Scrubbing Bubbles!

Scrubbing Bubbles were originally created by a wizard who had little interest in picking up after himself.  He would set the creature loose in his tower and let it wander around, absorbing dirt and debris and leaving clean surfaces in its wake.  As is so often the result in cases like these, the creator lost control of the creation and the bubbles have spread across the world.

Scrubbing Bubble

CR: ½

N Fine Ooze    

HD: ½d10 (2 hp)

Init: +3

Spd: 20’, climb 20’

AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +8 size); t: 21; ff: 18

BAB+0; Grap -21
Attacks: +11 melee touch Acid Touch: 1d2 acid

SA: Acid

SQ: Ooze Traits

Saves: Fort +0     Ref +3     Will -5

Str: 1 (-5)     Dex: 16 (+3)     Con: 11 (+0)     Int: - -     Wis: 1 (-5)     Cha: 2 (-4)

Languages: None

Skills: - -

Feats: Weapon Finesse(b);

• Acid (Ex): A scrubbing bubble secretes an acid that dissolves organic material quickly, but does not affect stone or metal.  Any melee attack deals acid damage.  Cloth and wood dissolves and becomes useless immediately unless it succeeds on a (DC10) Ref save.  The ooze’s acid touch deals 2 points of acid damage per round to wooden objects but the ooze must remain in contact with the object for 1 full round to deal this damage.

• Ooze Traits: Mindless - No Int score and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects); Blind (but has the Blindsight ability) – with immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight; Not subject to critical hits

Swarm of Scrubbing Bubbles

CR: 3    

N Fine Ooze (Swarm)

HD: 6d10 (30 hp)

Init: +3

Spd: 20’, climb 20’

AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +8 size); t: 21; ff: 18

BAB +4; Grap - -

Attacks: Swarm: 2d6 acid

SA: Acid; Distract

SQ: Ooze Traits; Swarm Traits

Saves: Fort +0     Ref +3     Will -5

Str: 1 (-5)     Dex: 16 (+3)     Con: 11 (+0)     Int: - -     Wis: 1 (-5)     Cha: 2 (-4)

Languages: None

Skills: - -

Feats: Weapon Finesse(b);

• Distract (Ex): Any living creature vulnerable to a swarm’s damage that begins its turn within a swarm is nauseated for 1 round (Fort DC13 negates).  Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires a Concentration check (DC20 + spell level).

• Swarm Traits: Swarms are made of hundreds or thousands of individual creatures.  It has no clear front or back and no discernable anatomy, so it is not subject to critical hits or flanking.  A swarm composed of Fine creatures is immune to all weapon damage.  Swarms are never staggered or reduced to a dying state by damage (however, they do disperse when reduced to 0 hp).  Also, they cannot be grappled, tripped, bull rushed and they cannot grapple an opponent.

            A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (includes single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects) if the swarm has an Intelligence score and a hive mind.  A swarm takes an additional 50% damage from spells or effects that affect any area such as splash weapons and many Evocation spells.

            Swarms made up of Fine creatures are susceptible to high winds and wind effects created by a Gust of Wind spell (suffering 1d6 points of nonlethal damage to a swarm per spell level).
            Swarms automatically deal damage to any creatures in the area they occupy.  They do not make attacks of opportunity against creatures entering the area but they do distract foes whose area they occupy.

*Scrubbing Bubbles are trademarks of S.C. Johnson & Son.  No infringement is intended.


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