Beretta 92F); Full Atk +9 melee (1d10+4, unarmed strike), +7 melee (1d4+4, Tonfa), +5 ranged (2d6, Beretta 92F); SQ: Natural Climber; AL: Hawaiian Royalty, Hawaii; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +7; AP 3; Rep +2; Wealth +14; Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10

                Occupation: Athlete (Balance, Climb, Swim)
                Skills: Balance +5; Climb +9; Concentration +9; Intimidate +6; Read/Write and Speak English and Samoan; Sense Motive +7; Swim +7
                Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light); Brawl; Improved Brawl; Knock-Out Punch; Personal Firearms Proficiency; Power Attack; Simple Weapons Proficiency;
                Talents (Tough Hero): Remain Conscious, Robust
                Talents (Bodyguard): Harm’s Way; Combat Sense +1; Sudden Action
                Possessions: Leather Armor; Tonfa, Beretta 92F 9mm pistol and 2 clips of 15 rounds; Surfboard;

Fasu Etu Uttu is a low-ranking guard in King Kong’s palace on the island of Oahu.  While he’s loyal to the king and the royal family, Fasu’s chief love is extreme sports.  His off-duty hours are spent surfing, skin diving and free climbing the volcanic mountains that make up his homeland.  He shaves elaborate patterns into his dark blue-black fur and wears numerous beads, bracelets and necklaces to accentuate the colors of his bright floral shirts.

Ape Moreau Species Traits

Ape Moreaus are a blend of human and great ape (gorilla, orangutan and chimpanzee).  They tend to be powerfully built but pacifistic.  Overt apes are nearly indistinguishable from their animal counterpart except for walking fully upright.

Variable Size: Covert and Moderate ape moreaus are Medium-size.  Coverts and Moderates have a 5-foot-by-5-foot fighting space and a 5-foot reach.  Overt ape moreaus are Large.  An overt has a 10-foot-by-10-foot fighting space and a 10-foot reach.

Natural Climber (Ex): Ape moreaus gain a +8 species bonus to Climb checks and have a Climb speed of 20’. They may take 10 on Climb checks, even when threatened or endangered and use either their Str or Dex modifier for Climb checks (whichever is better).
Ability Scores: Ape moreaus have the following species modifiers to ability scores:

        Covert: +2 Str, -2 Dex
        Moderate: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int
        Overt: +4 Str, -4 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int

Ape Moreau Height and Weight

Base Height
Height Modifier
Base Weight
Weight Modifier
5 ft.
+ 2d10 in.
130 lb.
x (2d6) lb.
6 ft. 5 in.
+ 2d12 in.
200 lb.
x (2d6) lb.

* Covert moreuas have heights and weights as humans.

Ape Moreau Age

Additional Years (Starting Age)
Middle Age*
Max Age
+ 1d4
+ 1d10

* -1 to Str, Dex and Con; +1 to Int, Wis and Cha

** -2 to Str, Dex and Con; +1 to Int, Wis and Cha

*** -3 to Str, Dex and Con; +1 to Int, Wis and Cha

Kansas Technologies Police series Biodroid (a.k.a. Katie PB); Biodroid Smart Hero 6/Soldier 3/Investigator 1

CR: 10; Medium Construct; HD: 10d10 plus 10; Hp: 75; MAS: - -; Init: +3; Spd: 30’; Defense: 20 (+5 class, +2 Dex, Integrated Duraplast Armor); t: 17; ff: 18, BAB +5; Grap +9; Atk +9 melee (1d4+4, unarmed strike), +8 ranged (2d8+2, Mossberg M500 Cruiser); Full Atk +9 melee (1d4+4, unarmed strike), +8 ranged (2d8+2, Mossberg M500 Cruiser); SQ: Construct Traits; Critical Systems; Darkvision 120’; Lifelike Appearance; Rejuvenation Cycle; Repairable; AL: NYC Homeless; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6; AP 5; Rep +3; Wealth +17; Str 18, Dex 14, Con - -, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 6

                Occupation: None
                Skills: Computer Use +13; Demolitions +24; Diplomacy +2; Disable Device +21; Gather Information +6; Investigate +19; Intimidate +10; Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) +9; Knowledge (Civics) +13; Knowledge (Tactics) +9; Listen +9; Profession (Law Enforcement) +6; Read/Write and Speak Arabic, English and Spanish; Repair +13; Search +13; Sense Motive +7; Spot +6
                Feats: Cautious; Combat Expertise; Combat Martial Arts; Improved Disarm; Personal Firearms Proficiency; Quick Reload; Weapon Focus (Mossberg M500 Cruiser); Weapon Specialization (Mossberg M500 Cruiser)
                Talents (Smart Hero): Savant (Demolitions); Savant (Disable Device); Savant (Investigate)
                Talents (Soldier): Weapon Focus (Mossberg M500 Cruiser); Weapon Specialization (Mossberg M500 Cruiser);
                Talents (Investigator): Profile
                Possessions: Tattered Poncho; Mossberg M500 Cruiser 12-gauge Pump Shotgun; 36 12-gauge Shotgun Shells (8 loaded in shotgun, 16 worn on bandoleer across chest); 8 Bean-Bag Shotgun Shells (worn on bandoleer across chest); 2 Tear Gas Grenades; Deluxe Evidence Kit (carried in internal storage compartment); Handcuffs (2 pr);

Frame: Biodroid
Locomotion: Legs
Manipulators: Hands (2)
Armor: Duraplast
Sensors: Class V Sensors
Accessories: Internal Storage Unit (20 lbs); Vocalizer;

“Katie” was created specifically to perform counter-terrorism duties in highly urbanized areas.  As such, he was programmed to be able to cordon off threatened areas, escort civilians to safety, and then locate and defuse bombs as necessary.  Additionally, Katie is programmed to act in a law-enforcement capacity, with a broad database of Federal, State and Local statutes and had the authority to issue tickets for violations and make arrests.

However, Katie’s processing power was far too high for such “routine” tasks and it knew it.  Despite his intelligence and obvious worth, Katie was routinely sent into hazardous situations that could have resulted in his destruction, a fact he lamented loud and long.  As his Human Behavior Simulations programs became more adept at mimicking human emotions, Katie’s attitude degenerated to the point that the NYPD tried to sell him at public auction (returning him to Kansas Technologies was useless since his warranty had expired).  Despite his intelligence and obvious worth, Katie failed to attract any buyers, a fact he still laments loud and long.  Finally replaced with a newer model and released from service, Katie would have found his way to a local recycling center or landfill.

Katie awoke in transit and escaped into the boroughs of NYC.  Obsolete and unemployed, used up by “the Man” and discarded, Katie has been befriended by vagrants and can often be found at one of the many shelters or soup kitchens and panhandling for change.  Over the course of the last few weeks, Katie’s friends have begun disappearing (more than normal).  It may just be his original programming, but Katie has begun looking for his missing companions out of what he is starting to think is loyalty.

Katie’s paint scheme is based on the typical NYPD police cruiser and he typically wears a tattered, hooded poncho salvaged from a dumpster to conceal it.  Bandoleers carrying spare rounds for his shotgun cross the front of his chest and his right thigh has a concealed cargo compartment (currently filled with his deluxe evidence kit).  His shotgun rides in a sheath across his back.

His Holiness, Pope Alexander IX (formerly Roland Ignacio): Male Human, Dedicated Hero 3/Acolyte 10/Ecclesiarch 5/Holy Knight 2

CR: 20     Medium Humanoid (Human)     HD: 3d6 plus 10d8 plus 5d8 plus 2d10     Hp: 93     MAS: 11
Init: +0     Spd: 30’     Defense: 27 (+11 class, Papal Vestments; Fisherman’s Ring); t: 24; ff: 27
Attacks: (BAB +13; Grap +14); +18/+15/+8 St. George’s Longsword:  1d8+4 (19-20/x2) or +13/+8/+3 Walther P22: 2d4 (20/x2)
AL: Christian Church, Good     Saves: Fort +16     Ref +8     Will +24     AP 10     Rep +13     Wealth +26
Str 13 (+1)     Dex 11     Con 11     Int 15 (+2)     Wis 21 (+5)    Cha 18 (+4)

                Occupation: Noviate (Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge - Theology and Philosophy)
                Skills: Computer Use +5; Concentration +21 (+25 to cast defensively); Decipher Script +7; Diplomacy +24; Drive +2; Gather Information +15; Knowledge (History) +12; Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) +30; Listen +11; Profession (Clergyman) +16; Read/Write and Speak English, Italian and Latin; Sense Motive +23; Sleight of Hand (+7 to conceal Walther P22 in Hidden Holster); Spellcraft +12; Treat Injury +10;
                Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency; Armor Proficiency (Light); Divine Heritage (Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magical Aura, Light); Double Tap; Educated (Knowledge - History and Knowledge - Theology and Philosophy); Empower Spell; Empower Turning; Personal Firearms Proficiency; Renown; Sacred Spell; Simple Weapons Proficiency; Spellslinger (Acolyte); Trustworthy; Weapon Focus (Longsword);
                Talents (Dedicated Hero): Faith; Skill Emphasis (Knowledge - Theology and Philosophy)
                Talents (Acolyte): Combat Casting; Divine Skills, Divine Spells, Maximize Spell, Spontaneous Cast; Turn Magical Beasts/Outsiders/Undead (7/day)
                Talents (Ecclesiarch): Innovative Turning; Total Spellcasting; Total Turning
                Talents (Holy Knight): Divine Grace; Sense Allegiance (Evil)
                Possessions: Papal Vestments; Ring of the Fisherman; Pastoral Staff; St. George‘s Longsword; Walther P22 w/ Hidden Holster and 1 clip of .22 caliber ammo (10 rnds); Christian Holy Symbol; As head of the Christian Church, Alexander IX has access to an almost unlimited amount of resources (either owned by the Church or in the form of favors by heads of state).
                Acolyte Spells Prepared: (13/13/12/10/10/8; save DC15 + spell level): 0th - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magical Aura, Haywire, Light, Mending (x3), Read Magic, Resistance (x2), Virtue (x2); 1st - Bless (x2), Clean, Command, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds (x2), Faerie Fire, Instant Identify, Magic Weapon, Remove Fear, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith; 2nd - Aid, Augury, Cure Moderate Wounds, Daylight (x2), Enhance Ability, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Silence, Summon Vivilor II, Zone of Truth; 3rd - Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle, Prayer, Remove Curse, Searing Light (x3), Status, Summon Vivilor III; 4th - Cure Critical Wounds, Discern Lies, Divination, Faith‘s Fury, Magic Bullets, Restoration, Spell Immunity, Summon Vivilor IV, Tongues, Via Negativa; 5th - Break Enchantment, Flaming Wrath, Greater Command, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Rage of Bees, Spell Resistance, Summon Vivilor V; Synchronicity
               Holy Knight Spells Prepared: (3/2; save DC15 + spell level): 0th - Light (x2), Resistance; 1st - Instant Identify, Summon Vivilor I

Ÿ  Pastoral Staff - Too fragile and unwieldy to be used in combat, the Pastoral Staff is 6 feet long and topped with a large cross.  The Staff allows the wielder to cast the Dedicate Site incantation without the secondary casters and serves as a substitute focus for the Caduceus incantation.  The staff also provides a +4 equipment bonus on the Knowledge (Arcane Lore) checks to successfully complete the incantations.
Ÿ  St. George’s Longsword: Holy Ghost Touch Disruption Longsword +3
Ÿ  Papal Vestments: Provide a +3 armor bonus to defense and gains the benefit of a continuous Protection from Arrows/Bullets spell (DR5/+1 against arrows, bullets and crossbow bolts).

Following the death of Pope John Paul II, Roland Ignacio, Bishop of Brescia, was selected to become the new Pope.  One of the youngest men to ever hold the office, Roland is a fit man in his mid-fifties with steel gray hair, blue eyes and a wiry build.  Great controversy surrounds the choice of Roland as the new head of the Catholic Church.  Rumored to be a descendant of the legendary Charlemagne, Roland gained great notoriety as a vampire hunter and crusader-at-large.  Still, many political analysts wonder about the implications of his selection.  Does the Vatican seek to have a strong, combat veteran as a leader because of some forthcoming world crisis?  Do they intend to launch a new Crusade against the “infidels“?  Only time will tell.

CDR Diminutis Gray of Ziljir: Fraal male, Charismatic Hero 3/Amassador 3/Field Officer 4/Telepath 7

CR: 17; Small Humanoid (Fraal); HD: 3d6+3 plus 3d6+3 plus 4d8+4 plus 7d6+7; Hp: 90; MAS: 12; Init: +1; Spd: 30’; Defense: 20 (+1 size, +7 class, +1 Dex, Silver Flight Suit); t: 19; ff: 19, -2 ACP; BAB +10; Grap +5; Atk +10 melee (2d8 fire, Beam Sword), +10 melee (1d2-1 nonlethal, unarmed strike), +12 ranged (2d6, 19-20, Mass Pistol), +12 ranged touch (1d4 min Paralysis, Neural Pistol); Full Atk +10/+5 (2d8 fire, Beam Sword), +10/+5 melee (1d2-1 nonlethal, unarmed strike) or +12/+7 ranged (2d6, 19-20, Mass Pistol) +12/+7 ranged touch (1d4 minutes paralysis, Neural Pistol); SQ: Cybernetics, Psionics; AL: Fraal, Ziljir City-Ship; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +20; AP 8; Rep +8; Wealth +24; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 22

                Occupation: Investigative (Computer Use and Knowledge - Civics)
                Skills: Autohypnosis +10; Bluff +12; Computer Use +7; Concentration +11 (+15 to manifest psionics defensively); Diplomacy +25; Gather Information +15; Knowledge (Civics) +11; Knowledge (Tactics) +14; Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) +8; Pilot +9; Profession (Diplomat) +11; Psicraft +7; Read/Write and Speak English, Fraal and Japanese; Research +5; Sense Motive +17;
                Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency; Attentive; Alien Weapons Proficiency; Combat Expertise; Dodge; Educated (Knowledge - Civics and Knowledge - Tactics); Iron Will; Personal Firearms Proficiency; Point Blank Shot; Simple Weapons Proficiency; Starship Gunnery; Starship Operation (Ultralight); Wild Talent (Missive)
                Talents (Charismatic Hero): Charm (males); Favor
                Talents (Ambassador): Diplomatic Immunity; Open Arms
                Talents (Field Officer): Leadership; Uncanny Survival; Tactical Expertise
                Talents (Telepath): Psionic Skills; Psionic Powers; Trigger Power (Charm Person, Mental Blast); Power Crystal; Combat Manifestation
                Possessions: Silvery Flight Suit (treat as Flight Suit w/ Integrated Personal Force Field DR5/-, Gravity Anchor, Neg-Grav Boosters and 3 storage compartments); Flight Helmet (w/ Integrated HUD and UNICOM); Power Crystal (5 pts); Beam Sword; Mass Pistol (w/ spare power pack, 4 shots); Neural Pistol (w/ spare power pack, 5 shots); Regen Wand; Ambassador’s Launch
                Cybernetics: Anti-Shock Implant, Feat Plexus (Starship Battle Run, Starship Dodge - Ultralight, Starship Mobility, Starship Strafe)
                Psionics (Sp): At will - Lesser Mindlink; 3/day - Suggestion (DC18) (Manifester level 10)
                Telepath Powers Known: (5/4/3/2; 41 pts/day): 0 - Burst, Daze (DC16), Detect Psionics, Distract (DC16), Far Hand; 1st - Charm Person (DC17), Control Object, Lesser Body Adjustment, Object Reading; 2nd - Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Detect Thoughts (DC18); 3rd - Lesser Domination (DC19), Mental Blast (DC19)

                Ambassador’s Launch

Type: Ultralight                                               Size: Huge (-2 size)
Subtype: Launch                                             Tactical Speed*: Induction Engine 4,000’ (8 squares)
Defense: 16                                                     Length: 24’
        Flat-footed Defense: 15                       Weight: 24,000 lbs.
        Autopilot Defense: 11                           Targeting System Bonus: +1
Hardness: 40                                                   Crew: 1
Hit Dice: 4d20 (80 hp)                                    Passengers: 4
Initiative Modifier: +2                                   Cargo Capacity: 2,400 lbs.
Pilot‘s Class Bonus: +7                                   Grapple Modifier: +8
Pilot‘s Dex Modifier: +1                                Purchase DC: Not available for purchase
Gunners‘ Attack Bonus: +11                        Restriction: Not available for purchase

*or Tactical Speed: Thrusters 3,000’ (7 squares)

Attack: Kinetic Lance +9/+4 ranged: 10d12 (65)

Attack of Opportunity:

Design Specs:
        Engines: Induction Engines, Thrusters
        Armor: Ablative
        Defense Systems: Improved Autopilot System
        Sensors: Class IV Sensor Array, Targeting System
        Communications: Laser Transceiver, Radio Transceiver
        Weapons: 1 Kinetic Lance
        Grappling System: Tractor Beam

Commander Diminutis Gray hails from the Ziljir City-Ship on Mars.  Since the Ziljirs handle diplomatic contact with the governments of Earth, Diminutis makes frequent trips between the two planets.  Diminutis hopes to one day forge a single planetary government from the squabbling nations of Earth, unifying them against threats from outside the solar system.  Given the state of global politics, he sometimes despairs of ever achieving success.

The ambassador typically travels alone or with a small group of aides in a launch built for him by his own people.  Cybernetic implants allow him to make full use of the vessel’s capabilities.

Typically, Diminutis negotiates trade agreements (typically foodstuffs for technology) or defense treaties between the Fraal and Earth’s governments or acts as a third-party negotiator between two or more sovereign nations of Earth.  His success rate is unparalleled although his methods are extreme.  Once, he shot both negotiators, returned their bodies to their respective governments and recruited new diplomats who were more willing to reach an accord.

What the world at large doesn’t know is that the Fraal are prepared to declare martial law (for the Earthlings’ own good) in the event of an invasion by a hostile alien race (most notably, the Gardhyi or the Sathar).  Diminutis’ orders are to assume the role of a military dictator until the threat is ended.


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