Man Hands

I love this video. I have no idea how many times I have watched it. This was the primary inspiration for a relatively minor superhero I created for use in my current campaign.  Like the Condiment King, Spectrum, and US Archer, Man Hands is a street level NPC on Earth-218

Victor Manheim was an average, everyday, ordinary college student living and working in Detroit.  One day, while exploring the forest near his home, he discovered a strange, glowing rock.  There was just one small problem – it was during the day so the glow from the stone could not be seen.  Touching the rock caused his body to mutate, making his hands larger and tougher than normal.  Their outward difference was barely noticeably and through a series of accidents, Victor discovered that he had acquired special abilities like the superhumans on his television – perhaps not as flashy or powerful but they were there nonetheless.

Victor just wants to finish school, maybe get a job in graphic design, and pay off his student loans.  If someone needs help and he is there, right there, and able to do something, he will but he is not going to be “one of these spandex wearing vigilantes trying to save the world”.  Despite his protests, he more often than not, finds himself put into a position where is the guy who is right there with the ability to do something.  If you wanted to include Victor in D&D campaigns of your own, he could be an apprentice stonemason who was affected by a magic rock instead.

Man Hands (Victor Manheim)
Male Human (Mutant) Metahuman 1
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +1, Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English
AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10
Hp: 13 (1HD)
Energy: 14
Immune: - -
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1

Spd: 30’ (6 squares)
Melee +1 2 Unarmed Strikes: 1d6+7

Combat Gear: - -

Str: 14*, Dex: 12, Con: 14, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 12
* for tasks that can be accomplished with hands alone, Strength is considered to be 24

SA: Sonic Blast
SQ: Mutant traits
Feats: Dodge, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike) (b)
Skills: Craft (Photography) +5, Knowledge (Geology) +5, Knowledge (Superhumans) +3, Knowledge (Pop Culture) +5, Listen +1, Spot +1

Possessions: Normal Street Clothes, Domino Mask, Canon F-1n or Yashica Electro 35 GSN Camera

Height: 6’    Weight: 185 lbs     Hair: Black      Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Victor is an athletic man in his early 20s.  He has medium length brown hair parted on the right.  At first glance, there is nothing extraordinary about him but a closer look reveals that his hands seem to be somewhat disproportionately large compared to the rest of his body.

• Mutant Traits: Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); +4 bonus on their initial Energy scores, LA +1; Metahuman is preferred class for multiclass purposes

• Standard Brawn: (+10 Str/DR2 vs. kinetic attacks), uses Dex instead of Str to determine attack bonus
                 Reducer: Brawn applies to only to Victor's hands; the rest of his body, while strong, is not superhumanly empowered
• Ultra Damage Reduction: Gains DR12 (DR14 vs kinetic attacks with bonus from Brawn) to all attacks; e.g. Victor could grab the barrel of a gun as it was fired and the bullet would stop when it struck his hand without harm but if that same bullet struck him in the leg, it would deal normal damage.
                Reducer: DR applies only to Victor's hands
• Standard Energy Blast (Sonic): Limited Range (see below), Energy Cost: 1; By slapping his hands together, Victor is able to generate a small sonic boom.  This attack deals 1d4 sonic damage to all targets affected.  This attack is completely useless in a vacuum but does an extra +1/die of damage underwater.  It is especially effective against inanimate objects (halve the hardness of most materials and treat brittle objects as if they have been targeted by a Shatter spell).  Note that most of the damage of this attack is from the shockwave, not the sound, so being deaf does not protect against it.  Nevertheless, whenever a sonic attack deals full damage (i.e., if the Reflex save fails), the target must make a Fort save (same DC) or suffer a -2 penalty to all hearing-related checks for 1d4 rounds.
                Amplifier/Reducer: Fan only; The range of the sonic boom is dramatically reduced (10' + 1'/level) and damage is reduced by half (included above) but covers a semi-circular area in front of him, allowing the blast to hit multiple targets at once.
• Improved Natural Weaponry: Victor's hands are larger than average.  This combined with his increased strength and their preternatural toughness allow him to crush/grab/slap with them for 1d6 damage

Susceptibility: Victor is “allergic” to alcohol.  A single drink causes him to suffer 1 point of Dex/Int/Wis damage.  Each such quantity after the third one, causes 1d6 damage, instead, and causes aggressively paranoid behavior.

AD&D Stats

Victor Manheim (Human male Fighter 1)
AC: 9
MV: 12
HD: 1(d10)
Hp: 10
Saves: PPD: 14; RSW 16, PP: 15, BW: 17, Sp: 17
THAC0: 20 (total +6 to hit with Str and Punching Specialization)
# Att: 1+1
Dmg: by punch type +9 (+6 for Str, +3 for continuing specialization)
Str: 14, Dex: 12, Con: 14, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 12
(Hand Strength is 18/00 for purposes of determining damage)
Wpn Prof: Punching Specialization (all 4 slots – see below)
Nonwpn Prof: Carpentry, Direction Sense, Stonemasonry
SA: Sonic Slap
SD: - -
SZ: M (6’ tall)
ML: Steady (11-12)
Xp Value: 35

• Punching Specialization (as per Complete Fighter’s Handbook): If a character spends one Weapon Proficiency on Punching, thus taking specialization with Punching, he gains the following benefits:
• He gains a +1 bonus to all his attack rolls when punching
• He gains a +1 bonus to all damage when punching
• He gains a +1 chart bonus with all punching attacks
• He gains one additional punching attack per combat round (both hands must be free, holding nothing, for the character to gain this benefit); and If the character wishes, when he pulls his punch, he can also refuse to do the +2 damage that specialization gives him.
• The chart bonus is a reflection of the character's superior accuracy with punching.  As you already know, when the character successfully hits, the roll itself determines which maneuver was made; you use the chart on page 97 in the Player's Handbook, and the attack roll also determines the maneuver used.  But on a successful hit, the punching specialist can modify that result. If he has a chart bonus of +1, he can choose the maneuver one higher or one lower on the chart.
– For each additional slot devoted to his art – 
• He gains a +1 bonus to all his attack rolls with his combat style
• He gains a +1 bonus to all damage with his combat style; and he gains a +1 chart bonus with all attacks in that combat style. With chart bonuses of +2 or more, the character can choose any maneuver within the range of maneuvers covered by his chart bonus
• Sonic Slap: Once every three rounds, Victor is able to clap his hands together to generate a small sonic boom.  This attack deals 1d4 damage to all targets affected (save vs BW for ½).  Treat brittle objects as if they have been targeted by a Shatter spell.  Note that most of the damage of this attack is from the shockwave, not the sound, so being deaf does not protect against it.


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