d20 Blanka?

I really enjoy the freedom to create characters that the d20 system provides.  There are so many sources published, not only by WoTC but by numerous third parties that allow you to make exactly the sort of character you want to play.  I have made characters ranging from Ursula from the Little Mermaid to Dumbo the Flying Elephant but one of the characters I enjoy best was a d20 version of Blanka I made to serve as a gladiator in one of the city of Sigil’s underground fighting rings but never got around to using.

I started with the base Barbarian class from the Player’s Handbook, a few feats from d20 Modern and added powers from “Paragon” by D. Jon Mattson.  This is what I came up with…

Blanka (Jimmy; Last Name unrecorded)

Align: CN     Race: Human (Mutant)     Class: Barbarian 10/Metahuman 2
Birthplace: Unrecorded
Sex: Male     Age: 28
Birthrank: presumed 1 of 1; birthdate unrecorded     # of Siblings: None
Height: 6’6”     Weight: 270 lbs.     Hair: Orange     Eyes: Yellow
Appearance: Blanka wears nothing but the ripped pants he’s had since he was young.  He wears his wild, orange hair in a thick mane.  His body is thickly built and incredibly muscular.  His skin is green and he has and pronounced claws and teeth.

Str: 24 (+7)                                          Fortitude +13
Dex: 17 (+3)                                        Reflex +8
Con: 20 (+5)                                        Will +7
Int: 12 (+1)                                          Init: +3
Wis: 14 (+2)                                        Speed: 30' (40’ in medium or lighter armor)
Cha: 8 (-3)                                          

Armor Class: 18 (+3 Dex, Anklets of Natural Armor +5); t: 13; ff: 18 (Uncanny Dodge); -0 ACP

Hit Points: 143 (10d12+50: Barbarian) plus (2d8+10: Metahuman)
Energy Points: 36 (23: Base +1/level after 1st)

Attacks: (BAB +11; Grap +22)
+18/+13/+8 Unarmed Strike: 1d4+7 (nonlethal)
OR +18 2 Claws: 1d4+7
OR +18 Bite: 1d6+3 (May use bite in the same round as the claws at -2 to hit)
OR +18 Electrical Blast: 7d6+1 (Fort ½ DC23)

• All physical melee attacks receive +2 hit/dmg (+2 hit/+1 dmg for bite) during Rage; electrical blast DC increases to 25

Racial Abilities: Bonus Feat at 1st level; +4 bonus skill points at 1st level; +1 bonus skill point/level after 1st; Class with highest level is preferred class for multi-class purposes
                Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); Evolved Metabolism (+4 bonus on their initial Energy scores), LA +1; Gains Metahuman as a preferred class for multiclass purposes

Class Abilities: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields)

     Barbarian: DR2/- -; Fast Movement +10’; Improved Uncanny Dodge (cannot be flanked by Rogue of less than 14th level); Uncanny Dodge; Trap Sense +3;

     Metahuman: Chosen Metahuman Class Skills (Balance, Jump, Tumble); 1 bonus Power or Metapower feats; 1 Power Enhancement

Languages: Speak Common (Understand only)
Balance +7, Climb +20, Intimidate +10, Jump +20, Listen +15, Survival +15, Swim +20, Tumble +7
Feats: Combat Throw; Defensive Martial Arts; Improved Bull Rush; Improved Grapple; Inner Strength (b); Multiattack (b); Power Attack;

Ultra Natural Weaponry: Blanka has a pair of savage claws that can be used to deal 1d4+Str damage and vicious teeth that allow him to bite for 1d6+½ Str.
Ultra Energy Blast – Electrical Attack: Range: Personal; Energy Cost: 1; Duration: Instantaneous – Exposure to a mutagenic virus contracted from spider monkeys causes Blanka’s body to generate vast amounts of electricity.  While swimming for fish, he observed electric eels and studied them, eventually learning how to discharge this energy by touch.  This deals 7d6+1 electrical damage (Fort save for ½).
                 Reducer: Decreased Range: Range reduced to Touch only


• Berserker: If angered, humiliated or harmed, Blanka must make a Will save to avoid flying into a berserk rage (DC8 to DC18 depending on severity). If save is failed by 1 or 2 points, rage can be expended against nearby inanimate objects; if the save fails by more than 2, then he attacks the source of his irritation (may make a new save each round, DC drops by 1 each round as long as the situation does not get worse)

• Social Stigma: Obvious Mutant – Blanka’s eyes are entirely yellow with no visible pupils.  He has green skin and thick orange hair growing on his head, chest, forearms, and shins. 

Clothing: Ripped Breeches;
Armor: Anklets of Natural Armor +5;


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