Max Headroom

On this day in 1987, two Chicago-based television stations had their signals hijacked by person or persons unknown.  The first event was stopped quickly but the second lasted a bit longer.  More than 30 years later, no suspects have ever been identified.

For those of you who have been reading my stuff for awhile, you know that I am planning on having my party eventually reach Earth.  I have plotted out some unusual adventures and some strange NPCs that I think it would be cool to have them encounter (plus I just like making weird characters) and was thinking that crossing paths with Max and his "IRL" counterpart Edison could make for an interesting story.

Incorporating Max into a D&D campaign...

This does present a bit of a conundrum since Max is undeniably based on futuristic technology.  Then again, Dungeons & Dragons has a long history of sci-fi crossovers so perhaps the next time you find yourself running "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" Max could be the ship's still active AI, something based on the personality of the vessel's final pilot.  Or maybe, he's a "spirit" guiding the party through the "City of the Gods".  Really, the only limitations are the ones you impose on your story and if you want to use him, then treat him as the intelligence of a sentient magical item and go from there.  Whatever you do, enjoy!

Max Headroom

“Male” Artificial Intelligence Dedicated Hero 3/Charismatic Hero 3
N Construct
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Binary and English
Init: +2, Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1

AC: - -
Hp: - -
Immune: Construct traits
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2

Spd: - -
Melee: Incapable of making physical attacks
Combat Gear: - -
Str - -, Dex - -, Con - -, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16

SA: - -
SQ: Construct Traits, Electronic Entity, Playback

Feats: as Edison Carter, note that Max is unable to use any feat that requires a physical body
Skills: As Edison Carter plus Computer Use +12

Possessions: - -

Height: - -      Weight: - -     Hair: Blond     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Max appears as a head and shoulder computerized image resembling Edison Carter.  He “wears” a black suit and tie with a white shirt underneath and occasionally, Ray-Ban sunglasses.  He has chaotic speech patterns—his voice pitches up or down, seemingly at random, or occasionally gets stuck in a loop.

• Construct Traits – Immune to all mind-affecting effects, sleep, poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.  He is not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion or energy drain; he is immune to any effect that allows a Fortitude save (unless is affects objects or is harmless) and is not at risk of death from massive damage
• Electronic Entity (Ex): Max has no physical body, existing only as a digitized version of Edison Carter's consciousness and memories, and cannot be killed.  He is unable to make physical attacks but with his sarcastic wit and glib tongue, he often tricks foes into revealing information they would normally want to keep secret.  Max is able to transmit his consciousness to any computer or television (appearing on a number of monitors equal to his Intelligence score) he is networked with as a free action although it is (presumably) possible that if he were somehow isolated in a single CPU or affected by an EMP (Fort save DC equal to damage to negate) or similar attack, he could be deleted (or reprogrammed).  He is able to see and hear through any monitor he appears in.  Max uses his Intelligence modifier to determine his Initiative score.  He also gains a +10 racial bonus to Computer Use checks. 
• Playback (Ex): Max is able to recall any of Edison Carter's memories and display them on a computer screen for others to see.  Injuries Edison suffered prior to Max's creation have left some memory gaps while other memories have no context.  Finding a specific memory requires an Intelligence check (DC as Knowledge checks +1/year elapsed since the event being remembered occurred).

Carter Edison

Male middle-aged Human Dedicated Hero 3/Charismatic Hero 3
NG Medium Humanoid
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English
Init: +1, Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1

AC: 14 (+3 Class, +1 Dex); t: 14; ff: 13
Hp: 27 (6HD)

Spd: 30’ (6 squares)
Melee +5 Unarmed 1d6+1 nonlethal
SA/SQ: Class Abilities

Feats: Attentive; Brawl (b); Creative (Craft – Visual Arts and Craft – Writing); Dodge (b); Educated (Knowledge – Current Events and Knowledge – Pop Culture); Renown (b); Skill Emphasis (Craft – Writing) (b); Studious;
Skills: Bluff +6, Craft (Visual Art) +13, Craft (Writing) +16, Decipher Script +4, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +6, Investigate +14, Knowledge (Current Events) +13, Knowledge (Pop Culture) +10, Profession (Journalist) +11, Research +10

Possessions: Casual Business Attire; Duster; Channel 23 News Hand-held Camera with satellite up-link and two-way communication with the network

• Class Abilities:
          • Dedicated Hero: Proficient in all Simple Weapons; 2 Talents (Empathy; Skill Emphasis); 1 bonus feat
          • Charismatic Hero: 2 Talents (Charm – females; Favor); 1 bonus feat
          • Starting Occupation: Investigative (gains Research as a Class skill and a +2 bonus to Investigate); gains Brawl as a bonus feat;

Edison Carter is an investigative journalist employed by Network 23, who sometimes uncovered things that his superiors in the network would have preferred kept private. Eventually, one of these instances required him to flee his workspace, upon which he was injured in a motorcycle accident in a parking lot.  Bryce Lynch, the station’s one-man R&D team, uploaded a “copy” of Edison’s mind into the station’s mainframe, inadvertently creating Max.
Carter recovered from his injury and, along with Max, his editor Theodora Jones, and producer Murray McKenzie revealed an advertising scandal, resulting in the termination of several network executives.  Max has proven to be incredibly popular and is now the "spokesman" for Coca-Cola. 


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