Day Four of the Odinsleep (Ægir Intervenes)

Day Four of the Odinsleep (5pm)

Korbin flits around the pool outside of the Norns’ shack, flying from tree to tree, adjusting to the difference in his size.  Hugin and Munin emerge from the open window and take up residence on a stout branch, watching their new brother’s antics.

The Norns slowly file out of their front door and make their way to the water’s edge.  The crone enters the pool first, clucking to the swan and bidding it to swim toward her.  The Mother and Maiden slip into the water as well.  The three surround the white-feathered bird and join hands.

Hugin looks to Munin and squawks, “I think it is time to take our leave.”

Munin nods in agreement, “I remember.  We have somewhere else to be.  Kaniŋ, will you be returning to the battlefield with us?”
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Niklas falls back toward the main party, trying to put some room between himself and the massive giants.

Idunn scowls at the two Jotun.  Much like she did against the Svartalfar, she draws herself up to her full height and opens herself to the divine power within her body.  The two giants come to a stop, momentarily unsure of themselves before she vanishes in a puff of smoke.  She reappears in midair above the head of the nearest one and cracks him in the back of the neck with her shepherd’s crook.  The Jotun’s head rocks forward from the force of the unexpected blow and he staggers forward as she lands lightly on her feet beside him.

Arthur yells, Niklas, back away from there!”  The paladin rushes forward, heedless of the danger, “Drax, Kysek!  I’m going to need your help!”  Everyone else, get the goddess back!”  As the holy warrior closes on the Jotun, ready to die if need be, he prays to his god, “May Malazzarr protect us in our time of need.”  As the paladin races in to engage the nearest giant, the Jotun swings his axe low along the wall, striking sparks as the blade skips along the stone.  The massive head slams into Arthur, knocking the wind from his lungs and nearly sweeping him off of the wall itself.

Drax moves swiftly, racing along the edge of the parapet, reaching the far side of the first Jotun in moments.  He smiles as he thinks about how many of his brethren will never be able to say that they fought alongside gods, let alone used one to distract a foe so they could land a telling strike.  While the giant turns its attention to the goddess and her wicked staff, the assassin plunges his blade into the Jotun's calf, carving away a thick swath of flesh.

Grotto grabs the spell-storing axe from its harness on his back.  He grabs it with both hands and moves to the edge of the wall, waiting for the next giant to stick its head up where he can reach…

Kysek calls out “Каменная кожа” and casts Stoneskin upon himself.  The elf then turns the gemstone on his ring once more, vanishing from view.  He begins making his way around to the rear of the first two Jotun to crest the wall.

Cedron, knowing he must remain alive to heal the others prayers to his god and his body shimmers for a second.  To those watching it looks like he has moved a few feet to the right even though his feet remain in the same place they were before.  The minstrel-priest reaches into the pouch at his belt, pulling forth a small, brown ball of fur and tosses it on the ground.  The brown fur quickly changes color, becoming a mixture of black and orange and grows, expanding into the shape of a massive feline.  The tiger roars its challenge at the Jotun and looks toward it summoner, awaiting his command.

Desmond reaches the space Idunn just vacated and turns, seeing that she has thrown herself into the fray.

Morn coils his whip and raises his voice, drawing on stories he heard the night before.  The bard speaks of heroes who fought desperate battles against incredible odds.  His voice climbs and falls, changing tempo and pitch, exhorting his allies to acts of bravery far beyond what could be asked of any man or god.  His words rouse the spirit, inspiring the adventurers to fight harder in the face of this overwhelming evil and stand their ground to the last man.

Ra’ziir releases Hansuke as he reaches the wall.  The bladesinger pulls up short, hovering just beyond the reach of the Jotun’s axes and chants the words, “Acidum concreuerit orbis”.   A green sphere appears in his hand, smaller across than the width of his palm.  He hurls the conjured globe at the wounded Jotun and its streaks through the air, slamming into the center of the giant’s chest.  The noxious ball sinks into the giant’s flesh, burning through the giant’s furs, flesh, and muscle as it eats its way into the titanic foe’s body.

Hansuke lands atop the wall and lets his momentum carry him forward into a somersault.  The tattooed monk leaps into the air and drives his heel into the wounded giant’s shin.  The monk lands beside Arthur and stares up at the injured behemoth and takes a deep breath, ready to fight on for as long as his body will sustain him.

The injured Jotun ignores the ball of acid seeping into his chest and snarls at the defenders of Asgard surrounding him.  The giant spins in a complete loop, sweeping his axe along the ground once more, trying to hit as many of the foes surrounding him as possible.  Idunn easily sidesteps the blow and Drax throws himself flat but Arthur and Hansuke are both struck with bone-crushing force.  The paladin and monk are nearly swept off of the wall but strike the crenellations and come to a stop before they can pitch over the side.

The other Jotun crosses the wall and drops down inside of the orchard.  It raises is mighty axe and chops mightily into the first large apple tree it reaches.
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The two Jotuns who formed a bridge over Idunn’s barrier of thorns rise to their feet while the other pair makes short work of the remaining Einherjar at the base of the wall.
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Shadow launches a flurry of stabs and thrusts at the wyrm.  Swiftwind and the Nasty Surprise poke holes in the lindwyrm’s defenses, seeking out the spaces between the thick layers of scales to gouge the flesh beneath.  The drow’s summoned Water Elemental pounds the dragon with the unrelenting force of waves crashing against the shore.  The sheer weight of each blow cracks scales and smashes bones.  Finally the elemental grabs the lower jaw of the dragon with both of its “hands” and twists, snapping the wyrm’s neck with a grim finality.

Raven begins paddling toward the shoreline.  He hears Ra’ziir’s mental warning that a squad of Jotuns have reached the wall and replies that he and Shadow will be there as quickly as they can once this last dragon is dispatched.

Ægir looks at Raven as the elf swims ashore and laughs, “You are either the bravest or stupidest pair of mortals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.”  The sea god turns, looking back at the wall, “I can see that your comrades need help.  I shall repay the favor you have done me with one of my own.”  The god raises his right hand, turning his wrist in a circle.  A massive waterspout rises from the fjord, towering hundreds of feet in height.  The god bends his wrist and the column of raging water bends, reaching for one of the Jotun at the base of the wall.  Ægir’s fist snaps shut and the giant is seized by the water and hauled into the air, spinning and twisting in the grip of the god.  Ægir laughs and pulls his arm back and the waterspout and its captured giant vanish beneath the waves.
= = = = = =
• Haste – all except Korbin and Raven (7 rounds remaining)
• Inspire Courage +2 – all except Korbin, Raven, and Shadow (as long as Morn speaks plus 5 rounds, +2 hit/dmg/save vs fear and charm)

• Arthur: 51% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 90% health; True Seeing  (9 minutes, 9 rounds remaining); Displacement (11 rounds remaining); Tiger from the Bag of Tricks (100% health, 10 minutes, 0 rounds remaining)
• Desmond: 94% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Greater Invisibility (4 rounds)
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Hansuke: 62% health;
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Stoneskin (100%, 100 minutes, 0 rounds remaining)
• Morn: 100% health;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 94% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; Fly (16 minutes, 2 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 100% health; Overland Flight (16 hours, 59 minutes, 0 rounds remaining), Stoneskin (100%, 169 minutes, 6 rounds remaining), Monster Summoning VIII (14 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health


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