Beldam (Other Mother from Coraline)

I watched the movie “Coraline” for the first time this weekend.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen snippets of the film here and there over the years and I recognized the character when the movie started but I have never sat down and Watched the movie (or read the book).  By the time the show was over, I have to admit that I was fascinated by the entire thing.  The animation and pacing were incredibly well done and the main antagonist was delightfully wicked.  This is who I want to focus on today – Beldam, a.k.a. the Other Mother.  Some viewers may think that she was some sort of demon, offering children their heart’s desire in exchange for their souls, much like a crossroads demon but I feel like she more closely resembles a faerie, a member of the Unseelie Court who is allowed a great deal of independence in her operations. 

I also think that since the protagonist, Coraline, was just a child that Beldam wouldn’t necessarily have been overly powerful, holding a relatively low challenge rating.  Since the movie is something like nine years old, I am not overly worried about SPOILERS but if you haven’t seen the movie yet, you may wish to stop here. 

During the movie’s climax, Beldam is revealed to be very spider-like in what we can presume to be her true form.  With that in mind, I based her character stats on those of a Large Monstrous Spider from the Monster Manual and added special abilities as I went until it felt like I had the “Feel” of the character right.  With no further ado, I would like to present…

Beldam (a.k.a. Other Mother)
Female Faerie
NE Large Fey (Shapechanger)
Init: +3, Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1; Darkvision 60’, Low-Light Vision, Tremorsense
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Sylvan
AC: 14 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural); t: 12; ff: 11
Hp: 19 (4HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +5
Spd: 30’ (6 squares), Climb 20’ (4 squares)
Melee +4 2 Claws: 1d6+2
Combat Gear: - -
Str: 15, Dex: 17, Con: 12, Int: 12, Wis: 12, Cha: 15
SA: Mirage Arcana, Trap the Soul
SQ: Alternate Form, Create Simulacrum, Darkvision 60’, DR5/Cold Iron, Feline Vulnerability, Mechanical Hands, Tremorsense

Feats: Persuasive, Skill Focus - Craft (Sewing)
Skills: Appraise +3 w/ sewn fabrics, Bluff +11, Concentration +8, Craft (Cooking) +7, Craft (Sewing) +16, Disguise +14, Intimidate +13, Perform (Acting) +9 (+11 to remain in character), Sleight of Hand +5

Height: varies (5’ to 8’)     Weight: varies (100 - 450 lbs)     Hair: Dark Brown     Eyes: Black Buttons
Appearance: Beldam’s true appearance is spidery and gaunt.  She has angular features, mechanical hands made from sewing needles and metallic spider-like legs.

Possessions: None, although she is able to create nearly any mundane object she needs while in her realm either via illusory magic or her simulacra. 

•Alternate Form (Su): Beldam is capable of changing her shape and vocal characteristics of someone trusted by her intended victim (usually their mother).  She appears as a slightly idealized version of that figure, being slightly taller, thinner, or more vibrant.  However, this facsimile still retains her black button eyes.  She gains a +5 bonus to Disguise (included above) when mimicking her prey’s trusted figure.

                If Beldam is thwarted or defied, her shape changes to a more gaunt and angular representation of the assumed form (and loses her Disguise bonus).  If her plans completely fail and she is forced to use violence to steal her victim’s soul, her true form emerges, that of a spider-like creature with a cracked porcelain face, hands made of sewing needles and metallic spider legs.

• Create Simulacrum (Su): Beldam can copies of people her intended victim knows and trusts from plants in her garden or the dolls that she sews.  These creations are semi-autonomous and capable of free thought however, Beldam is aware of their actions and will visit gruesome punishments upon them should they betray her.
• Feline Vulnerability (Ex): Beldam is highly resistant to injury but like other faeries is harmed by cold iron weapons.  However cats, even the most mundane mouser, are able to bypass her damage reduction and harm her normally. 
• Mechanical Hands (Ex): Beldam’s hands are made from sewing needles that have been magically joined together.  They are exceptionally dexterous and grant a +5 racial bonus to Craft (Sewing) checks (included above).  Additionally, her hands are capable of operating independently of her should they somehow be severed.  They should be treated as Tiny Monstrous Spiders as far as speed and health are concerned but lack the ability to spin webs or use poison.  They can be reattached as a free action.
• Mirage Arcana (Sp): At will – as the spell, caster level 20
• Scrying (Sp): Beldam is able to observe her intended victim through the eyes of the dolls she makes.  She can see and hear their surroundings and uses the information she gains to creature convincing illusions that mirror what she perceives as her victim’s desires.  Additionally, she able to speak with rats and they will provide her with supplemental information if the victim is out of range of the doll.
• Trap the Soul (Su): Beldam uses a combination of deceit and intimidation to convince her victims to allow her to dew buttons into their eyes.  This agreement means that the victim automatically fails their saving throw.  The victim’s soul is drawn out of their body and placed inside of a marble.  The body is left behind and then eaten by Beldam so if the marble is broken, the soul passes on to whatever afterlife awaits it.
                She has also shown the ability to at least temporarily trap people who are important to her victims in order to force compliance.  While other means of imprisonment are likely, the vessel containing the trapped souls must have some sort of emotional importance to the intended targets.  Breaking this vessel frees the victims with no memory of what has happened.
• Tremorsense (Ex): When in her true form, Beldam can sense anything that is in contact with her web.

Beldam (a.k.a. Other Mother)
Climate/Terrain: The “Other Side”
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any but prefers night
Diet: Special
Intelligence: Very (12)
Treasure: Nil
Align: NE
No. Appearing: 1
AC: 6
Movement: 12, Wb9
HD: 4 (19hp)
THAC0: 17
No. of Attacks: 2
Dmg/Att: 1d6
SA: Mirage Arcana, Trap the Soul
SD: Cold Iron or better magical weapon to hit, Alternate Form, Create Simulacrum, Infravision 60’, Feline Vulnerability, Mechanical Hands, Tremorsense
Magic Resistance: - -
Size: L (8’ tall)
Morale: Fanatic (17-18)
XP Value: 1,400


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