Fight Club Fight! LET’S GET IT ON!

There are many underground pit fighting arenas in Sigil.  The (SPOILERS!!!) “Eternal Boundary” adventure module says that the most infamous of these is the Blood Pit.  The Blood Pit is scattered throughout a series of warehouses and is run by a filthy little gnome named Felgar.

The 3.5 update I got called “Sigil: The City of Doors” lists the Bottle & Jug Tavern as the place to go if you are in the mood for bloodsport.  This establishment is operated by Barl Hoxun.

At first, I thought that I must have missed something, that perhaps a change of management had occurred or that maybe one club has pushed the other out.  But, then, as I put more thought into it, I said to myself, why can’t the two be in competition?  I envisioned a clash of pit fighting rings with one organization absorbing all other competitors in its path – much like the WWE did to the NWA, ECW, and WCW.  Which gave me another idea…

The Bottle and Jug tavern’s fighting ring is trying to draw patrons away from the Felgar’s older, more established club.  The owner, Barl is smart and driven.  He is pushing hard to establish the “spectacle” of his matches and is constantly on the lookout for fighters with a distinctive look or “signature fighting style”.  Once a warrior achieves a certain degree of success and has a following, Barl will approach him and offer to induct him into a “secret ring”.  This ring is made up of fan favorites who fight in carefully scripted and choreographed matches with “feuds” and rivalries taking the fore with the bouts being more about entertaining the masses than the fights themselves.  These fighters are paid a percentage of the house’s earning but there is no real risk to the fighters themselves.  Uninitiated fighters (jobbers) still have actual fights – often against this Secret Ring who fight the jobbers to make the scripted matches look more “believable”.  The pageantry is beginning to cut into the Blood Pit’s profit margin and that is something Felgar will not tolerate.
Felgar, and a group of his most vicious fighters, come to “pay a visit” to Barl’s tavern and order him to close his ring.  Barl, not wanting to back down just as he is starting to see his efforts come to fruition seeks out Jamaros, hoping that the undead barbarian may be holding a grudge against Felgar since the gnome allowed him to be killed in the ring by the Risen a few weeks back.


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