In-Game Easter Eggs

“At the fourth shop you stop in, a wizened old man named Max and his wife, who constantly bicker, ask for some of the [poisoned] crossbow bolts so they can test them [to see what types of poison are being used].” – Apr 18, 2012 (the first pop culture reference that made its way into my play-by-post campaign)

"Was that Miracle Max and Valerie?" - one of my players

While Alfred Hitchcock and the MCU have made Easter Eggs in movies into as much of an art as the films themselves, I have always appreciated subtle pop culture references in games, movies, and tv shows.  There is something about the whole idea that makes me happy – like the writer and audience is both clever enough to pick up on a story that is operating on more than one level.  Maybe its symbolism or foreshadowing, maybe it’s just a nod to other stories that have entertained us over the years and left an indelible mark on our collective psyches.  It can even just be a recurring line that serves as a callback to previous iterations of a story (“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” is probably my favorite).

But, I like it even better when my players pick up on my references and make some of their own. Spotting these hidden gems can be challenging, especially when you are playing in a text-based format.  What about the rest of you?  Do you, as DMs or players for that matter, sneak little pop culture tidbits into your games?  If so, what are they and do the other people gathered at the table notice?


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