The Hatter's Tea Party (Part Eight)

For previous entries in this series, please follow the links provided.

Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six:
Part Seven:

DAY FOURTEEN (December 12th), 8:05:12 am 

Niklas continues to lead Grotto away from the gathered queens, kings, and adventurers, trying to get him to a spot where the dwarf can clear his head as get back to as close to normal as is possible for him.  Grotto frowns dejectedly, “But the tea is lovely and the treats are delicious….”  

Cedron mutters beneath his breath, “This is just getting worse by the moment.”  He steps forward and speaks to the Red Queen, “Gracious and wise Queen, who I must admit is fetching in such a lovely crimson, this is all just a huge misunderstanding.  You see, Ra’ziir here is a very loyal friend.  When he saw the transformation of out dear companion, he was momentarily lost in his desire to protect him.  If you could simply find it in your infinite wisdom to return our friend to his original state and let us depart, I’m certain you will never be bothered by our likes again.” 

Shadow arriving in the moments between King Robert’s appearance and Raven splitting the table shouts down in response to the king’s question, “WE HAVE INDEED SLAIN THE JABBERWOCK!” He lowers his voice, speaking just loudly enough for the three monarchs to hear as he floats above the sundered halves of the table and adds, “And if my friend is not restored, then you will all be next.”  He motions toward Raven with his right hand and whispers the words, “Διασκεδάστε μαγεία”.  The frog image flickers, revealing Raven standing in between the broken pieces of the table with his black-bladed sword in hand as the illusion is dispelled. 

Korbin bounces along on the ground, straightening the spilled flatware and laying out the silver in neat rows upon the earth, rearranging the place settings for the next course of tea. 

Arthur smiles at the sight of King Robert, “My Lord, it is good to see you in great health.  I ask forgiveness upon my friend.” 

Hansuke skitters up into the nearest tree, ready to pounce should the Red Queen persist in her course of action.  Just beneath him, Kysek and Desmond continue to hold, waiting to see how things will play out. 

Ra’ziir shakes his head and, ignoring the gentler words of the party stares directly at the Red Queen, “You intend a combat of arms between your champion and myself, I imagine.  I’ve always thought that the coward’s way…letting someone else fight your battles.  Understand that if I have to slay him, I will.  And then… 






You hold his fate.”  The half-elemental bladesinger glances over and sees that Raven has been restored to his natural form, “I will certainly not ask for your ‘forgiveness’ and I certainly will give you none.” 

Robert’s smile falters and brow furrows.  He certainly had not expected this reaction to his appearance after the pleasant encounter he’d had earlier with the group on the road and begins to wonder just his wives have gotten him into. 

The White Queen shifts uncomfortably and glances over at her sister. 

The Red Monarch falters for a moment and Ra’ziir can see that he has already won.  She smiles, “I suppose a battle of champions would be unnecessary at this point.  As you can see, your friend is well and has been this entire time, merely masked by a glamour spell.  But given your reaction, I see that perhaps my ... jest ... was not received as it should have been and your actions could be construed as defensive rather than hostile.  You may depart these lands with no further harassment.  I believe the path you seek is located in the burrow behind the White Rabbit’s home.  Good travels to you all.” 

And with no further fanfare or discourse, the two queens and their husband vanish.


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