Day Four of the Odinsleep (The Return of Korbin, Giants to the Slaughter)

Day Four of the Odinsleep (5pm)

Korbin looks down and sees his companions hard-pressed in the battle against the Jotuns.  He draws his new sword, Laevaetinn, the Wounding Wand, tucks his wings in close to his body and dives.  The ebony bird plummets on high in a tight spiral, clutching the blade given to him by the Norns in the talons of his right foot.  The very air around him begins to whistle as he picks up speed and sees the top of the Jotun’s head racing up to meet him.  The new embodiment of cunning angles slightly to his left, skimming down the giant’s back and holds out his blade.  The enchanted steel cuts easily through the Jotun’s hide armor and flesh, leaving a long, thin slice just to the side of the giant’s spine.  Korbin flares his wings and rolls, breaking hard to the right, narrowly avoiding impact with the ground.

Idunn, seeing the lone Jotun just mounting the top of the wall, raises one hand and a stone barrier that reaches nearly to the brute’s waist rises from the battlements, blocking the giant’s progress.  With that enemy contained, at least temporarily, she turns her attention to the raging Jotun in the midst of the adventurers.

Arthur staggers forward, breathing heavily, his arms heavy as lead and as screams his challenge.  His holy blade crashes down, shattering the shin bone in the enraged Jotun’s left leg and the brute, unable to support itself drops to one knee.  A second blow opens arteries running up the monster’s thigh.  A third widens the last wound and the giant’s axe falls from nerveless fingers.  The Jotun locks eyes with Arthur, its rage fading as its lifeblood pours out onto the stone parapet and nods, acknowledging its defeat.  The First Paladin of Malazzarr strikes one final time, slicing open the throat of the fatally wounded giant.  The Jotun’s body teeters for a moment and then falls, nearly crushing his slayer as it strikes the ground.

Drax is in motion before the Jotun even falls, racing along the edge of the wall, leaping from one crenellation to the next as he closes in on the newest invader.

Grotto flies toward Ra’ziir, certain that the bladesinger is about to breath his last and calls upon the power of Hanseath once more as he lays his hands on the gravely wounded elven warrior.  Energy rushes through his hands and into Ra’ziir’s battered body.

Kysek wills his magical boots to life and floats off of the ground.  He pushes off from the wall and begins gliding invisibly and silently toward the next Jotun.

Cedron also flies to Ra’ziir, calling upon the most potent healing prayer he knows.  Life surges through the priest to mend broken bones and knit flesh and muscle back together seamlessly.  While the extent of Ra’ziir’s injuries is too great to be completely healed, the elf is no longer near the brink of death.

Desmond and Niklas, seeing the first Jotun finally fall, turn their attention to the one still on the ground.  The two archers raise their bows, angling down at the Jotun fighting Raven and Korbin and let loose with their shots.  Feathered shafts rain down on the giant’s head.  The Jotun, already under attack from below and behind, spins trying to defend itself from the projectiles.  Nearly all the arrows hit their marks, giving the blue-skinned giant a porcupine appearance along its left arm.

Ra’ziir nods his thanks to the two priests, “There are scrolls of ‘Heal’ in my bag.  Use them if you need to.”  The bladesinger then looks around and flies toward the giant hemmed in by Idunn’s conjured wall.  He whispers the words of a spell as he closes in and thick webbing appears, sticking to the face of the giant and blinding him for a few moments while the elf-emental plunges in and attacks with his smoking obsidian blade.  Grumbar’s Razor cuts a deep slash across the back of the giant’s forearm as the huge hand comes up to tear the webbing away.

Raven continues his assault in the giant.  His strength magically enhanced by Shadow and propelled to greater heights by Thorgrim’s berserker curse and his own natural hatred for giants, drives him forward in a frenzy of slashing cuts and stabbing thrusts.  Cold iron and adamantite part flesh like tissue paper and in moments, the giant is bleeding from five deep wounds.  The elf snarls, hacks, and chops his way into the brute’s legs, hobbling its mobility and nearly bringing it down.

Shadow’s water elemental crashes into the Jotun’s legs with the inexorable strength of the sea.  The impact pops one knee out sideways and the giant howls, overwhelmed by the ferocity of the combined attacks.

Shadow hovers above the savage duel and shouts out “Πυροσβεστική!”  An orange bead streaks from the drow’s hand and strikes the Jotun in the side of the head.  The bead blossoms into a deadly ball of flame and thunder.  When the smoke clears, the giant’s hair and beard are on fire and its lungs seared from breathing in the flames.  It staggers a single step and topples forward, crashing into base of the wall and crashes to the ground in a boneless heap.

The lone remaining Jotun tears the webbing off of its face and delivers several savage kicks to Idunn’s magical barrier.  The stone cracks on the first hit and then cracks and falls away after the second.  The Jotun, breathing heavily, unslings his axe and raises his foot to step through the gap he has created.

= = = = = =
• Haste – all except Korbin and Raven (5 rounds remaining)
• Inspire Courage +2 – all except Korbin, Raven, and Shadow (as long as Morn speaks plus 5 rounds, +2 hit/dmg/save vs fear and charm)

• Arthur: 51% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 70% health; True Seeing  (9 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Displacement (8 rounds remaining); Tiger from the Bag of Tricks (62% health, 9 minutes, 7 rounds remaining), Major Image (Concentration plus 3 rounds)
• Desmond: 94% health;
• Drax: 71% health; Greater Invisibility (1 rounds remaining)
• Grotto: 100% health; Fly (6 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
• Hansuke: 62% health;
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 77% health; Stoneskin (90%, 99 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
• Morn: 100% health;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 68% health;
• Ra’ziir: 50% health; Fly (15 minutes, 9 rounds remaining), Giant Size (+16 Str/-2 Dex,/+4 Con, +3 Nat AC/-2 hit and AC from size; sword damage increases to 3d6+21; 6 rounds remaining); Stoneskin (87%, 209 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 100% health; Overland Flight (16 hours, 58 minutes, 7 rounds remaining), Stoneskin (100%, 169 minutes, 3 rounds remaining), Monster Summoning VIII (11 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health


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